I'm not just an action star

Chapter 289 Everyone Comes Together to Practice Martial Arts

In Li Siyi's live broadcast room, her assistant helped her film.She got in the car, covered her mouth and yawned.

"Last night, I thought about starting closed martial arts practice today, and I couldn't sleep all night. I barely fell asleep at three o'clock in the morning. When the alarm clock rang, I quickly woke up. I didn't get enough sleep."

"As you get older, time is not forgiving." She started the self-deprecating mode.

"Since becoming an actor, although I was nervous when I was acting for the first time, I have never been as nervous as this time."

"Let me tell you something quietly, Brother Long is really strict. I practiced martial arts with him when I was filming "The Great Mighty Dragon of Fahai", and I gritted my teeth and persisted with tears in my eyes."


Jiang Shuang'er hurried to the car and almost fell down.It caused her to shout in the live broadcast room that the car would roll over when the broadcast started.

After getting in the car and starting the car, she explained to the camera.

"I went to bed early last night, thinking about getting up earlier today. But I had a dream last night, dreaming that I was punished by Brother Long to squat. Squat, squat, squat, I said why it's not dark yet. You can sleep when it’s dark, and you don’t have to squat.”

"In the end, I actually overslept." He said he overslept, but he actually set off early.

The barrage was full of joy.

"You are wrong, you still have to squat in the dark."

"Not only do you have to squat in the dark, but you also have to squat when you sleep."

"Not only do you squat while sleeping, but you also squat in your dreams."


Tian Feng was also on his way to the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Live.

"Hello everyone, I'm Tian Feng. I played the old urchin Zhou Botong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". After learning that I played this role, I quietly practiced left and right fighting skills."

"Until now, I haven't practiced it yet."


Many actors came to the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Museum on time, but Huang Rong, who everyone was looking forward to the most, did not come.Zhang Zhulin still has some work to do, and she will come in a few days.

Pandona changed into her practice clothes and began to receive the arriving actors in Juyi Hall.

As long as you leave the camera in the main live broadcast room, everyone can choose to start their own live broadcast, and it doesn't matter if they don't.

Some old actors like Tian Feng will no longer broadcast live.

After changing into the exercise clothes, Jiang Shuanger started a live broadcast to show everyone around the entire opening.I saw the exercise equipment on the martial arts field, visited the dormitory and the canteen.

It's just that the door of the division was locked, so I couldn't go in to visit.Everyone is discussing what exactly is the formation.

"Boom boom boom!"

The big drum was beating, and according to what Pandona said earlier, when they heard the sound of the assembly drum, everyone had to come to the Juyi Hall to gather immediately.

When everyone came to Juyi Hall, Wu Long, the owner of the hall who hadn't been seen, was already waiting for them in Juyi Hall.

Just now, Wu Long went to teach Rocky.

"Heroes, I have long admired you!" Wu Long clasped his fists at everyone.

"I've met the teacher." Everyone clasped their fists at Wu Long.

"Starting from today, all the characters who know martial arts in the "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will practice martial arts in the Condor Heroes martial arts gym. I will be responsible for training everyone, and everyone will learn martial arts."

"What is the most important thing in martial arts, can anyone tell me?"

Pandona raised her hand first, and Jiang Shuang'er and others also raised their hands.

"Princess Huazheng, tell me."

"Hard work and hard work." Pandona replied.

Wu Long nodded and asked, "Anyone else want to add?"

Jiang Shuang'er replied: "Listen to Master."

Li Siyi replied: "I have to pretend to understand."

Meng Lu: "Study hard and practice hard."

When the other male actors saw what they had to say, these actresses said it first, so they could only wonder if there was any other answer.

Wu Long nodded.

"You are all right. But there is another point, that is, patience and a strong will."

"In order to test your patience and will, we will practice Zama step in the first lesson."

When everyone came to the martial arts arena, Wu Long began to teach everyone to squat.He has no hard requirements, after all, everyone does not really want to become a master.

This closed martial arts practice is just like teaching Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er in the filming of "Fahai: The Great Power of Tianlong", it is to let everyone do some basic moves, so that everyone can fight with more power and style. Son.

Some people are old and can take a proper rest when they are tired.

Wu Long has been paying attention to observing everyone and correcting everyone's actions.Seeing that older actors can't bear it, they will let them rest.

Just standing on horseback for three days.

A well-known teacher gave a bonus for high-level apprentices, and after three days, everyone's horses stood in a good shape.

The best ones are of course Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er. When they were filming with Wu Long, they had to learn the horse stance from Wu Long. After "The Great Power of Fa Hai Tianlong" was finished, the two of them did not let go of the kung fu taught by Wu Long.The performance was very good this time. Wu Long asked them to be big sisters and help him guide other actors.


"I really envy them, they can learn martial arts from Brother Long."

"If Brother Long really opens a martial arts gym, I will definitely sign up!"

"Hehe, Brother Long opens a martial arts gym? How much is the right price?"

"The fee is too expensive and no one comes."

"The fee is cheap, why do you still open it? Isn't it good to sell songs, film movies and shoot commercials?"

"Donna's gait looks good."

"Even old actors like Tian Feng can squat."

"The ones standing the best are Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er."

After teaching the horse stance, Wu Long began to explain the exercise of fitness equipment to everyone.

"After practicing the horse stance, everyone started to practice strength. Without strength, there will be no sense of strength in the moves, and it will not be beautiful."

Actresses don't exercise the same amount as male actors, and older actors don't exercise the same way as younger actors.Wu Long arranges training according to the physical condition of each of them.

"Boom boom boom!"

The big drum of the Juyi Hall rang, and Pandona hurried to the Juyi Hall to receive her.

Zhang Zhulin is here.

When she arrived, she didn't start the live broadcast by herself.After Pandona came out, the camera in the main live broadcast room switched to Juyi Hall, and everyone saw her appearance.


"Zhong Qian is here!"

"In "Shaolin Bodyguard", I didn't have a romantic relationship with Long Ge, but instead in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Zhong Qian's wish has been fulfilled."

"I just don't know if she can play Huang Rong well."

"Brother Long approves of her, which means she can act well. Otherwise, according to Brother Long's request, if it is not suitable, she will not accept it at all."

It was the first time for Pandona to have close contact with Zhang Zhulin, so she couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhulin carefully.

She believes that Zhang Zhulin's ability to play Huang Rong must have a lot to do with Wu Long!

The gossip from the media on Hong Kong Island said that Zhang Zhulin got the chance to play "Shaolin Bodyguard" because of being with Wu Long.

For her sake, Wu Long specially wrote a literary film script for her.

"Hello, Princess Huazheng." Zhang Zhulin greeted Pandona first.

In the Condor Heroes martial arts gym, everyone calls each other by the name of the character.

"Welcome to the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Academy, Huang Rong."


"Haha, I saw the spark between the eyes of the two!"

"When you meet a rival in love, you are extremely jealous!"

"In the play, you are a rival in love, but in reality, you may also be a rival in love."

"In the play, they are rivals in love, but in reality, they may be sisters. Anyone who understands understands."

Pan Duona gave Zhang Zhulin the practice uniform, and led Zhang Zhulin through the martial arts arena to change clothes in the dormitory.

"Hello, teacher." When Zhang Zhulin saw Wu Long, she also called Wu Long like everyone else.

Everyone looked at Zhang Zhulin curiously.

Female number one!

Guo Jing's beloved woman, Huang Rong!

Everyone wants to know what ability this Zhang Zhulin has to play Huang Rong.

The role of Huang Rong is not easy to play, she struggles with her acting skills.

She is eccentric, scheming, clever, playful and lovely.The opening scene is dressed as a beggar. Guo Jing met Mu Nianci for the first time, and she was jealous as a male beggar.

Getting along with Guo Jing, I gradually fell in love with Guo Jing.

He was sad and disappointed when he found out that Guo Jing was a Mongolian sword attached to a horse.

When Zhang Zhulin arrived, she didn't practice horse stance, but started to train according to everyone's progress.

In fact, Wu Long learned that she would arrive a few days later in Hong Kong Island, so he first taught her how to practice horse stance.

Now live shooting, Wu Long asked Zhang Zhulin to use the rest time to practice horse stance.

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