I'm not just an action star

Chapter 298 I'm going to take this shot, it must be an action long shot

"Korok, is it okay to follow the dragon's actions?" Scott asked.

Korok felt an urge to try.Although he is afraid of death, he is afraid that dangerous actions will cause great harm to himself.But he is not afraid of minor injuries.

The actions of Wu Long and Fang Zhuming before were too dangerous.If you really want to be accidentally injured, it will be seriously injured or even disfigured.He relies on his face for food, disfiguring him would be worse than letting him die.

Now these actions are nothing more than moving the shield quickly.Even if the shield is not moved properly, the opponent's axes and swords will not be able to hit him, but will only hit the edge of the shield.

"It should be possible to try." He did not dare to say death.

Scott asked his opponent again.

"is it okay?"

The opponent nods.

Isn't it just shouting "left and right"?no problem.

Isn't it just to work harder and faster?

No problem.

Physically speaking, he is stronger and stronger than Korok.

"Why don't you two try it first?" Scott was anxious to see the result.

If the effect is good, let Wu Long continue to talk and refer to it.

If the effect is not good, then... let Wu Long continue talking, but...

Scott is very realistic, everything for his film.Others will not look at him for anything else, but only to see whether the movies he made are good or not.No one cares about the process of filming in the middle.

Korok and his opponent agreed, and they each took back their weapons.

"The one who shouts will attack in the opposite direction. The one who dodges will dodge in the direction of the shout." Wu Long told them.

According to Wu Long, the two practiced in slow motion first, allowing the body and brain to form memory and conditioned reflexes.

The duo tried a few times at a slower pace, then started at normal speed, and finally picked up speed and power.

clang clang clang clang!

With each impact, Korok's shield vibrated.The power from the shield made Korok feel his body trembling.

Suddenly, I felt that this was the excitement of fighting.The battle that makes a man's blood boil, completely stimulates the hidden savagery in his body.

The previous actions were all acting, which couldn't make people feel immersive at all.

Before, it was acting.

At this moment, the blood of a man surged in his blood.It feels like being beaten back continuously, he is the protagonist!

Unwillingness began to call and growl.

Call back!

Call back!

Just when his bloodiness was stimulated by the opponent's seemingly real onslaught, the opponent stopped attacking.

Five consecutive slashes, Wu Long and Fang Zhuming's demonstration just now ended here, so the opponents also ended here.

Korok felt that the fire he had just been stirred up was quickly extinguished.

For some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Scott applauds:

"Very good, very good, this is the feeling I want!"

"Korok, I can see that your emotions just now are up. You acted better and more real than before. Before you were just acting, you were acting. Just now you are completely integrated into the role, and you feel like you are a real actor. Gladiator!"

Korok was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't say it, he could only smile mysteriously.

"Long, how do you design the next action?" Scott looked at Wu Long expectantly.

Other fighting experts, wrestling experts, action directors, etc. also waited curiously for Wu Long to tell the action he designed.

Only the soldiers attack experts, the feeling is not very good.

"A sword is different from a knife. The main lethality of a knife is chopping, and the lethality of a sword is more stabbing. Unless it hits the neck with a knife, it is difficult to seriously injure it. But stabbing is different. The wound caused by stabbing is more powerful than chopping Deeper, more destructive."

"Especially sword and shield soldiers, because they have to keep their shields in front of them for defense at all times, and their attack methods are more likely to use stabbing rather than cutting."

Wu Long was demonstrating.Holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, he makes a chopping motion.

"In many cases, the range of movement of the arm needs to be very large. The shield is in front, which will definitely hinder the slashing action. Therefore, in actual combat, most of the shields will be removed when slashing. To form an opponent's attack, use the shield to block. Attack the opponent , remove the shield."

"However, removing the shield often gives the opponent room to attack."

"Switched to thorns, even if the shield needs to be moved, it doesn't need to be moved too much. What's more, Korok's opponent doesn't have a shield, and his counterattack can be said to be very easy."

"Since the gladiator he plays is a king, after resisting the initial sneak attack, he should stabilize and form a counterattack. Instead of acting like a weakling and winning by luck. Between the two, the feelings brought to the audience must be are different."

"After being slashed for the fifth time, Korok suddenly thrust out a sword, preventing the opponent from continuing to attack and not allowing himself to retreat."

Wu Long asked Fang Zhuming to get the opponent's ax and sword, but he still used his own set of sword and shield.The two demonstrated again.

He made a slow motion, held up the shield to block Zhu Ming's ax below, stretched out his right hand, and slowly stabbed the outside of Fang Zhuming's left waist with his sword.

"At this time, the opponent was holding the sword in his left hand and was about to strike out. Seeing the sword stabbed by Kolok, he twisted his waist and kicked out his right foot. His right foot kicked Kolok's shield, because Kolok stabbed the sword and was weak in defense. Kicked back."

"Seeing this, the opponent stepped forward and jumped up. The sword and ax slashed at Kolok at the same time. Kolok hurriedly raised his shield to block, and was knocked down to the ground by the force."

"When Korok stabs the sword, the camera moves to the right of Korok. When the opponent kicks Korok's shield, the camera is elevated above the opponent. When the opponent jumps up and strikes with a sword and an ax at the same time, the camera looks down. "

Following Wu Long's explanation, Scott circled to Wu Long's right side according to Wu Long's design.Then come to the left side of Fang Zhuming.

According to what Wu Long said, Fang Zhuming twisted his waist and kicked out his right foot, which hit Wu Long's shield.

Because he twisted his waist, Wu Long's sword passed by his waist and failed to stab him.What Wu Long did was in slow motion. Even if he hadn't cooperated in advance, with Fang Zhuming's experience, he could understand the movements Wu Long said and do them properly.

Wu Long was kicked to the shield and retreated.

Fang Zhuming jumped up as soon as he landed on his right foot, raised his sword and ax with both hands, and slashed at Wu Long's head with all his strength.

Wu Long's footsteps were unsteady, and he barely raised his shield to cover his head.

clang clang!

Both the sword and the ax hit the shield, and Wu Long fell to the ground due to the impact of force.

Here is Scott's original storyboard arrangement, the floor will be pulled open, and a tiger will run out.

"Good!" Scott applauded.

Fang Zhuming jumped up and slashed with the sword and the ax at the same time, which looked very fierce. This was the real duel in the arena.

As for the original design, in fact, the protagonist played by Korok fell inexplicably, and the camera did not explain anything.It can even make people think that the protagonist fell down by himself.

Now after Wu Long's design, the logic comes out.

And it's a long shot of action, with a sudden kick of sand from an opponent that shocks the audience.Then the opponent attacked violently, making the audience worry for the protagonist.

Then the camera went around behind the protagonist, came to the right side of the protagonist, and shot the protagonist stabbing the sword, making the audience think that the turning point is coming, and the protagonist will definitely hurt the opponent.

As a result, the opponent not only dodged cleverly, but also kicked the protagonist's shield to fight back.

This is another reversal!

Another overhead shot of the main character was slashed and fell down, putting the main character in danger.

When everyone thinks that the danger comes from the opponent.

Another one suddenly shocked the audience, the floor opened and a tiger jumped out!

When the tiger comes out, you can cut a shot to form a pseudo-long shot, which is even better.

Scott remembered Wu Long's "Shaolin Bodyguard" also has such a classic scene.

The camera circles around the pillar and captures the killer behind it.But Wu Long didn't know, just when everyone thought the killer behind the pillar was going to attack Wu Long, the camera zoomed in on Wu Long, but the other two killers appeared first from different directions.

With this long shot, the protagonist is placed in many dangers to the fullest.The audience watched nervously and excitingly, one after another even made people forget to breathe.

A long shot ensures the continuity of the audience's perspective and substitution, and tries to give the audience the feeling of entering the movie world as much as possible.

Great design!

Winning the Golden Hill Award and the Hauska Award for Best Foreign Language Film is not because of taking care of Wu Long and Shaolin Temple, but "Shaolin Bodyguard" really deserves this award.

"However, it is still very dangerous for you to stab that sword." Scott was still a little worried.

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