I'm not just an action star

Chapter 297 What will happen if you come to shoot

Scott asked Collock and his opponent to go through it while he explained.

"Because I will put tigers in the arena, there will be people who pull the tiger chains on the field. These people came to the field, which made Kolok very puzzled. Kolok's opponent took the opportunity to kick the sand to sneak attack, and then a violent attack knocked Kolok down."

"The floor was pulled open, and a tiger with an iron chain around its neck ran out of it..."

"Where is the camera position? How to shoot the camera?" Wu Long asked.

"The camera is on the back side of Korok's shield, first shoot the opponent for a while and slash. Then cut a shot, behind the opponent's side, and shoot at Korok."

Scott showed Wu Long the storyboard.

After Wu Long looked at it, he said:

"Just now, when the opponent attacked Korok, he felt a little powerful. Because he actually slashed at the shield, so he is not afraid of hurting Korok, right?"

"Combined with the fact that the camera is behind the shield side, the audience can't see that Korok can't be hit at all, right?"

"But in the later part, the camera was behind the opponent, and Korok was also photographed fighting back. I saw that Korok swung his sword, and he didn't feel strong. It's not even as good as a street fight. Women are more powerful than him, little The child is about the same."

"Also, there is also a problem with the design of this action. Korok fights back, and the sword is obviously not attacking the opponent, but the opponent's sword."

Bing experts immediately defended:

"Korok didn't fight back, he just blocked the opponent's sword with his sword. During the whole process, Korok was under attack because he was attacked by the sand, and he was unable to fight back. Until he fell, the tiger came out."

"Is that so?" Wu Long shrugged. "I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I think some viewers may have such a misunderstanding."

"If you were to design it, how would you design it? It shouldn't be so dangerous." Scott asked Wu Long.

Wu Long thought for a while and replied:

"The previous one is fierce. In fact, when I demonstrated just now, I even used this method to slash my assistant three times. It was thrilling to slash, but it is actually not dangerous, because I slashed on the shield."

"Then, in my design, the protagonist should fight back. Even if he is at a disadvantage for a while, he can fight back. Otherwise, I would think that the protagonist can win, but he is lucky. It is the director and screenwriter's arrangement that the protagonist can fight back." win."

"Look at these designs, the protagonist is always retreating and being attacked. If you are lucky, you will avoid the tiger attack. If you are lucky, you will pick up an ax and cut the opponent's foot."

"Such a protagonist is the king in the arena?"

"No, he's just the lucky guy."

"The protagonist should be tied with the opponent. This tie is because there is a tiger threatening him. If there is no tiger threatening him, he will win his opponent. Even if his opponent sneaks up on him first."

Scott looked down for a moment.

"Please be more specific."

Wu Long walked to the position before Korok started to do it.

"From the start of the fight until the tiger comes out, you can actually use a long shot."

"Looking at your storyboard, there are several shots interspersed. The people pulling the iron chain came out, and Korok looked at these people suspiciously, wanting to know what they were doing. When Korok turned his head back to look at the opponent, the storyboard gave the opponent kicking sand. A close-up of it. Then there's a shot of sand being thrown at Korok, and the opponent attacks."

Scott nodded, indicating that Wu Long was right, that's all.

Wu Long went on to say:

"If it were me, I didn't shoot like this here. Because you shoot like this, the audience will know that it is a sneak attack after watching it, and it is not sudden at all. My appeal here is only one, highlighting a sudden, and giving the audience a shock."

"In the front, the people pulling the iron chain pull up the iron chain, and then the camera is here. On the right side of the screen is Korok, and on the left is the opponent. The distant shot between the two is those people pulling the iron chain, and Korok turned his head to look at them. Then Turning to look at the opponent, at this moment, the opponent suddenly kicked the sand towards Korok, and Korok was forced to avoid the sand."

"The main character is Korok, so the audience's attention is all on Korok's head-turning movement. Korok turned his head, but the opponent took advantage of Korok's inattention and suddenly kicked sand, which was beyond the audience's expectation. The audience will feel very uncomfortable. Suddenly, I was startled, as if I had been kicked by sand. Even if this is not the shot where the sand is kicked from the front, I will be startled by this sudden and threatening action."

"Because the whole shot is continuous and not edited, the suddenness is stronger than what you edited. It's like the audience is watching cars driving on the street, and one of them swerves, or it's about to hit other cars, or it's about to hit Pedestrians on the side of the road will definitely attract screams from the audience."

Scott went through the formation picture Wu Long said in his mind, and felt that it was indeed as Wu Long said, and the effect was better than his.

His edited shot of kicking sand from the front made the audience subconsciously think it was a sneak attack when they saw the sand kicking.But according to Wu Long's filming, the audience was frightened by the sneak attack while watching.

These are two completely different feelings.Wu Long's filming method undoubtedly made the audience scream even more.

"Your suggestion is good, I will consider it."

Collock objected.

"However, if I do this, sand will fly into my eyes!"

Wu Long asked Scott: "Will this set of shots be picked up live? Will it be dubbed later?"

"Dubbing later." Scott said.

"That's easy." Wu Long asked Fang Zhuming to come over and demonstrate. "Korok holds the shield at an angle, and the shield is here. The sand flies up, and theoretically it will hit the shield. The range blocked by the shield is exactly the range of Korok's head."

"While the opponent kicked the sand, he yelled 'kick the sand'. When Korok heard it, he subconsciously avoided the sand."

Scott nodded in understanding.

"The camera moves around behind Korok. It shoots from the side of Korok's head, and the opponent comes up with a fierce attack."

"I think the opponent can hit harder. He yelled left, meaning that Korok's shield moved a little to the left. The weapon that hit the edge of Korok's shield hit the center of the shield. He yelled right, and Korok moved to the left." Move the shield to the right. The opponent's weapon hits the center of the shield. The later dubbing can be dubbed as the opponent's roar."

"You stand behind me now and see the effect of my demonstration."

"Zhu Ming, let's use a trick, left and right, left and right."

Fang Zhuming reached out to Korok's opponent in the past, and the opponent gave Fang Zhuming the weapon.Fang Zhuming danced a few times to find his senses, and when he saw Scott walking behind Wu Long, he suddenly swung his weapon.


Wu Long heard the shout, and the shield that was originally in the middle moved to the left immediately.


The ax in Fang Zhuming's hand hit the shield.


Wu Long heard the shout, and the shield that was originally on the left immediately moved to the right.


Repeat this, finish the fifth attack, and stop.

Wu Long turned his head.

"Did you see it, does it feel a little faster and more powerful?"

"The momentum and tension of the opponent's attack are highlighted?"

Scott nodded, and then said: "Korok's opponent wears a mask and helmet, and he can't see him opening his mouth, so he doesn't need to dub."

"But, since you already know it's left, right, left, right, why are you shouting?"

Korok, the action director, and the others didn't understand this point either.

"Because it's the mastery of the rhythm. It's like stepping on the rhythm of the music, stepping on the beat when dancing."

"The opponent yells at the same time as the shot. Korok will be slower to react after hearing it. But because the opponent's attack has a certain distance, he still has time to move his shield to block it."

"This delay, in the eyes of the audience, is that Korok sees the direction of the opponent's sword and reacts to defend, and uses the shield to block it. The logic is there, and the shout also reminds Korok so that he will not make mistakes."

After listening to Wu Long's explanation, Scott and others suddenly realized.

Reminiscent of what Wu Long said about Kolok's counterattack, in fact, the action arranged by the soldier strike expert is not to counterattack, but to block.He seemed to understand something.

"Long, just now you misunderstood that Kolok was counterattacking, but in fact he was blocking the opponent's sword. It was because Kolok's shot was earlier than his opponent's, or both of them shot their swords at the same time, that gave you this illusion, right? "

Wu Long nodded.

"That's right. Logically, the first attack is the attack. The rhythm of the two must be right. If the rhythm is not right, there will be a problem with the internal logic. Of course, if your camera cuts quickly, the audience may not be able to see it."

Scott smiled awkwardly.

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