On Wu Longwei's blog, there was a photo on it that was pinned to the top and was the most searched comment.

In the ward, there were two gray-haired old men.The old man was lying on the hospital bed with a very bad complexion, and the old woman was beside him.The two smiled happily.

"Wu Long, we watched your movie, and it feels like it's about us. I met him in the imperial capital, because we are fellow villagers, we gradually got together.

One day, he told me that his family had engaged him, broke up, and then went back to his hometown alone.

A few years later, when I went back to my hometown, I accidentally learned from others that he had lied back then.He got cancer and was afraid of hurting me, so he broke up with me and went back to his hometown for treatment.

I found him and asked him if he would still marry me.He said that he was worried about the recurrence of the disease and didn't want to involve me.I said I didn't mind and eventually we got married.

Today, the child has grown up and has a family of his own.

We are very happy, very sweet. "

Now the photo of the two in the hospital is likely to be the relapse of the man's condition.At such an age, the cancer recurred...

The experience of the two is not exactly the same as in the movie.However, both have experienced separation and reunion, and both parties have always loved each other in their hearts.

"Brother Long, how do you respond?" Qiu Ya asked Wu Long.

Wu Long has already returned to the imperial capital, and he has also seen this reply.

"I checked. The relapse at such an age is basically..." Qiu Ya didn't say.

In this case, the doctor usually advises the family members to eat whatever they want and do whatever they want.

No further hospitalization is necessary.

But now that the old man is in the hospital, it means that the time is coming.

"Go and see them!" Wu Long made a decision. "This kind of love is rare in the world."

Qiu Ya secretly despises in her heart, you also understand love?

"Don't publicize this matter, I don't need to use this kind of thing to get traffic."

Qiu Ya nodded.Wu Long still did a very positive job.Just like when they met, it was Wu Long who was saving people.

Wu Long brought a guitar and quietly went to the city where the old couple lived without saying hello to the others.

"Old Li, Wu Long said he would come to see us." Li Qiao said to Li Ming who was weak on the hospital bed. "He'll be here soon. He's a star and he'll keep his word. He's sure to come."

Li Qiao said this sentence countless times.Sad, sad, but can only be buried in my heart.

Li Ming held Li Qiao's hand weakly.

"Thank you! Marrying you in this life is my happiest and most regrettable thing."

"Happy, you are a good woman, the best woman in the world. Whoever can marry you as a wife will be the happiest man in the world. I can marry you, so I am the happiest man in the world."

"I regret it because I dragged you down. The family depends on you to support me, and you have to take care of me. But I can't repay you, and I can't give you happiness."

As he spoke, Li Ming burst into tears.

Li Qiao held his hand in both hands.

"No, being able to marry you is my greatest happiness. You love me and love me. We have a child, and the child is very filial when he grows up. Our family is very happy."

"Look, "Sweet Honey" is a movie written by Wu Long for us."

"My name is Li Qiao, and your name is Li Ming. The protagonist of the movie is also called by these two names, but the last name and first name are interchanged, and the first name is also a homonym."

"In the movie, we were separated and reunited. They took the same train when they went to Hong Kong Island. When you and I went to work in the imperial capital, we also took the same train. Just like in the movie, we were back to back, and no one knew anyone at the time."

"The name of the movie is "Sweet Honey", and the result is also sweet. You and I are also sweet."

"You'll be fine. A person's will can overcome a serious illness. You have overcome the serious illness for so many years. You can do it now!"

The nurse opened the door and came in with an excited look on her face.

"Uncle, aunt, Wu Long is here!"

Hearing Wu Long's arrival, Li Ming's eyes seemed to light up.Li Qiao turned her head immediately and saw Wu Long coming in after the nurse.

"Uncle, Auntie, hello, I'm Wu Long." Wu Long took off his guitar and came to the bed to greet the two old people.

At this moment, Li Qiao was a little overwhelmed with excitement.

Both she and Li Ming believed that the script written by Wu Long was about their experiences.Seeing Wu Long now, he was naturally very happy.She thought that Li Ming definitely wanted to see Wu Long, but she knew that she couldn't invite Wu Long, and she didn't want to kidnap Wu Long with morality.

The purpose of leaving a message on Wu Long Weibo is to show Li Ming, encourage Li Ming, and make Li Ming happy.He didn't say let Wu Long come.I didn't expect Wu Long to come!

"Auntie, sit down."

"Uncle, I read your message and wrote a song for you on the way here. How about I sing it to you?"

Li Qiao nodded excitedly.

"Okay, okay! Wu Long, thank you so much!"

"Thank you." Li Ming spoke with difficulty: "I didn't expect that I could still get a big star to write a song for me."

"Wu Long, can this song be regarded as a gift from me?"

"I'm not good at writing songs, and I don't know what to say to express my love and gratitude to her."

Wu Long nodded:

"Uncle, yes. Love is better than gratitude. Sometimes, being able to give to the one you love is also a kind of happiness. Being with the one you love, no matter how bitter it is, is still sweet."

Wu Long carried the guitar on his shoulders and sang while standing.

Seeing Li Qiao rock the bed, she sat next to Li Ming, head to head, holding hands.Wu Long said the name of the song.

"The name of this song is "Holding Hands". For you uncle and aunt, it is also a gift from uncle to aunt."

There were only three of them in the ward.

The old man's family members, as well as nurses and doctors, closed the door and listened on the outside ear.

The guitar sounded.

"Because of loving your love,

For dreaming of your dreams,

So grieve your sorrow,

Happy with your happiness.

for passing your way,

Because I have suffered through your suffering,

So be happy with your happiness,

chasing your chasing..."

The soothing singing, combined with the sound of the piano, echoed in the quiet ward like the sound of nature.

The lyrics are really written for two people, writing about their experience, about their love, about their never-ending.

Everyone was in tears, including those outside the ward.

After the song was sung, the ward returned to silence.

Li Qiao and Li Ming were still head to head, motionless.The two of them were immersed in memories, reminiscing about the bits and pieces of the two of them together.

Wu Long quietly left the ward without disturbing them.

It was Li Qiao and Li Ming's son who recorded the video with their mobile phones.

"Don't put the video on the Internet." Wu Long told the other party. "Getting attention online is not very good for the elderly."

"Thank you, Brother Long, I know. I recorded it to remember my parents."

Wu Long signed autographs and took photos with other patients, nurses, and doctors, and told them to keep it secret before leaving.

The next day he received the news that the old man was gone.Thanks to Wu Long for being able to sing for the old man, and even wrote a song specially.

Wu Long took the time to record "Holding Hands" and put it on the music cloud network.


"It's so delicately written!"

"It's much better than those electronic music songs that only pile up words."

"This is the kind of song that makes people calm down and listen to it carefully."

"Good Sound Wraps Your Ears" also issued music reviews.

"The lyrics use a lot of parallel rhetorical methods. There is no praise of the beauty of love, no love-hate parting, no straightforward love to death, crying.

Just talking about the possible ups and downs in the future.

Someone commented below this song, saying that this song is suitable for looping in the divorce hall.Thinking about it carefully, it seems to make some sense.

Maybe holding hands, the previous life may not be easy to leave.

Maybe with the road of companionship, this life will be even busier.

So, getting married and holding hands is a kind of responsibility.

duty of love.

Love is not just saying I love you, not just happiness and sweetness.

Love is life, daily necessities.

Love is holding hands, not giving unilaterally.


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