I'm not just an action star

Chapter 294 Martial Arts Advisor

At the Hoska Awards Ceremony in March, Scott said he would ask Wu Long to be his martial arts consultant.A few days ago, I played a movie and asked Wu Long if he was free to go over to be a director.

Of course it's not free, it's for money.

Wu Long is going.In addition to accumulating contacts, you can also gain fame.

I wanted to take Qi Ke and Luo Chang there together, but they couldn't speak English, so I had to act as an interpreter for them.

It just so happened that he and Fang Zhuming fought with big spoons and frying spoons in "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade". They used the moves of sword and shield soldiers, so they took Fang Zhuming there.

Explain to Scott in advance that he will bring his assistant there.If Scott does not pay Fang Zhuming's money, Wu Long will not pass.

He went there alone, and there was no one to accompany him to demonstrate martial arts when explaining martial arts, so it didn't work at all.

For example, if he punches, the opponent will fall like that.Or if he kicks, the opponent will be kicked and he will fly up and do a backflip in the air.Those easy-to-call action doubles must say no, it is impossible.

He asked Fang Zhuming to accompany him to demonstrate, and he could prove that it wasn't impossible, but that they couldn't do it.

So the actions and fights they filmed are all scumbags!

In their action movies before, the fights were all based on boxing.You punch, I punch, like street drunks fighting.

Now with fighting, they have somewhat changed.

But it is still a few simple movements of fighting, without the beauty of violence.

The two flew to a country in the Mediterranean. "Gladiator" was not filmed in Merican, but was filmed in a place that can reflect the style of ancient Rome.

After getting off the plane, the receptionist arranged by Scott will be in charge, and they will be given a day off first.The next day, go to the shooting location.

The Roman Colosseum was built, only part of the scene was set up, and computer special effects technology was used in the rest of the unbuilt part.

Both of them were new to Hao Laihu's shooting method, and came to learn from it with a learning attitude.

"Hi!" Scott came over and hugged Wu Long. "You finally came."

Wu Long introduced Fang Zhuming to Scott, and Scott only shook hands with Fang Zhuming politely.Afterwards, Scott introduced the built arena to Wu Long.

"This is a simulated tiger. I will take a shot of a tiger jumping at the protagonist Maximus. I don't plan to use a cg tiger, I want to use a real tiger. Then the real tiger will be combined with the fake tiger, and the green screen will be combined."

Scott introduced the stunt team again.Their stunt team is huge and the division of labor is very detailed.Because the chariot was also being photographed, small fireworks were also used.

There are also fighting experts, wrestling experts, and soldiers hitting experts.

When Scott introduced each other to each other, the eyes of these experts did not seem to recognize Wu Long.In their eyes, it was just luck for Wu Long to beat Barrett.

Besides, it's okay to know a little fighting.There are fighting experts here.Knowing how to fight and being able to film is another matter.

Even if Wu Long has filmed and acted in "Shaolin Bodyguard", they don't approve of the fighting in Shaolin Bodyguard.

In other words, without seeing or experiencing it with my own eyes, I don't believe in Wu Long.

"Long, I watched the last fight scene of "The God of Cookery" you mentioned. I also showed it to them, but they didn't approve of it. They thought it was kitchen utensils, not swords and shields." Scott explained.

These experts and action guides also sneered and contemptuously.

Wu Long knew that this was a blow to them.Regardless of domestic or foreign, whether ancient or modern, dismounting power is everywhere.

"So, how did they design the sword and shield's movements? Can you show me?" Wu Long asked.

Scott asked the lead actor to bring a sword and shield, and began to type out the action.

The leading actor, Luo Keluo, held the sword twice in his hand, bent his knees slightly, and shifted his center of gravity downward, holding the shield in front with his left hand and holding the sword behind him with his right hand.

Then, he made several offensive and defensive moves.When attacking, the shield pulls away, revealing a large gap.There is no sense of power when swinging a sword.

Seeing Wu Long shaking his head.

Seeing Wu Long shaking his head, the soldier strike expert who designed this action immediately became unhappy.

"Why are you shaking your head? Look down on my movement design?"

"Tell you, my action design is the real battlefield technical action, which is the action of gladiators in a duel."

"Your Chinese Kung Fu looks good, but it's all ostentatious, and it's all fixed in sets. It's not practical at all."

"Otherwise, you should be there in the ufc ring and in the fighting competition!"

Fang Zhuming was so angry that he wanted to scold back, but Wu Long stopped him.

"This is a metal weapon, are there any wooden props?" Wu Long asked the other party.

The other party sneered.

"Coward, are you afraid?"

Wu Long nodded.

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid of hurting you."

"I'm not afraid! You can't hurt me. Don't make excuses for your timidity."

Wu Long looked around, and the other party Zhu Ming said:

"Bring me that stick."

Fang Zhuming went to get the stick.

Wu Long said to Korok:

"Give him your sword and shield."

Korok didn't hesitate, and gave the sword and shield to the strike expert.

Scott didn't stop him either, he also wanted to see Wu Long's true strength, and wanted Wu Long to suppress the arrogance of these people.

Because, as he said to Wu Long at the Hauska Awards, he wanted to make the fights look better.

And the actions designed by these action guides could not meet his requirements at all.He also said that if he played fast, it would easily hurt the actor.

It is really scary to hurt the actors, but the effect is far from Wu Long's action shots.

Fang Zhuming ran over and brought the stick to Wu Long, moving quickly.When the martial arts expert took the sword and shield, the stick was already in Wu Long's hands.

Wu Long visually measured the length of the sword in the opponent's hand, grabbed one end of the stick with both hands and broke it off forcefully.


Throw the excess back where the stick was just now.

"The length is the same, let's compare."

"You don't need a shield?"

"For you, no need."

"Crazy Orientals!"

"Don't play tricks if you lose!"

The soldier strike expert drew two sword flowers with his sword, tapped the shield with the sword, opened his posture and began to approach.

The shield made a gesture to push forward, then moved the shield away, and swung the sword forward to chop Wu Long.Only when the shield is removed, will his chopping sword have power, and will not be blocked by the shield.

In his opinion, his sword is made of metal, and Wu Long's hand is made of wood, which cannot be blocked. Wu Long has no other choice but to hide.

Unexpectedly, Wu Long's actions were beyond his surprise, and also beyond everyone's surprise.Except for Fang Zhuming, who showed a smug expression.

If it was Fang Zhuming, he would really have to hide.But Brother Long's kung fu, hide?

Fang Zhuming stabbed Brother Long with a dagger.Although it is a fake dagger, it is faster than this soldier strike expert.Brother Long is just grabbing with his hands, there is no need to hide.

Wu Long raised his stick and hit the sword cut by the soldier strike expert, swinging the opponent's sword away.Turning sideways, stepping forward, turning his wrist, the stick draws an arc with the force of the rebound, and cuts on the left side of the opponent's neck before the opponent's shield has time to block it.

"If I were the real sword, your head would no longer be on your neck."

"If this is a prop metal sword, your neck is also injured."

"If I really want to beat you, there are a hundred ways."

The soldier strike expert felt humiliated, and said anxiously:

"No, no, I was careless. I saw you holding a stick, but I didn't dare to use any force!"

"Let's come again!"

Wu Long nodded in agreement.

"Okay, come a hundred times, I can beat you in different ways."

The soldier strike expert felt that Wu Long's words were humiliating him, so he immediately put the shield in front of him, not daring to move it away.Although the defense was tighter than before, the movement of his horizontal sword was also slower.

Because his own shield blocked the range of movement of the sword in front of him.He didn't want to use the downward chop, for fear of being opened like before.

Wu Long retreated, and the wooden stick hit the expert's hand directly.

The palm of the soldier strike expert went numb, and the sword fell to the ground.

Wu Long's wooden stick bounced up and down, and placed it on the right side of the soldier's neck.

"Your head flew out again."

"Do you want to compete again? You can pick up the sword, and we will do it again."

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