I'm not just an action star

Chapter 290 I... You... Didn't...

The first part of "Hero Series: Yan Shuangying" will be played in advance.Only the first half of this play has been completed, and the second half is still in the post-production stage.

It was played in advance to avoid playing "Legend of the New White Snake" at the same time, and one's own people beat their own people.

The title of the drama played is "The Heroes of Swallows and Eagles".

Xing Zhongfei decided to create the brand "Yan Shuangying", making this series of TV series a masterpiece of similar TV series.

"I heard that the TV series written by Brother Long will start airing tonight."

"Is it "Legend of the New White Snake"?"

"No, it's "The Heroes of Yan Shuangying"."

"Long Ge starring?"

"No, it's Zhang Zikang starring, the one who plays Dongxie Huang Yaoshi in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"."

"It turned out to be him, who has starred in many anti-Japanese dramas."

"Look how well he plays. If he doesn't perform well, I will be disappointed in Huang Yaoshi."

"Heroes of Swallows and Eagles" has attracted many people.Because it was written by Wu Long, many fans of Wu Long also came to join in.

Now Wu Long's fans are not only young people, middle-aged and elderly people also like Wu Long very much.Especially middle-aged and elderly women, the more they look at Wu Long, the more they like Wu Long, and they wish their daughters could marry Wu Long.

Masculine and handsome, rich and famous.

People of all ages love to sing "Gong Xi Fa Cai" and "Gong Xi Gong Xi" during the Chinese New Year.

"Chinese Kung Fu" sung by Yangshi Spring Festival Gala this year has become a must-choice song for square dancers, sports enthusiasts, and elderly martial arts enthusiasts.

The square dancers played "Chinese Kung Fu".

Fan dancers played "Chinese Kung Fu".

Those who practice Tai Chi play "Chinese Kung Fu".

Whether they are Wu Long's fans or not, they know that "The Hero of Yan Shuangying" was written by Wu Long, and they are willing to read it.

It doesn't matter if you watch it, you are immediately attracted to this drama.

Unlike the usual war dramas of this type, the characters of the protagonists in this drama are very distinct.

Resolute, stern, with personality, cool in speaking and acting.

Then, in addition to being cool, it is also being handsome.

On the first day of broadcasting, the ratings were ranked third in the country that day.

The next day, the ratings rose to the second place in the country that day.

On the third day, the ratings ranked first in the country that day.

Subsequently, it maintained the first place in the ratings and never fell to the second place.

"I bet you don't have any bullets in your gun!" quickly became popular on the Internet.

With the popularity of this drama, more classic lines have been uploaded to the Internet by netizens.Someone even listed Yan Shuangying's [-] must-read classic lines.

"I'm not afraid of death, how about you?"

"I will kill whoever shoots at me, even if there is no bullet in his gun."

"Do you believe it? Even if you hold a gun to my head, I can let you see your own brain in a second."


Even children are affected.

Holding a toy gun, imitating Yan Shuangying's movements and speaking Yan Shuangying's lines.

There was a child who did something wrong and was given a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots by his father. He cried out in tears:

"I'm not afraid of death! I'm Yan Shuangying!"

The mother who was filming the video burst out laughing.

As expected, Zhang Zikang's worth was just like what Xing Zhongfei said at the beginning, a rising tide lifts all boats.Even though Zhang Zikang was still practicing martial arts in closed doors, many people still made appointments for him to film The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Netizens looked at Zhang Zikang's photo of Huang Yaoshi's fixed makeup, thick and thick gray eyebrows, slightly upturned and extended to the temples.Coupled with the same gray beard and hair, it is really evil and awe-inspiring.

Reminiscent of the picture of Yan Shuangying, the two gradually overlapped, and actually imagined the description of Huang Laoxie.

Not to mention, there is really a taste of Dongxie in it.

Many netizens left messages below.

"I bet your sword can't pierce me!"

"I bet your fists have no strength!"

"I will kill everyone who offends my Peach Blossom Island, even if he is powerless."

"Do you believe it? Even if you hold my head with a sword, I can let you see your own brain in a second."

In the Condor Heroes martial arts hall, the actors practiced horse stance and strength, and Wu Long began to teach them various martial arts separately.

Lanhua Fuxue Hand, Luoying Excalibur Palm and other Taohuadao martial arts, while teaching Zhang Zhulin and Zhang Zikang.

For a set of martial arts, Wu Long will not teach them all, and only let them practice the moves that need to be used in filming.You have to practice until the layman looks like that, and fool the layman into thinking that you really know martial arts.

The dog-beating-stick method was taught to Zhang Zhulin and the actor who played Hong Qigong.


The number of Douyin's visits has been increasing, and almost all of the increased visits have poured into the "Condor Heroes Martial Arts" channel.

In the main live broadcast room, there are shots of Wu Long appearing on the screen.After Wu Long finished teaching, he taught others. When the actor practiced by himself, it was the actor's own live broadcast room.

Watch whoever you want.

There are so many martial arts, but I can't watch them, so I can only stay up late and watch videos.

Originally, Douyin had more visits at night than during the day, but now the visits during the day have increased.It shows that many people go to work to catch fish.

No way, there is not enough time at night to watch.

In the subway, out of ten people swiping their phones, at least five of them were watching the channel "The Condor Heroes Martial Arts".

Those who like martial arts and martial arts naturally look at how martial arts are.Those who practice martial arts want to learn the moves in it to see if it will help them.

Those who don't like martial arts and martial arts can watch how celebrities are abused by Wu Long, how they get embarrassed, and how they complain in private.

"Not to mention, seeing them practice martial arts diligently, I am looking forward to this drama more and more."

"For the hard work of these actors, no matter whether the show is good or not, I have booked it!"

"It's very similar to the older generation of performing artists and actors. They used to film, and that's how they came here."

"So, Brother Long was scolded privately by people in the industry!"

"Definitely. Brother Long, how can you ask other crews to make a movie?"

"This comparison shows why those martial arts movies are so bad."

The same is the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Gym, another place unknown to the cast and crew is Rocky who is training.

Wu Long did not spend money from Douyin or Feiyun Entertainment to train Rocky.This place is equivalent to a training and filming location rented by Weiner Films.

"You have almost learned the basics of Chinese martial arts, and then use the combination of ancient and modern methods to practice fighting and fighting."

"Have you heard of the Eighteen Bronze Figures in Shaolin? The starting formation in our Condor Heroes Martial Arts Academy is similar to the Eighteen Bronze Figures."

"This is the stick formation I designed. Use the motor to swing the rattan sticks and hit you. You have to use the hard Qigong breathing I call you, and use your body to resist these sticks."

More than a dozen rattan sticks lashed towards Rocky in the center from all directions.Rocky couldn't dodge, and squatted to resist.

This kind of training is designed purely for documentaries and movies.

Without some of these novelty things, how can you attract the audience?Of course, such training is effective.It's just that Wu Long should be beating him with a stick, Wu Long is lazy.

"Practice fighting, fighting is not the purpose, breathing is the purpose. If you breathe correctly and keep up with the rhythm, you will naturally have the ability to resist fighting. But if you breathe incorrectly, although you can resist fighting, your body will still have hidden dangers."

"In the boxing ring, although you resist the blow, if your breathing is disordered, the rhythm will definitely be disordered, and you will follow your opponent and fall into a passive position. It is only a matter of time before you lose."

"So, breathing and rhythm are the most important."

"The strength and frequency can be adjusted, and you have to adapt to different frequencies of being hit."

Practice fighting with sticks.

The tennis ball machine launches tennis balls to practice dodging.

"When practicing dodging, first practice dodging while squatting. It means dodging without moving your feet. This kind of dodging is a defensive counterattack in Chinese martial arts. As long as the horse stance is in place, you can form a counterattack during dodge. This kind of counterattack is very sudden, and it is not in the opponent's hands. The expected path can often KO opponents."

"Squatting and dodging can also practice your balance and center of gravity control."

"After practicing squatting and dodging, you can practice normal fighting movements and dodging. Remember to integrate the center of gravity and balance of horse stance into it."

"Dodging is not the goal. Even if you get hit, don't deform your posture to avoid a tennis ball."

"You must keep your posture correct. Only by practicing the correct posture as if it were a normal movement, without deforming it at any time, can you form a whole body."

"Stillness is not only about attacking power, but also fullness of defense."

"A non-integrity defense is equivalent to a wall made of many bricks. The opponent hits a brick, and if the brick is broken, he loses his combat effectiveness."

"The whole defense is a concrete wall. No matter where the opponent hits, the entire concrete wall is bearing the blow, which can minimize the opponent's blow effect."

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