I'm not just an action star

Chapter 288 Opening

The live broadcast channel of "The Condor Heroes Martial Arts Museum" specially developed by Douyin is divided into two areas, one is the live broadcast area and the other is the video area.

In addition to the main live broadcast room of "The Condor Heroes Martial Arts", there are also live broadcast rooms of other characters in the live broadcast area.

There is no live broadcast in all the live broadcast rooms now, and the live broadcast rooms of each character are closed.According to Douyin's official introduction, when an actor comes, the corresponding live broadcast room will be activated.

There is no live broadcast in the main live broadcast room, but you can go in and watch the black screen.

That's right, it's a black screen!

There is nothing, there are already people inside.

The black screen in the live broadcast room is also very popular, just like the grand occasion before Wu Long's live broadcast.

It's just that in the main live broadcast room of "The Condor Heroes Martial Arts", there are not only fans of Wu Long, but also fans of other actors.

Everyone was discussing how the show should be presented, what the martial arts hall looked like, and whether it was well arranged.

Some people are discussing that the official has not made it clear whether there is a fee.

If it is charged, do you want to see it?

As the owner of the gym, Wu Long also lives in the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Hall.Except for him who is in a separate room, the other actors all sleep in the dormitory.Regardless of whether it is an old actor or a young actor, there is only a distinction between men and women, regardless of age.

On the opening day, Wu Long hadn't gotten up to open the museum yet, the main live broadcast room was still black, and the popularity had already exceeded one million.

Some people came to see it, and went to other live broadcast rooms.

The first thing to light up was Princess Huazheng's live broadcast room!

This woman, Pandona, actually got up at six o'clock to start the live broadcast in order to grab traffic.

The live broadcast of each actor can be broadcast by himself, or he can find someone to help live broadcast.

Pandona got up to live broadcast, so naturally she broadcast live.

"There was no one in the studio, it was deserted. I didn't sleep well last night, and I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep. I fell asleep very late, and I didn't expect to wake up now."

Pandona didn't intentionally find someone to promote it. In the live broadcast room where there was no one, she continued to brush her teeth and wash her face live.

Su Yan!

Natural beauty, just not afraid.

I didn't broadcast it after breakfast, and then I went to the car to go to the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Academy very early.At this time, some fans had already seen her previous video and found that she was the first to broadcast live, and immediately went to the main live broadcast room to promote it.

Viewers in the main live broadcast room flocked to Pandona's live broadcast room to watch Pandona's live broadcast in the car.

Wu Long got ready, and when he was watching the main live broadcast room of the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Academy, he saw many people calling for him to open the door.

"Brother Long, don't sleep late, open the door!"

"It's so lazy to charge fees, do you have any professional ethics?"

The main live broadcast room of the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Center charges a fee, and the next day's video is free.

The actors in the live broadcast room of other actors themselves decide whether to charge or not.As a result, all the actors chose not to charge, which is what Douyin expected.

But in the case of the main live room, the actor's live room is automatically closed.

"Master, the door is open, there are students coming!"

"Brother Long, the sun is drying your butt, why don't you get up and open the door!"

"Brother Long, Princess Huazheng has been waiting for you outside the door for over an hour!"

"Guo Jing, Princess Huazheng brought you breakfast!"

Of course, there are still many who call Pandona a scheming bitch.

Anyway, Jiang Shuang'er and Li Siyi didn't get the first live broadcast, so they felt bad.

They have already started the live broadcast half an hour earlier than the time required by the program. Who would have thought that Pandona would be so scheming and start the live broadcast at six o'clock.I have to say that Pandona is hard enough.

Who told Pandona not to be an artist of Feiyun Entertainment?

This is the only way to go.

According to the program plan, each actor who comes to the martial arts hall will start the live broadcast when they get in the car.When to go to the martial arts gym, the actors arrange their own time.Neither the program group nor Wu Long has hard requirements, and they won't say that they have opinions because they come late.

Wu Long saw that Pandona was already outside the door, so he had to open the main live broadcast room in advance.

"Hello everyone, you are so enthusiastic."

The barrage "opened the door" one after another.

Wu Long smiled and went to open the door.Opening the door, she saw Pandona stomping in the cold wind, with her suitcase beside her and breakfast in her hand.

When the door opened, Pandona's live broadcast room automatically closed, and she appeared in the main live broadcast room.

"Master, good morning!"

"Don't call me master, I confiscated apprentices. Call me teacher."

Like Rocky, it is not considered a formal apprenticeship, so Wu Long is not allowed to call him master, but only teacher.

"Good morning teacher!" Pandona changed her words.

Serving breakfast with both hands.

"Teacher, this is the breakfast I specially bought for you."

"I'm determined." Wu Long took the breakfast and took her into the martial arts gym.

"You came so early before the hour?"

"I couldn't sleep last night, and I woke up early this morning and couldn't sleep, so I just thought about coming here."

Wu Long brought Pandona to the counter, put down the breakfast first, and went behind the counter by himself.

The audience saw the facade of the martial arts hall from Pandona's live broadcast room, and the big sculpture caused a screen burst.

Now, it is through Wu Long's main live broadcast room to watch the inside of the martial arts hall.

"Look, there are seven lamps in the sky!"

"Arrangement of the Big Dipper!"

"Tiangang Beidou Formation!"

"There's a big drum!"

"Look, there are peach blossoms on the right."

"There's a big toad on the left!"

"Damn it, the left side can't be Xidu Ouyang Feng!"

"It's possible, Ouyang Feng's Ha Toad Kung Fu!"

"The peach blossom on the right means Peach Blossom Island?"

"Shouldn't the green dragon be on the left and the white tiger be on the right?"

"Sit north and face south, come in from the south, right east and left west, there is nothing wrong with it."

"No wonder the mural behind the counter is a dragon. These are the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

"Good guy, count carefully, there are really eighteen dragons!"

Wu Long bent down and took out two sets of exercise clothes from under the counter to Pandona.

"This is your practice uniform. You will change it later. This is the Juyi Hall, which is actually the receptionist in the front hall."


"Brother Long, don't be so straightforward."

"Brother Long, as the owner of the museum, works part-time as the receptionist in the front hall. He deserves to pay for viewing!"

"Brother Long's profession: bandit, bodyguard, Taoist priest, monk, chef, receptionist..."

Wu Long asked Pandona:

"Have you eaten?"

Pandona nodded: "I have eaten."

She knew it.If you come here without eating, you want to eat with Wu Long.If Wu Long doesn't give face, she will lose face.

This is a live broadcast, and she doesn't want to broadcast the car overturned.

"Go to the dormitory and change your clothes. After you come out, you will be the receptionist in the front hall, and receive the actors who will come later."

"Ah?" Pandona looked at Wu Long in surprise, and the expression on her face was shown in close-up in the live broadcast room.


"Ha ha!"

"I spit out my breakfast!"

"This expression is absolutely ignorant of the live broadcast!"

"Even if there is a script, I still recognize it. It shows that Donna understands her acting skills and acts like the real thing."

Pandona was in a hurry.

"Brother Long, why?"


"Haha, I don't even call the teacher anymore!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"The actors who come to practice martial arts should take turns as hosts. Donna came early and was the first to be the host."

Wu Long replied as a matter of course:

"You are the first to come. Who do you want to be? Do you want me, the curator, to be the one?"

Pandona had a bitter face.

"I knew I wouldn't come so early."

There was another burst of laughter on the barrage.

Wu Long said: "Even if you are not the first to come, you will be the receptionist in the front hall."

Pandona's shocked face was again shown in the live broadcast room.

The barrage laughed one after another, feeling that Pandona was showing her true feelings, very funny and very real.They all said it was worth the fee.

"Because you are Princess Huazheng, the princess is the entertainer, and the audience likes to watch." Wu Long explained seriously.

Pandona's face was full of sorrow, she wanted to fight but didn't dare.She forgot that this was a live broadcast. This expression was so real that it made people want to laugh.

"Besides, Princess Huazheng doesn't know martial arts, so she doesn't need to practice martial arts. So it's a very reasonable choice for you to be the receptionist." Wu Long was serious.

Pandona's eyes began to moisten.

"Then I can't practice martial arts together?"

"Yes, you can also practice together. But you don't need to be assessed. If there are actors coming to report and beat the drums to find someone, you have to come out to receive them."

Hearing that they could practice martial arts together, Pandona laughed immediately.

"This expression controls, I love it!"

"With this acting skill, I'm a fan!"

"This is showing your true feelings, Lu Zhuan fan!"

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