I'm not just an action star

Chapter 299 Years and Others Chapter 1

"I think I'm sure," Korok said suddenly.

Wu Long's action design sounds good.At least he doesn't have to play very aggrieved like the previous action director designed.Wu Long is right, the previous protagonist did not win by strength at all, but by luck.It depends on the luck arranged by the screenwriter and director, otherwise you can't win the opponent.

Fall to the ground, pick up the opponent's ax and chop the opponent's foot.This kind of victory makes me feel ashamed when I say it.

Besides, even if the sword went out, even if it made a mistake, it wasn't him who was hurt.no problem.

The actor who played his opponent took a look at Korok and cursed at Korok in his heart!

Just now you might be injured, so I strongly opposed it.The injury has nothing to do with you now, so you just say yes, no problem.


This is the difference between a leading actor and an ordinary actor!

The opponent quickly fought for himself: "It is indeed dangerous."

If the director didn't say it was dangerous, he wouldn't have said it.Scott helped him to say that it was dangerous, and he must express his attitude.

"I saw the picture on the storyboard, why not add a wide leather armor around his waist, so that even if he is stabbed, he will not be easily injured." Wu Long suggested.

Scott immediately agreed.

Next, Wu Long helped Scott improve other fights.There are not too many fancy and complicated movements, they are all fighting for life and death in the arena.

It's just that Wu Long wants to change it to be more powerful and violent.It has been changed to better show the cruelty of the arena, and it is more logical for the protagonist to win.Make the shot more intense and exciting, and arouse the emotions of the audience.

After designing the movements, I stayed for more than ten days to see that Korok and the others practiced similarly.Wu Long wanted to take Fang Zhuming away.

He took the money from the martial arts consultant, not from the action director or martial arts instructor.No need to spend so much time here.Just be worthy of the reward.

If Scott doesn't like his suggestion, Scott will also let Wu Long leave.

Business cooperation is so realistic.

Even if Wu Long has the strength, if Scott doesn't need Wu Long's things, no matter how strong he is, it's useless.

For another person, Scott would treat him the same way.There is no question of targeting Wu Long or looking down on Wu Long.There are still a lot of issues to be resolved for Scott to make this film.Time is also very tight for Scott.

Scott did not let Wu Long go, he must wait for him to finish shooting the fighting scenes in the arena.

He offered to add money.

Wu Long had no choice but to stay for the sake of his friends.

In fact, for him, this amount of money is really not much.

What he wants to earn is fame and fame.

Back in the imperial capital coincided with the broadcast of "Legend of the New White Snake".

At the beginning, there was a lot of speculation about 100 songs, what happened?

Is the script written by Wu Long good or not?

At least, "The Heroes of Swallows and Eagles" written by Wu Long has become a hit, and its current ratings are at the top of this year's list.The second round of playback has been sold, not only to recover the investment, but also to make a fortune.

Because of "The Hero of Yan Shuangying" Zhu Yu was in front, the first round of exclusive broadcast rights of "Legend of the New White Snake" was sold at a high price and was won by Shanghai Satellite TV.

Although there is no Wu Long participating, everyone now thinks that Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er are Wu Long's key female stars.Just for this, plus Wu Long's script, and the nine songs that Wu Long dared to sell for 100 million, it is worth buying.

Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er are not only the White Snake and Xiaoqing in "Legend of the New White Snake", but also the White Snake and Xiaoqing in "The Great Powerful Dragon of Fahai".

The performance of the two in the movie is very good, I believe that the performance in "Legend of the New White Snake" is still excellent.

Only by selling the first round, Xing Zhongfei will make a profit.He is so happy that he talks to everyone, it all depends on Wu Long.

Many netizens complained that "Legend of the New White Snake" was not broadcast on the Internet.

But what can I do, I can only watch TV obediently.

Fighting over the TV remote with your parents?

unnecessary.Just tell your parents that this is a script written by Kung Fu King Wu Long.The very popular "Heroes of Swallows and Eagles" was written by Wu Long.The parents immediately agreed to see it first.

In many families, there are different versions of the drama staged.

"Mom, I'll wash the dishes tonight." The daughter suddenly became obedient, which made the mother uncomfortable.

"What else do you want to buy? Let me tell you, this month's pocket money has already been given to you!"

"Mom, look at what you said, I can't be sensible anymore?"

"Ha ha."

The daughter immediately came out to get the remote control after washing the dishes.

"What are you doing with the remote control? You can't surf the Internet without swiping your phone?"

"Mom, let's watch Shanghai Satellite TV, there is a new drama tonight."

"No, the drama I'm chasing is an important one tonight." The mother suddenly realized. "So that's what you wash the dishes for!"

"Mom, what are you talking about? I see you have worked hard, so I will share it with you." The daughter put her arms around her mother. "Mom, let me tell you, this new drama is "Legend of the New White Snake". It's very good."

"You know it looks good without seeing it? Don't look at it. I don't know how many times I have seen this white snake."

"It's different this time. It's a script written by Kung Fu King Wu Long. In it, he wrote nine songs worth 100 million yuan!"

Mother is not calm.

"What? Nine songs sold 100 million? What kind of song is this? Can it sing Potian?"

"Also, the "Heroes of Swallows and Eagles" you watched last time was also written by him."

"What did I watch last time. You also washed the dishes last time, and then you read it yourself."

"Didn't you and Dad say it looks good? Let's take a look first, and if it doesn't look good, change the channel you watch."

"Okay, you said it yourself. Don't make trouble when I change the channel later!"

"It's started, it's started!"

TV on!

"Dengdengdengdada, dengdengdengdada..." The music sounded, and a white snake flew in the sky.

"Hey! Ha! Hey!"

"Hey drink!"

When the daughter and mother heard such music, their eyes widened.

What an amazing song!

Such doubts are staged by audiences all over the country waiting to watch "Legend of the New White Snake" on Shanghai Satellite TV.

I have never heard such a style of song and melody.

"Wait once in a thousand years,

Wait a while!

Wait a thousand years,

I have no regrets!

who whispered in the ear,

Love me never changes.

Just for this sentence, ah——

Heartbroken and no complaints.

rain heartbreak,

The wind sheds tears.

lingering dream,

Love is far away.

the water of West Lake,

my tears,

I would like to be a flame with you,




The daughter exclaimed: "My God, what kind of fairy song did Brother Long write! It sounds good, but it doesn't sound good. It doesn't sound good, it's not. It feels weird."

"Shut up, let me listen to the song! You young people don't understand this kind of song!" The mother blamed her daughter.

The daughter looked at her mother in bewilderment, is it really nice?

Is this a generation gap?

The daughter continued to listen.Listening to it, I feel that the lyrics are actually beautifully written!

Wait once in a thousand years, write absolutely love, is there any!

Such a situation was staged in families watching "Legend of the New White Snake" all over the country.

Especially the three "ah" arias, which sang Bai Suzhen's elegancy, because love doesn't understand everything.

Before the audience had time to savor the song carefully, the opening credits had passed and the song had officially begun.

At the beginning, I will talk about the causes and conditions of 700 years ago, and then 700 years have passed, and Bai Suzhen's transformation into form.

She flew to the world, and when passing by Mount Emei, she met people who went to the mountain to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva.

At this time, he sang again!

The audience was shocked. It was only 7 minutes into the broadcast, and they sang again?

Do you want to imitate Ah San's singing and dancing drama?

"Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara,

Emei Jinding Jinjin,

Devoted men and women come to worship,

Cihang Pudu is a predestined person. "

Bai Suzhen knelt down and bowed, and Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared, only Bai Suzhen could see it.



Double lick again!


In the play, Bai Suzhen even used singing to tell her wish to Guanyin Bodhisattva!

"Bai Suzhen under the city,

This body has been cultivated in the cave for thousands of years.


Practice hard to gain the Tao,

Transform into a human being.


Focus on the Tao without distracting thoughts,

Take refuge in the Three Jewels and abandon the world of mortals.


I hope that the Bodhisattva will enlighten me,

Take me Suzhen out of the mortal world.

hi hi hi hi yo

Hi hi hi hi yo..."

My daughter was a little speechless. In less than 10 minutes, she sang three songs including the theme song.Nine songs, enough to sing?

And he also sang "Hey, Hey, Hey", it's over, it's so brainwashing, and he can talk about it before he knows it.

However, it's not over yet!

That's right!

It's not over yet!

This "Legend of the New White Snake", which subverts the cognition of young people, was sung by Guanyin Bodhisattva when Bai Suzhen finished singing and repaying her kindness somehow!

"March [-]rd is Qingming,

During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains.

Destined to meet for thousands of miles,

You have to go to the high place of West Lake to find it. "

The daughter suddenly laughed and rolled on the sofa laughing.This play is so funny, it sings more than Ah San's singing and dancing drama.

As a result, she was blindsided by her father.She was also slapped twice by her mother and scolded her.

"Don't bother me listening to music!"

"Mom, can you watch this kind of drama?"

"What do you know? This is a kind of drama unique to our era, called opera TV drama. Especially the Huangmei Opera TV drama, which is performed in the form of singing."

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