
The number of viewers of the Spring Festival Gala on Shanghai Satellite TV increased rapidly.

Who is Li Bai?

mad Men!

"Laughing in the sky and going out, I am a Penghao people."

"Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles without leaving."

"The immortal touches my top and bears longevity."

Later generations called it "Poetry Immortal".

He is known for his drinking and heroism.His poems, using rock and rap, can really embody the "crazy" and "proud" in them vividly.

Shanghai Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala saw the rapid increase in data, knowing that Wu Long was invited for 300 million, it was worth it!

On the night of the first day of the Lunar New Year, Wu Long performed Li Bai's immortality, madness, and heroism vividly, completely bringing Li Bai to life.It makes people seem to see a real Li Bai, who traveled from ancient times.Drinking and singing wildly on stage.

Only this song crushes all the songs and programs of the Spring Festival Gala in the country.Including the Yangshi Spring Festival Gala that did not invite Wu Long, it was overshadowed by Wu Long's "Will Enter the Wine".

Everyone said that if Wu Long had been invited to the Yangshi Spring Festival Gala, this song might have been sung on the Yangshi Spring Festival Gala.

Unfortunately, no if.

This is how "good sound surrounds the ear" commented on this song.

I originally thought that ancient style songs had nothing to do with rock and roll, or even two completely opposite styles.

I used to think that ancient songs should be ancient musical instruments in order to play the charm of ancient styles.

After listening to Brother Long's "Will Enter the Wine", I realized how wrong I was.

No matter how urgent the guqin is played, it does not have the rock style of the electric guitar.

No matter how well the bass drum is played, there is no layer upon layer of rock and roll like the drum kit.

The general in "Will Enter the Wine" reads qiang.It means persuasion.

To drink is to persuade to drink.

Li Bai's persuasion can be described as crazy and heroic.

In his eyes, what is wine like?

The wine is like the water of the Yellow River, is it too much?

If there is not much water in a river, then come to the sea.The Yellow River flows unceasingly eastward to the sea.

Yihai's wine, is it enough?

Therefore, drinking must drink three hundred cups!

Such heroic words can only be expressed by rock and roll.

Especially the rap part, it's absolutely perfect.

Listening to Long Ge's "Will Enter the Wine", people can't help but think of Li Bai. If he came to modern times, he should be a rock star...

After the Spring Festival, the shooting of Legend of the Condor Heroes is coming to an end.In March, go to Merican Country to attend the Hauska Awards Ceremony.

His film still failed to be nominated. Like the Golden Hill Award, he was nominated for the theme song "1492 Conquest of Paradise" from "The Biography of Columbus".

In the end, "1492conquestofparadise" won the award as it wished.Scott chatted with Wu Long about his "Gladiator", thanked Wu Long for his action guidance, and promised to put Wu Long's name on the film.

This time when he came to Merikan Country, Wu Long didn't go back right away.Rocky has been training for a year, it's time to see the results.

The ufc is not something you can sign up for if you want to sign up.

You can also go to the TUF draft, win the championship in the draft, and get a UFC contract.However, because tuf is originally a talent show under ufc, even if you become a champion and get a five-figure contract, you will be subject to many restrictions.

At the same time, participating in TUF will live and train with the head coach who is a UFC star player. In the future, when Rocky wins the championship, part of the credit will be attributed to the head coach, which weakens Wu Long's role.

In addition, there are two other ways, one is of great commercial value.For example, the match between Wu Long and Barrett.One is a former UFC champion, and the other is an action actor known as the Eastern Kung Fu King. The competition between the two has very good commercial value.In this way, Wu Long can also participate in the competition.

Wu Long asked Rocky to choose the most difficult one, with a good record or fame in other competitions.For such fighting stars, UFC will take the initiative to invite them to participate.If you enter the UFC in this way, you will definitely get a better contract.Because of strong strength, it means having the power to bargain.


Including boxing match, wrestling match.There are also small commercial fighting events under UFC.

"Listen, before joining the UFC, you have to participate in frequent competitions, one day of rest, one day of adjustment, one day of competition, and a cycle of three days. Such a small competition, with your current strength, there is no need to worry about not having enough rest. Because, you are Use competition as a substitute for training."

The camera is facing Wu Long and Rocky, filming Wu Long making plans for Rocky.There are reporters and notaries beside them, recording the conversation between the two.

A game is played once every three days, and it takes nine days to play three games in total.

Then there is a week of rest and adjustment, and then four games every three days.

Collect event data and make plans.At the same time, ask Rocky to find his friends and form a trustworthy team of his own.Wu Long told Rocky that the team must be led by him and obey his arrangements.

The Hong Kong Island Golden Fragrance Awards Ceremony began, and Wu Long went to Hong Kong Island to attend the awards ceremony.

As in the case of the Golden Phoenix Awards, he has three films participating this year, which can be described as menacing.

Filmmakers on Hong Kong Island secretly lamented that Hong Kong Island films had gone downhill.Now being robbed by Wu Long, they have lost their little market.

Because "The Mighty Dragon of Fa Hai" was filmed by a mainland film company, as the local Golden Fragrance Award on Hong Kong Island, although it was shortlisted for many awards nominations.But in the case of nominations with "God of Cookery: Gold and Jade Mantang" and "Sweet Honey", the award was awarded to "God of Cookery: Gold and Jade Mantang" or "Sweet Honey".

Wu Long won the Best Actor again, and Zhang Zhulin finally won the Best Actress as she wished.Chen Shibei won Best Supporting Actress and Fang Zhuming won Best Supporting Actor.

The best film was awarded to "Sweet Honey", the best director Wu Long, the best original film song "Sweet Honey"...

Wu Long once again swept the Hong Kong Island Golden Fragrance Awards.

This is Wu Long's two consecutive sweeps of the Golden Fragrance Awards.What about next year's Golden Fragrance Awards?Is it the same?

Although Wu Long has only one film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" released this year, the investment in this film is greater than before.And everyone in the circle knows that Wu Long's movie is aimed at the global market.

If "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" can really achieve good results in the global film market, will the Golden Fragrance Awards dare not award "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"?

I'm afraid that next year's Golden Fragrance Award will still be dominated by Wu Long.

In the country of Merikan, Rocky formed his own team and began to sign up for various competitions that could get results all over the country.

In every game, he can KO opponents.And not in the first game, not in the second game, all in the third game.

This is what Wu Long specially told him.

Although Rocky has the strength, but the experience in the boxing ring is not enough.Even if he was training with Wu Long, he was beaten by Wu Long in various ways for training experience, it would be different.

Because Wu Long can imitate various styles, but it is impossible to imitate everyone's style.

Wu Long let Rocky play in the first two rounds, and he must have focused on defense.Learn other people's offensive and defensive rhythms, see and see through other people's styles, and analyze the differences and similarities with Wu Long's training.So as to absorb and make it their own, enrich their boxing experience.

Joe, who had been staring at Rocky, also followed Rocky.Wherever Rocky goes to play games, he follows and buys.

He asserted that Rocky left with Wu Long, disappeared for a year in Merican Country, and immediately played games when he came back. He must have accepted Wu Long's training.

"I saw through Wu Long's trick." Every time Rocky wins a game, after he wins, he smokes a cigar and says triumphantly to his opponents.

"Wu Long is too good at fighting. If he goes to the boxing ring, the odds will definitely not be as high as this Rocky. Wu Long uses Rocky to harvest money from gamblers, and I will follow behind for profit."

"Haha, I'm the one who makes the most money. I just sent someone to watch Rocky and his mother, and I found such a way to make money."

"So, what should I say? Don't kill people easily, use your brains. Using Wu Long is more valuable than killing him."

"Boss, I also bought it and made a lot of money."

"Boss, me too. I have no vision, but boss you have vision. Follow you, boss, and I will make money!"

"Haha—" Joe and his men laughed together.

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