""Sweet Honey" is going to be screened soon, have you bought the tickets yet?"

"What's the rush? It's a literary film, and it won't be impossible to buy tickets like before."

This is what happened when I asked my boyfriend to buy a movie ticket for "Sweet Honey".

I choose to believe.

Now, tomorrow is the premiere of "Sweet Honey".

He told me he didn't get a ticket!


It's fine if you can't buy it for the premiere, I'm not an unreasonable woman.

I said that the second game is fine, but he replied that he didn't buy it.

What about the tickets for the next day?

Did not buy.

What about the tickets for the third day?

Still haven't bought it.

What is the use of such a boyfriend?

I reminded him.


Now I'm single.

Does anyone have movie tickets for "Sweet Honey",

date me

imperial capital,

I watched "Sweet Honey" with him.

Such a Weibo was pushed into the hot search.

Indeed, many people thought that a literary film like "Sweet Honey" would not be very popular.In fact, many people underestimated Wu Long's influence and appeal.

Even if it is a literary film, many people rush to watch it.

Wu Long is word of mouth!

People who are in love must watch it.

Couples, lovers, must see.

Singles, watch too!

Someone commented under this Weibo:

"It's not that you can't buy it, but the person who went to see it with him is not you."

This comment has the most likes and is pinned to the top.

"Truth is often cruel!"

"Sister, my girlfriend cheated. My buddy and I bought tickets for the same show on the same day. She told me something was wrong, but chose to watch it with my buddy. Would you like to watch "Sweet Honey" with me?"

Netizens have called out that the operation of "Sweet Honey" is absolutely perfect!

But this is really not what Wu Long and the crew of "Sweet Honey" are running.

Humans are actually curious.

Wu Long is so good at acting in fighting dramas, what will happen if he acts in literary films and non-fighting dramas?

Those who like Wu Long will watch it.

Those who don't like Wu Long will also watch it.

As long as Wu Long's performance is not good, he can immediately use it to blackmail!

Because this film is about the experience on Hong Kong Island, the premiere was held on Hong Kong Island.Wu Long and Zhang Zhulin flew back to Hong Kong Island to attend the premiere together.

Everyone is very curious, "Sweet Honey" without a play, will Wu Long still have a performance at the premiere?

If you perform, what will you perform?

After the process was over, everyone looked at Wu Long expectantly.Seeing that Zhang Zhulin did not step off the stage, but was still standing with Wu Long, they all speculated whether she was performing with Zhang Zhulin?

"Everyone will definitely think, what am I going to do if there is no drama?"

The live audience and the barrage in the live broadcast room all laughed.

"It's been said so on the Internet, you must know!"

"It depends on how you act."

Wu Long said:

"In the film "Sweet Honey", I wrote a total of five songs. One theme song and four interludes. It will be sung by our heroine Zhang Zhulin."

"For today's performance, I will sing the theme song "Sweet Honey" with her."

When the music started, Zhang Zhulin looked at the smiling Wu Long and sang affectionately:


You smile sweetly. "

That expression, like a little woman in love, looking at her beloved love brother.

With a sweet face.


"Good guy, sprinkle dog food on the spot!"

"Linlin is so happy!"

"The two of them won't come true because of the filming, and they will act as a couple in the film, and the reality will come true?"

"Looking at her expression, it doesn't look like acting."

"If it's acting, then her acting skills are definitely at the actress level!"

Wu Long was originally looking at the audience, but when he sensed that Zhang Zhulin was looking at him, he turned his head and looked at him affectionately.

Zhang Zhulin continued to sing:

"Like flowers bloom in the spring breeze,

Open in the spring breeze. "

Everyone saw that Wu Long opened his mouth and continued to sing:


Where did I meet you.

Your smile is so familiar,

I can't remember at the moment. "

The sound of Wu Long's singing came out, and the audience immediately became a sensation.

Even in the live broadcast room, the barrage is densely packed with "fuck".

It turned out that what Wu Long sang was not a male voice, but a female voice!

Moreover, the female voice he sang was sweeter and gentler than Zhang Zhulin's!

"Brother Long can actually sing such a gentle female voice?"


"Are you playing the recording?"

At the scene, the man opened his mouth wide in shock.God, Brother Long's voice is sweeter and gentler than my girlfriend's.

Woman shocked.God, Brother Long's voice is sweeter and gentler than mine!

There was a huge contrast between Wu Long's masculine face and that gentle and sweet voice, making everyone at the scene feel as if they had eaten an egg.

Wu Long used the Nine-tone Mantra to imitate the voice of the original singer of "Sweet Honey".Sing the soul of this song directly, sweet to everyone's heart.

Listening to Wu Long singing this song with such a voice, don't look at Wu Long's appearance.As long as you don't look at Wu Long, there will be a gentle, sweet and beautiful woman singing in your mind.

There are already men on the scene doing this, closing their eyes and listening to the song.

Wu Long and Zhang Zhulin sang together:

"Ah, in a dream.

I saw you in my dream.

Sweet, how sweet the smile is.

it's you, it's you,

It was you who dreamed. "

It is obviously a man and a woman, but it is a duet of female voices.

The singing continued, and the barrage in the live broadcast room played "Please close your eyes when listening to the song".

"Good guy, it's a kind of enjoyment to close your eyes and listen to Brother Long singing a female voice."

"Brother Long has changed into a gentle and sweet woman."

"Brother Long's male voice is a wonderful male singer, and Brother Long's female voice is a second female singer."

"Brother Long kills both men and women, and still keeps people alive!"

After one song was sung, although everyone shouted to sing another song, Wu Long still didn't sing.

For tonight's performance, only one song will be sung.

"Sweet Honey" began to be shown in the cinema.

Seeing the two separated, some girls wept.

Whenever a romantic movie is a little sad, girls are prone to cry.

At the end of the film, the two looked at each other and smiled in front of the window.

The camera goes back to the beginning of the movie, and the two actually came to Hong Kong Island sitting back to back!


Life goes round and round, and lovers will finally get married!


Sweetness, only after experiencing pain, will it be sweeter and more cherished.

Because, not the first pain experienced, can welcome sweetness.

A lot, and only more pain.

Or, disappear, destroy in pain.

"Shadows and Sounds" movie review:

"I have never experienced traveling to Hong Kong Island or other places in the film.

I have never experienced separation and reunion with my girlfriend.

However, the performances of Long Ge and Zhang Zhulin made me fall deeply into the movie world of "Sweet Honey" in the movie theater.

The acting skills of the two brought me into the play.

I'm in the game!

An audience member actually got into the show!

I seem to be the protagonist in it, experiencing their experiences and suffering from their pain.

In the movie theater, as a man, I actually got tears in my eyes.

Until they met again at the end of the movie, the theme song "Sweet Honey" sounded.

I couldn't help but hold my girlfriend's hand tightly, and she also held mine tightly.

After leaving the cinema, I couldn't wait to tell her.

Marry me.

I wanted to plan a marriage proposal ceremony to surprise her and make her have no regrets in this life.

But when I finished watching the movie, I suddenly couldn't wait.

Not everyone is as lucky as the hero and heroine in the movie.Because the movie was written by Brother Long, he arranged a good ending.

The girlfriend agreed, and she felt that it didn't matter whether there was a marriage proposal ceremony or not, and whether there were surprises or not.

At this moment, she felt very happy.

Brother Long, if you can come to our wedding.This will be the biggest surprise I can give her. "

As soon as this movie review came out, it became a hot search instantly!

The most positive comments are blessings, and some people discuss whether Wu Long will go to the wedding of "Shadow Records".


There are many more people writing the same comment.

"I also proposed immediately after watching the movie!"

"My girlfriend and I came out after watching the movie, and someone was selling roses. I bought them all, knelt down and proposed on the spot, and said that the ring would be mended immediately. She agreed, bless us!"

"My girlfriend and I came out after watching the movie, and we dragged her into the nearby jewelry store, bought a ring and proposed on the spot!"

"I prepared the proposal ring, and I wanted to take the opportunity to get it when my girlfriend was touched after watching "Sweet Honey". Fortunately, Brother Long didn't disappoint me, and the ending is not a tragedy."

There have been reports of successful marriage proposals after watching "Sweet Honey" all over the place.

Another message posted by Wu Longwei was also on the hot search.

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