Everyone on the Internet said that the song "Legend of the New White Snake" is good and very pleasant to listen to.Those who said so-so or bad were quickly submerged in the ocean of praise for these songs.

Jiang Yunpeng looked at these praises, and watched the number of hits and downloads of these songs increase steadily, feeling very uncomfortable.

Once, he brushed shoulders with these songs.

Just because I thought 100 million was a bit much.

No, it's because of Ke Kai, the music production director of the company!

He couldn't insist on buying these songs.

If these songs were used in "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian", there would be no Xing Zhongfei and Feiyun Entertainment, let alone Wu Long writing "The Legend of the New White Snake" to Xing Zhongfei.

If it wasn't because he couldn't find anyone for a while, he would have fired Ke Kai.

Ke Kai didn't dare to make a decision, let him, a boss who doesn't understand music, make a decision, so what's the use of Ke Kai?The position of music production director is to be finalized.Fortunately, Ke Kai, as the hands-off shopkeeper.

Who is the shopkeeper?

No responsibility!

So many people now compare "The Legend of the New White Snake" with "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian", and it is obvious that "Legend of the New White Snake" has a better reputation than "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian"!

The ratings on the day of the premiere surpassed that of "Heroes of Yan Shuangying", and won the top ratings on the day of the premiere!

"The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" is a web drama, which will be played online first.The number of clicks converted into ratings is lower than "Legend of the New White Snake".

You know, the episodes with the most hits in "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" are the time when Fa Hai, played by Wu Long, appeared on the stage.

Now "Legend of the New White Snake" does not have Wu Long in it, and it is actually higher than Wu Long's drama series.

What a shame!

The film review of "Shadows and Sounds" was sent out a little later.

"Legend of the New White Snake written by Brother Long really put a lot of effort into it.

Many people find it fresh or strange, why they started singing again after acting.Is this a musical?

Many people think of Ah San's drama.That one really sings and dances at every turn.

In fact, such dramas were not uncommon at the beginning of our country's film and television.

For example, many classic Huangmei operas have been adapted and filmed into movies and TV shows, which is a combination of singing and singing.

Some words and things in the play are expressed by singing, which is also called aria.

It's just that "Legend of the New White Snake" is not an opera, but a song.

However, the songs written by Brother Long leaned towards opera.

Most of the songs in it contain interjections such as 'ah', 'ya' and 'la' to help express emotions.

In the first episode of the play, Fa Hai appeared.Fahai didn't appear to catch monsters, but he liked Xu Xian, saying that Xu Xian has the roots of wisdom and is a "talent" for becoming a monk.

Shaolin Temple Chanwu Culture Communication Company participated in the investment of this drama, maybe this change has something to do with it?

The actors of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the play are also the actors of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the movie "The Great Mighty Dragon of Fahai".

In the movie, the acting skills of the two are very good.But on TV, although the acting skills are online, it can be clearly felt that it is not as good as the movie.

As we all know, TV dramas and movies are filmed in sets, even the costumes are the same.Some people say that the two of them devoted all their energy to movies.

In my opinion, it should be in the movie that Brother Long brought the two of them into the play, which made the two of them perform exceptionally well.

On the contrary, the actor who played Xu Xian, perhaps without the pressure created by Brother Long in the movie, performed well.When acting opposite Bai Suzhen played by Li Siyi, it was very exciting.

And Bai Suzhen, played by Li Siyi, does not give people the feeling of being old.On the contrary, I feel that the thousand-year-old snake demonized people and fell in love with Xu Xian, which should be a sister-brother relationship.

"The Mighty Dragon of Fahai" is about Fahai, and the story of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian is not detailed.In this drama, the love story of the two is unfolded, and it is not the brainless plot and brainless lines of other costume love web dramas. It really makes people deeply appreciate the love between the thousand-year-old snake spirit and mortals.

If someone who is about the same age as Xu Xian is cast, no matter how you look at it, it will make people feel that Bai Suzhen is too young.There is no soul of the Millennium Snake Demon at all.


Guo Xiaotian lay down behind Liu Yingsheng, resting her chin on Liu Yingsheng's shoulder.Watching Liu Yingsheng finish writing the movie review, he sent it out with the account of "Yingguo Liusheng".

"You said, will Brother Long really come to our wedding the day after tomorrow?"

"He promised to come, and he will come, don't worry."

"He is such a big star, and we don't know each other. Will he really come?"

"Why don't you know each other? We met before."

"That's only because the film reviews you wrote praised him to the sky. He was afraid that you would black him, so he met you."

"I'm already a big fan of Brother Long."

"What about hardcore fans? Have you ever seen any celebrity attend a fan's wedding? What's more, we don't have that much money to invite them."

"How can you think of Brother Long like this? You weren't like this before. Remember, Brother Long is a chivalrous man who practiced martial arts. He has saved people bravely and is a man of his word. If you say it, you will definitely come! Take money, Long Brother is the price drop."

"I don't know why, thinking that we can't meet tomorrow, I feel uncomfortable, and my mind is always cranky. There are many bad thoughts. I am worried that I won't meet tomorrow, and I will receive a message from you the day after tomorrow saying that you won't marry me. , marry another woman."

"You have pre-marital anxiety. There is a good way abroad, which is the pre-marital bachelor party..."

"Stop!" Guo Xiaotian knocked Liu Yingsheng on the head: "You want to take this opportunity to go out and mess around!"

"Hehe, you think I don't know? What kind of shit pre-wedding bachelor party, you guys are just looking for an excuse to go out and mess around!"

Liu Yingsheng laughed and said, "Look, has your IQ returned?"

"How about, let's not abide by these old customs, you don't have to separate from me tomorrow, we can still meet." Liu Yingsheng suggested.

Guo Xiaotian shook her head:

"No! I don't want your family to have an excuse to say about me in the future. "

"Besides, we can't meet each other the day before we get married. I think it's a little bit good. I know that we should cherish our previous relationship and marriage."

On the day of the wedding, Wu Long did not participate in the reception.

The guests at the wedding didn't know that Wu Long would come, because Liu Yingsheng did not disclose that he was "Shadow Recorder".He also specially asked Wu Long not to leak his words, but to reveal his identity as a "shadow player".

These days, if someone knows their identity offline, jealous people will definitely spread rumors and make trouble.

Wu Long understood Liu Yingsheng's concerns and agreed to attend as a friend.He also made a request, but he would not give the gift money.You can take photos with the bride and groom at the wedding and sign the photo.

Liu Yingsheng was of course pleasantly surprised when he heard this. This is more valuable and meaningful than money.

At the wedding, the master of ceremonies presided over all the links and handed over the microphone to Liu Yingsheng.The master of ceremonies didn't know what the time reserved for the wedding was for, but Liu Yingsheng didn't tell him.

"Welcome all relatives, friends, and colleagues to my wedding with Xiaotian. There is still some time before the banquet begins. Xiaotian and I have an important friend coming..."

Wu Long arrived at the hotel a little earlier, but did not get out of the car.He didn't get out of the car until Liu Yingsheng gave him a message.

The two welcoming ladies at the door were wearing purple cheongsams. When they saw a guest coming in, they hurriedly bent over their luggage:


Wu Long smiled and nodded to the two welcoming guests.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"Handsome and masculine, is my type."

"It's also my dish!"

"Wait, I think he looks familiar?"

"Ah, I remembered! He, he, he seems to be Brother Long!"

"Ah!" The welcome guests screamed, supporting each other and turning to look at Wu Long's back.I want to catch up, but I am afraid that if I leave the post, my money will be deducted.

At Liu Yingsheng and Guo Xiaotian's wedding, the guests heard that an important friend was coming, and asked who it was.

If it is not an important person, the groom will definitely not introduce it so solemnly.Obviously, there are a lot of people coming, and they should be the heaviest people tonight.

"My mother, do you know who it is?"

"I don't know, and neither do you?"

"I don't know."

Just as everyone was discussing, a person came in with a swift pace.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"Huh? He seems to be a star!"

"Fuck, isn't this Brother Long?"

"Fuck! It's Brother Long!"

Someone was clever and quickly picked up his mobile phone to take pictures.

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