The Condor Heroes Martial Arts Museum has not yet closed, and the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has started.Actors without a shooting plan are not allowed to leave the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Center unless necessary.

Although Wu Long was not around, they still had to practice according to the moves Wu Long taught.

Those who have a shooting task, follow Wu Long to the film and television city to shoot.

The actors are not allowed to leave because they do not want them to leave such an atmosphere.If you leave, the status is gone.

The martial arts filming did not use long shots like filming.

It is a live-action shoot, but some actions still need to be completed by Diao Wia.After hanging the wire, the actor couldn't complete the due action coherently.

The action shots designed by Wu Long, whether it can be used for Wia's actions, are all shot with long lenses.After shooting all the actions, everyone will make up the action of hanging wire.In the later stage, the action of hanging Wia was edited into it, and it was cut into a pseudo-long shot as much as possible.

It is impossible to completely use martial arts.Some dangerous shots still have to be done with martial arts.But only dangerous shots and some more difficult shots.All other fighting scenes are performed by the actors themselves.

In many martial arts scenes, the actors' faces can be seen.Rather than just one close-up, or just one action pose.

The martial arts movements designed by Wu Long also don't have the boring movements of spinning up.Looking at the flowers, in fact, there is no sense of beauty in action.

The only use is to make the actor dizzy.

With Wu Long brought into the play, many difficult shots can be shot successfully in one go.Even if you can't pass one, you will pass it the second time.

Even if there is no Wu Long scene, Wu Long will be there.In addition to starring, he is also a director and action director.

Except for some unimportant scenes, they will be filmed separately at the same time.Whenever there are important plays, Wu Long must be present, secretly using the influence of Wuxiang Gong to make the actors perform better.

All the kung fu is the martial arts in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that Wu Long exchanged, but it is just a performance version.

These martial arts, none of them seem to be repeated, and they look good.It has a very high sense of beauty and appreciation of martial arts.

Every actor played well.

People who don't know the inside story seem to think that they really know martial arts because they have practiced martial arts since childhood.Some even think that the martial arts in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" are real.

Guo Hao saw it on the monitor, and said that this was not a TV series, but a movie at all.

Wu Long makes TV series with the quality of making movies.

The filming was in progress, and Wu Long had to be distracted from filming.

If the movie is not made, he will not have a movie released next year.There are only TV series and no movies, and the influence has declined.

With "Shaolin Bodyguard" entering the McCann country and the global film market, "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long", "The God of Cookery: Jin Yu Man Tang", "Sweet Honey", and even "Drunk Catch" can also go global.

It's just that "Fa Hai Zhi Wei Tian Long" and "The God of Cookery: Jin Yu Man Tang" are not considered to have a big breakthrough in fighting, and it may be impossible to win an award.

But "Sweet Honey" is likely to be nominated.

He is an action actor, and he wants to conquer fans all over the world with action movies.To do this, the movie cannot be interrupted.If there is no film released for a year, more than half of the popularity and audience will be lost.

Therefore, even if the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is extended, he still has to make a movie to ensure that it will be screened next year.

"The Great Power of Fa Hai Tianlong" belongs to the fantasy of Xianxia.Even foreigners can tell it's fake.

If you want to conquer foreigners and make them believe in Chinese Kung Fu, you should make martial arts films.

The martial arts film that conquered foreigners in the previous life, or the Western film made in the name of Chinese martial arts film, no matter what it was, it won foreign awards anyway.

Wu Long chose "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which shocked the global film industry.

"Brother Long, just let me play Yu Xiulian." Zhang Zhulin begged Wu Long.

"But Yu Jiaolong is the main character. And your age, it's not appropriate to play Yu Xiulian."

"Your age is not suitable to play Li Mubai, is it? You can make me older, as long as I can fall in love with you in the play, I don't recommend playing myself as old or ugly."

"Still pretending to be ugly, Yu Xiulian is not ugly."

"So you actually want Li Siyi to play Yu Xiulian, don't you? She's the right age, just like Sister Shibei, very familiar and feminine."

"Okay, if you play Yu Xiulian, you can play Yu Xiulian. But your kung fu must not be left behind."

Seeing Wu Long's agreement, Zhang Zhulin said happily, "It's as if I can beat my kung fu by playing Yu Jiaolong. Yu Jiaolong's martial arts are not much worse than Yu Xiulian's."

Wu Long talked to several actors separately, and the roles were immediately determined.

Yu Jiaolong is played by Jiang Shuang'er, the blue-eyed fox is played by Li Siyi, and Cai Xiangmei is played by Pandona.

The background was changed to the Song Dynasty, so that the costumes of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can be used directly.Wudang was also changed to Quanzhen.Maybe take advantage of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" to sell "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The investment in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is even larger than that in "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long". Wu Long introduced Jiang Yunpeng's Red Fortune Entertainment.

Eat alone, not good.

Only when other people join in can the plate become bigger.Otherwise, they always eat exclusively, and others will be jealous and jealous, and they will stumble secretly.

This film is aimed at opening up the global market. The story of "Shaolin Bodyguard" is too weak and monotonous, while "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" seems to be more in line with the East in the eyes of Westerners.

The story is also very twisted, and the plot is very aggrieved.

According to Wu Long's thinking, people like Yu Jiaolong would be killed immediately.Or use her to tease the blue-eyed fox, and don't care about Yu Jiaolong's life or death.

Save her and teach her because of her talent?

Therefore, Li Mubai deserved to die.

Wu Long knew how good he was, so he didn't make major changes to the original drama.Only small details such as the background and martial arts movements have been changed.

As far as martial arts moves are concerned, the leading actor Fa Ge doesn't know martial arts at all.It's really disturbing to see him stabbing the sword.

Zhang Jiaolong's movements are also not standard and lack strength.

In the fight in the restaurant, it was obvious that Wia was hanging and jumping around, which was not real at all.

Wu Long will ask Jiang Shuang'er to dance by herself, and Wia is only playing a protective role.Just like high-altitude acrobatics, there is a protective rope to prevent mistakes and injuries.

There are also many fighting scenes in the original version, and Yu Jiaolong can't see his face.Especially when Yu Jiaolong fights with Yu Xiulian and Li Mubai, Wu Long will not be like this.

Jiang Shuang'er must show her face in the fight.

In the original version, Li Mubai's sword dance is also a stand-in.Including Li Mubai grabbing Yu Jiaolong's sword, the movements are too fake and empty.

These Wu Long have to change.

Once the actors and shooting plan are determined, let people go to find the shooting location and confirm it.

He didn't know where the original Escort and Zhuhai were filmed.Fortunately, after redeeming the movie, additional consultation does not need to spend too much reputation.After searching the system, I learned that it was Muhong Village and Mukeng Bamboo Sea.

There is also Cangyan Mountain at the end of the film, and I have to contact the shooting.When he came back from abroad, he immediately filmed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The manpower is still the same as that of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the assistant director Guo Hao.

Before leaving, he called Luo Chang and Qi Ke to him.

"How do you two speak English?"

The two scratched their heads.

Everyone thought in their hearts, if I can speak English, why come to martial arts?

"Then don't blame me for taking Fang Zhuming there so we can come here."

"You'd better learn some English. In the future, I will definitely develop better, otherwise it will be difficult to enter the global film market."

"Of course, with me and an interpreter, you can still do things. However, if you can speak English, it will be more convenient and your development will be greater."

Qi Ke said with a sad face: "Brother Long, I will definitely study hard. But sometimes I really don't have the language talent."

Luo Chang also said: "Yes. Brother Long, I didn't study well in the past, so I thought that there would be a way out of martial arts and a means of earning a living. I will try my best to learn, but you should not have too much hope."

The two of them are very aware of their abilities, and they are really not material for learning.I would rather be thought by Wu Long that they are not motivated, but make it clear in advance.

Don't Wu Long hold out hope for them, in the end he will be even more disappointed.

"Understood, I won't force it." Wu Long didn't show any disappointment.

Having been human for two lifetimes, I already knew that many things were predestined.

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