I'm not just an action star

Chapter 295 This Is the Real Sword and Shield Combat Technique

After losing twice in a row, Wu Long actually thought that the experts in combat were no longer comparable.Fang Zhuming also thinks so, and some people, including Scott, also think so.

However, they were wrong.The soldier strike expert bent down and picked up the sword.

"One more time. If I lose again this time, I will admit that you are better than me."

It means that if he wins this time, even if he loses twice, he will not admit that Wu Long is better than him.

This is his last stubbornness, and self-righteous dignity.

"Yes." Wu Long gave him a chance to regain his dignity.

Just giving him a chance will not let him regain his dignity.

This time, the soldier strike expert did not use downward chopping or horizontal cutting, he used stabbing.

With the thorns, the shield doesn't have to move as much.And he only showed the parts above the eyes, so there was no need to worry about Wu Long's wooden stick being placed on his neck again.

Shield front top, control distance.Advance, ready to stab the sword.

Wu Long's body swayed to the right, and the whole movement gave the soldiers the illusion that Wu Long moved to his left.

The soldier strike expert adjusted immediately, and the sword thrust out forcefully.

This sword pierced to Wu Long's right side, which was also the direction in which Wu Long swayed.

If Wu Long really moved to the right, he would definitely be stabbed by the soldier strike expert.But Wu Long is not a real move, or he can turn a fake into a real one, or a fake can be a fake, just a feint.

If the soldier strike expert stabs in the direction where he is shaking, he is just a fake move.The body changes direction abruptly, moving to the left.

Wu Long's left is the soldier's right.

As soon as he moved, the space on the right side of the soldier strike expert was completely revealed in front of him.

The soldier strike expert stabbed the air with his sword, and found that Wu Long had turned to his right, and immediately panicked.

When the sword was about to slash to the right, Wu Long's wooden stick was already around his neck.

"Your head flew out for the third time."

The pistol expert blushed and finally admitted: "I lost!"

Scott was very satisfied. He saw that everyone's expressions on Wu Long had changed.From contempt to respect, he recognized Wu Long's strength.

"Dragon, can you demonstrate with sword and shield?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Give me your sword and shield to my assistant," he said to the swordsman.

The soldier strike expert didn't make things difficult any more, and handed over the sword and shield to Fang Zhuming.

"Get used to it." Wu Long said to Zhu Ming.

Fang Zhuming took the shield and sword and put them down, first doing warm-up exercises.Recalling the fighting moves with Wu Long using big spoons and frying spoons, I started to do adaptation training.

There is still a difference between a big spoon and a frying spoon, a shield and a sword.

Scott asked someone to bring a sword and shield to Wu Long.After warming up, Wu Long took over the shield and asked Fang Zhuming to get used to the sword and shield movements first, and he explained the movements to the lead actor Korok.

"Your movement just now was too slow and seemed weak. It's just like ordinary people swinging their swords around. It's very different from real fighting in arenas and battlefields."

Scott nodded.

"That's right, that's what Long said. The arena is a battle of life and death, but the effect of the shooting makes people not feel the suffocation of a battle of life and death."

Wu Long said: "Because the speed and strength are not reflected."

"Plasma alone can't achieve real tension. The tension I'm talking about is to surprise the audience and be stimulated by the camera so that they forget to breathe."

"The so-called sense of power, in addition to speed, there must be a pause. Speed ​​is speed, and rhythm is rhythm. Just having speed is not power, it's just fast."

"There is speed, and there is a feeling of sudden stop. It means that the sword is swung to the end, and the sword can't swing randomly, but stop as soon as it says stop."

"Like the rhythm of a drum, boom boom boom, without delay."

"Watch my demo."

Wu Long raised his sword and slashed obliquely, those who were close to him could hear the wind blowing from the sword.


After the sword was cut, there was a pause, the blade and the tip of the sword did not move at all.

In everyone's eyes, it is clean and tidy.

The sense of power really came out.

It was as if a train was rushing by and stopped suddenly.The contrast formed by the sudden transition between the rapid movement and the stillness immediately made people feel like their hearts were hit.

Finally, they experienced a sense of power.

Scott nodded, that's what he wanted.

Wu Long is right, aside from the differences in the superficial forms of Eastern and Western martial arts, the essence of speed and strength is the same.

"Look, this is the sense of power. It's the same as punching. When the fist hits, it's fast. But it doesn't show the sense of power. When it hits the target, the fist doesn't move. At this time, the person being punched and the people watching People can feel a sense of power.”

"One more point, the moving range of the sword cannot exceed the target's body. Look at the place where my sword stops, the tip of the sword is just out of the opponent's body. If the sword continues to chop at this time, it will be redundant. Doing useless work seems procrastinated , seems to have no sense of power."

Someone seemed to understand what Wu Long said, and nodded accordingly.

"But this is not enough."

"Whether it is Chinese Kung Fu or Western fighting, the form and nature of the attack are the same."

"If my oblique attack is dodged by the opponent, I will definitely continue to attack, and I cannot allow the opponent to have a chance to counterattack. In the boxing ring, continuous attacks are combined punches."

"So as soon as I turn my wrist, I can receive an upward thrust. Or I can make a forward thrust, which is a forward thrust. This progressive sense of strength is even stronger."

Wu Long demonstrated again.

Repeat the action just now. After the sword is cut down, there is a sudden pause. At the same time as the step forward, the wrist turns upwards and immediately forms a continuous attack.

With this flick, the sword stopped suddenly.Turn the wrist again, and the sword immediately cuts horizontally.

Scott yelled:

"I see, Dragon!"

"The sudden change of your movements is like a quick cut of the camera!"

"Quickly edited shots can create a sense of tension and excitement, giving the audience a hint of oppression and pursuit. But in the same shot, you use a sudden stop in the action to create such a contrast!"

"I also saw that your shield is always moving in conjunction with your sword. When the sword cuts upwards, the shield also moves back and stands in front of you!"

Wu Long sighed in his heart.Scott is worthy of being a famous director, and his understanding is really strong.

Korok couldn't help but said:

"However, when the sword was slashing upwards just now, the shield moved back. This is equivalent to moving both hands in the same direction, so it is impossible to exert great strength."

Wu Long said with a smile:

"That's because you use your arms to exert force, and I use my waist to exert force. If you regard the sword and shield in my hand as a whole, such as a two-handed sword, are both hands exerting force in the same direction?"

Crocker suddenly knew where he was wrong.

"Next, my assistant Fang Zhuming and I will show you how to shoot the long shot of our fight."

He gestured to Zhu Ming.After Fang Zhuming nodded to express his understanding, he opened the distance and rushed towards Wu Long.

Such a shock immediately brought up the tense atmosphere.Scott watched from the side and nodded again and again, muttering in his mouth:

"Yes, that's it. A duel should be bloody and imposing!"

Charge, only the momentum!

Fang Zhuming jumped up high, the sword in his hand was happy, and he slashed down in the air.

This chop is powerful and heavy, and its speed is much faster than that of the lead actor Korok just now.

This is the speed and momentum that a real duel should have!

Korok and those action directors and experts suddenly changed expression.

It's easy to get hurt like this!

Because looking at the speed and strength of the knife, it is impossible to hold back!

If the opponent has no time to block with a shield, or dodges, even though the sword does not cut the edge, it will definitely bleed out if it hits the head, and even kill the person!

This is not filming, this is wanting human life, it is really killing people in a duel!

Wu Long took a step back, and Fang Zhuming slashed through the air.

Those who watched around breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought the attack would end here, and the two sides repositioned themselves and started again.As a result, Fang Zhuming's attack did not stop, and after landing, he continued to attack with three consecutive moves.

After he landed, he pushed the shield forward, and with a move of "deceiving the upper and lower", the sword cut Wu Long's foot.

Wu Long retreated again.

Fang Zhuming continued to use the second trick "the poisonous snake comes out of the hole".The shield was pushed again, and the sword stabbed at Wu Long.

Wu Long continued to retreat.

Fang Zhuming still pushed the shield forward, and the third move "wrapping the head and wrapping the brain" turned the big into the small. With a twist of his wrist, he immediately slashed towards Wu Long diagonally.

In Fang Zhuming's attack, the shield was always in front.Or move it a little bit away, and it won't reveal too much space on the front.


His sword was blocked by Wu Long with a shield.

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