I'm not just an action star

Chapter 300 Classic Music Criticism, Divine Solution

Young people can't understand the experience and emotions of the previous generation, so they don't understand why their parents like such TV series.

When I didn't watch TV before, I mainly watched movies.

In the past, there was not so much free love, and most of them were parents' matchmaker.Not everyone can find the one they love and feel the love.

The desire for love can only be found in operas.

However, many young people also accept TV dramas like "Legend of the New White Snake".I wanted to complain on the Internet, but after looking at it, I forgot.

Within 10 minutes of "Legend of the New White Snake", there were four songs including the theme song.Moreover, the songs are not the same as the current popular songs, and they are also different from operas.

At first it sounded strange to young people.Listening to it, I got used to it again, and it sounds good.

As the plot unfolds, indulge in the plot of the TV.

After more than 30 minutes, Xu Xian went to pick herbs and sang again.

"Nianhua went for an outing in February,

Fireworks, I went for an outing in February.

hey yo

The scenery is infinite, the youthful heart,

Hey hey hey hey yo.

Fireworks go for an outing in February,

The young man with infinite scenery has a heart.

Time flies and waits for you to feed,

Where can I find such a beautiful family member like a flower?


After I finished singing this song, it was not enough. After I separated from Fa Hai, the plot changed to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and I sang another song:

"Bai Suzhen with a compassionate heart,

Xiaoqing was kept under the knife.

The two became sisters,

Keep your body in Qiu Wang's mansion.

The supernatural powers prosper the mansion,

Mana is boundless to build a garden.

The old house in the abandoned garden has a new look,

Like a dead tree, spring comes again.

hi hi hi hi yo

hi hi hi hi yo

It's like a dead tree and it's spring again..."

Do you think this is over?

No, even when Xu Xian was scolded by his master at the pharmacy, he had to sing a paragraph about the medicine and efficacy of sulfur.

"Sulfur and sulfur are the essence of fire,

Park Nitrate is its enemy.

Mercury Mercury never meets arsenic,

Wolfbane is most afraid of Amitabha monks.

Croton is born with fiery nature, fiery nature,

The most taboo is to lead the cow all the way and go all the way.

Lilac cloves don't meet tulips,

This medicine has different properties, so be careful.


At the end, there is an ending song.

At the end of the first episode, young people discussed and posted online one after another.Middle-aged and elderly people hurriedly posted this good movie on Moments, Amway.He even called the people who were dancing in the square outside to watch.

On the Internet, Wu Long's Weibo, and the official Weibo of "Legend of the New White Snake", many comments flooded in instantly.

"Divine drama!"

"The number one drama in history!"

"Brother Long, what's going on in your head?"

"I counted. In the first episode alone, I sang seven episodes, one theme song, and one ending song. Nine songs!"

"Will you sing the second episode? If you sing, then there are more than nine songs?"

"Why did I only count six episodes?"

"Xu Xian's Picking Herbs is actually two songs with different tunes."

"Please sing!"

"Why don't you play the song?"

The discussion is on the rise, and the second episode begins.Netizens discussing "Legend of the New White Snake" went to watch the drama one after another, and other netizens lamented that it was much quieter in an instant.

Some people were influenced by these people and began to watch this TV series called "Divine Drama".

The second episode, or continue to sing.

Go to the grave in Qingming, sing!

Take a boat together and sing too!Well, this is the ending song.

The two introduce each other and sing!

When the ship arrives at Shibamon, we must leave, sing!

Xu Xianwei expressed that he is single, sing!

Get married, sing!

Bridal chamber festivities, but also to sing!If you don't sing, you won't look like a bridal chamber wedding!

Two episodes a day pass quickly, whether it is middle-aged or elderly audiences, or young people, they all think it is very good.

After reading it, the young people immediately went to Amway and discussed online.

Some were caught by their parents and asked to download songs from the play.Some people also want the theme song or ending song as a ringtone.

Fortunately, after the second episode, the songs sung in the play will be available on Music Cloud.

Immediately, downloads rose at an alarming rate.

Many people just couldn't understand it. Such an old-fashioned song can't keep up with the trend at all. Why is it so popular?

Wu Long's fans are really unreasonable.

Soon, the drama "Legend of the New White Snake" rushed to the top of the hot search.

Many of these songs also rushed to the second place in the hot search.

That night was known as the night of Wu Long's "Legend of the New White Snake"!

"Good Sound Surrounds the Ears" was the first to post music reviews.

"One million nine songs, Brother Long and Feiyun Entertainment have been hanging on for a year before releasing it, it's a kind of marketing to get everyone's appetite full.

Let me explain that some songs in the play are not considered songs in the complete sense that we usually think of, but are called arias.It means a complete singing in opera.

First of all, the opening song is also the theme song "Waiting for a Thousand Years". Many people wonder how such an old-fashioned song can become popular and be loved by young people.

First of all, good songs are the foundation.

Leaving aside the lyrics, the melody has a folk music and classical narrative style.The melody is beautiful and tactful, with twists and turns and twists and turns.

Playing with Guzheng, even if you don’t sing, you can still hear the feelings inside.


Let's talk about the ending song "Crossing Love", which is a duet of male and female voices.The "ahhhhh" at the beginning is really scary.

There is also a long string of "la la la" in the back, which reminds people of the commercial songs "I caught a cold in that corner" and "The couple sitting at the entrance of the alley" that Long Ge once wrote.Oh, and "Once Upon a Time You", there are also such lyrical sighs.

Sometimes the expression of emotion cannot be expressed in words.All words are pale, so there is such a chant and chant.

Brother Long is a master in this area, he can use it just right, and even has the magic effect of finishing touch.

"Crossing Love" is very interestingly written. A man and a woman fall in love at first sight and have a good impression of each other when they meet for the first time.Sitting on the same boat again, fate came.

Think about the first date between a man and a woman in reality. The man does not know how to speak first, so he yells "ahhhh" in his heart.

What do you say?Of course it's the weather.

The most common classic sentence in reality, 'The weather is so nice today', or 'The scenery here is so beautiful'.Similar words, I believe many boys on the first date have said.

Again, the lyrics are such an opener.

It's very down-to-earth, and the sense of substitution is there all at once.

Girls are also bold, express boldly when they are fancy, and meet thousands of miles by fate.

The boy hastened to emphasize that it would be difficult to hold hands if he had no chance to face each other.Very fair colloquial confrontation, which means I want to go one step further.

The girl hurriedly hinted that after ten years of cultivation, the same boat can be crossed.Meaning isn't it obvious what I mean?

The boy said he understood, and he could sleep together after a hundred years of cultivation.It's still a fair colloquial battle.Directly implying that I want to sleep...

The girl agrees, implying the millennium good fortune, yes.In order to express the girl's shyness, two more "呀" were added to show that it was hard to say it.

The boy understands that the white head is concentric in front of his eyes.Then it's settled, we're ready to get married.

The girl was shy, she didn't say the word 'hate', she didn't hate it, she wanted to express her inner joy but didn't dare to be too blatant, so she said 'la la la'.

The boy immediately understood when he saw the girl 'la la la', it's done!He was more excited, so he 'la la la', and 'la la' more.


The comment of "good sound surrounds the ears" immediately aroused the approval of many people, and it was also pushed on the hot search.

The funniest one is "Crossing Love", which was reviewed by "Good Sound Surrounds the Ear", but I have to say that "Good Sound Surrounds the Ear" has a very good review.

On a first date between a man and a woman, as long as it is not a scumbag, a man who can coax girls with a smooth tongue, many people use the weather and scenery as the opening remarks to draw the topic.

In particular, the "ahhhhhhhh" and "lahhhhhhh" explained by "Good Sound Surrounding My Ears" are really divine solutions.

Many netizens replied that they were right about their hearts on the first date. They really shouted a few "ahhh" in their hearts before they had the courage to speak the first words in front of the girl they liked.

As for "la la la", both men and women expressed it.And after meeting eyes during a date, when you are happy, you will really feel "la la la" in your heart.

It turns out that the songs written by Long Ge are so down-to-earth and substituting, and they really integrate the details of life into the songs.

And because of the ordinary electronic music and fast-paced songs nowadays, the song of "Legend of the White Snake" is like a clear stream, which is very special, standing out from it and successfully attracting young people.

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