I'm not just an action star

Chapter 296 Too Dangerous

On the way here, Wu Long told Fang Zhuming that if the two demonstrated sword and shield soldiers fighting, they would definitely not be able to completely copy the fighting in "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade".

Because in that movie, there was a pillar behind.There are no pillars in the arena, so Wu Long doesn't have to jump up.

And like this kind of somersault attack and defensive moves around the back, there are too many traces of Chinese kung fu.

When the two were waiting for the plane, and when they were resting in the hotel, they both used tricks.

At this point, it was Wu Long who attacked, and Fang Zhuming retreated.This is called back and forth.

According to the pre-determined routine, after Wu Long blocked Zhu Ming's sword with his shield, he immediately raised his foot and kicked Fang Zhuming's shield, kicking Fang Zhuming back.

Fang Zhuming just took a step back and stabilized his center of gravity.

Wu Long started to fight back.There are no moves in this counterattack, it is left and right diagonal chops, three moves in a row.

Seeing Wu Long's sword slashing down hard, Fang Zhuming blocked it to the left with his shield.


Wu Long took advantage of the strength of the sword being rebounded, turned his wrist along with the trend, and the sword changed direction when it was retracted in the air, and slashed diagonally from Fang Zhuming's other side from top to bottom.

Fang Zhuming stepped back quickly, and at the same time moved his shield to block again.


Wu Long's sword was rebounded, and it was the same movement again. With a twist of his wrist, the sword changed from the direction Fang Zhuming was slashed for the first time.

Fang Zhuming had no choice but to retreat again, moving his shield to block.


This time Wu Long counterattacked quickly and fiercely.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The three strikes in a row were even more violent than Fang Zhuming's attack just now, and there was no intention of stopping at all.

Those who didn't know, thought Wu Long was going to kill Fang Zhuming.

Seeing that Scott, Korok, and those action directors, fighting experts, and combat experts were so nervous that they were short of breath.

Too thrilling!

Hit too fast!

Back and forth, less than two seconds.

The two returned to where they were just now.

Just when Wu Long was about to strike the fourth sword, Fang Zhuming lay down on his right side and turned over on his side. The sword in his hand swung from under Wu Long's shield towards Wu Long's feet.

Everyone exclaimed when they saw it.



It's not slow speed, it's real speed.

Wu Long retracted his legs and took a step back to avoid Fang Zhuming's sword.When he was about to attack Fang Zhuming, Fang Zhuming jumped forward after landing and pushed his shield towards Wu Long.Wu Long pushed forward with the shield, and the two shields collided.


Both sides retreated, and stepped forward at the same time, holding up the shield, the sword pierced above the shield, and stabbed hard at the opponent's head.

The watching crowd exclaimed again.


"My God!"


Wu Long and Fang Zhuming turned their heads to one side at the same time.In fact, the swords of both of them stabbed not at the head, but at the side of the head.Even if you don't tilt your head, you won't get stabbed.

It's just a matter of guts.

Of course, if you want to die and send your head in the direction of the sword, there is no way, and something will happen.

Wu Long could stop, even if Fang Zhuming stopped, Wu Long would definitely be injured.

Such an assumption is unnecessary, Wu Long will not give away the head.

Seeing that the swords of both sides did not stab each other, all the people watching around breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it is not over yet.

Before they were relieved, Wu Long's sword slashed at Fang Zhuming's head.

At the same time, Fang Zhuming's sword slashed at Wu Long's head with the same movement.

The people watching screamed again.


"No no no!"

"My God! My God!"

Korok watched with sweat on his brow.Let me fight like this?Forget it, change the leading role, I won't shoot!

Wu Long and Fang Zhuming shrank their heads at the same time, and the swords of both sides cut across the top of the opponent's shield and the top of the opponent's head.


The two swords collided.

The two moved their shields slightly away at the same time, and raised their feet to kick each other's shields.Both were kicked back a step.

Wu Long's opponent, Zhu Ming, signaled that this was the end of the fight, and the two sides would not continue fighting.

"Scott, look, isn't the wrestling between the two of us just now fast, powerful, and more real?"

"Moreover, it doesn't remind people of Chinese Kung Fu. Even Fang Zhuming's sideways swing of the sword just now cannot be said to be unique to Chinese Kung Fu."

"If the difficulty is too high, he can cut my foot with a sword after he falls. After I retreat, he gets up and hits me with a shield."

Scott looked at Wu Long, not knowing what to say.

It’s too shocking!

I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I didn't believe that there would be such a real fight.

Not only is it true, it is simply breathless!

This is making a movie?

This is not a movie at all, this is a real duel in the arena!

A life-and-death duel!

Not street fights.

I don't want to learn these movements, it's too difficult and dangerous!Korok thought.

He preempted Scott and said:

"However, I and my opponent do not both use sword and shield. I use sword and shield, and my opponent uses sword and axe."

"Also, we don't have that much time to re-practice."

The shooting expert also said: "It's not good to play too realistically, actors are easily injured."

Scott finally spoke.

"Dragon. I also really want to use your motion design, but what they said is also my concern. Not both of them use swords and shields. Your movements are too fast and dangerous. I have to take into account the actor's injury. Still Yes, I really don't have much time to rework them. You must have taken a long time to train to do the moves."

Wu Long didn't expect that Korok would not dare to do such an action.Of course, everyone has their own choice, and Korok's choice is based on his personal standpoint, and there is nothing wrong with it.Wu Long can't be demanding on others.

"Then I can't help it." Wu Long shrugged.

It seems that the money is out of reach.There is no way to get famous with this film.

"But, don't you think it's dangerous like your actions just now?" Scott didn't understand. "It's like you and him stabbing each other with a sword, it's easy to stab each other's eyes."

"There must be dangers. For example, driving is also dangerous, hanging wire is also dangerous, and filming war scenes is also dangerous. If you think it is not worth it, there is really no need to do it." Wu Long can only say so.

Korok shook his head in retort.

"No, no, you can't mix it up."

"Driving is dangerous, but that kind of danger is an accident. Suspended wire and war scenes are also accidents, and the probability is not high. They are all controllable. Do not drive drunk or violate the rules. It’s easy to check, but they are actually very safe. They have accidents because there are too many of them.”

"The probability of your kind of action is too great. There are too many uncontrollable factors."

Korok didn't want Wu Long and the other two Orientals to think that he was afraid of death.

Wu Long didn't want to explain, but Scott also held this view.

"Long, as much as I respect you, I still think what Krok said makes sense. You can't confuse it with driving."

"Why do you think it's uncontrollable?" Wu Long explained: "The sword I stabbed at him was not at his head at all, but at the side of his head. Even if he didn't move, I wouldn't stab him. Hit him. Unless he turns his head against my sword himself."

"In fact, he would turn his head to the other side. Even if he didn't take the initiative to do that, his instinct would make him turn his head to the other side when faced with the stabbing sword."

"It's just because the action is fast, and because his head is turned to the other side to avoid the movement. The audience will subconsciously think that I stabbed his head."

Scott froze for a moment before he understood, "So that's how it is."

"However, such an action may still cause accidental injury."

"Is there any way for you to make them move faster, look powerful, but relatively safe?"

Wu Long thought for a while, and said, "I don't know if it can be done. Why don't you let them demonstrate the previously designed movements?"

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