After finishing speaking, Rocky had a feeling. Sure enough, in the following footwork, although he used the footwork of fighting and boxing, there was a shadow of horse stance in it.

When people want to move, whether their feet leave the ground or not, they must have two words.

rise and fall.

It falls like a horse and takes root, and rises like a kite on a string.

The bonus of a famous teacher producing a good apprentice made Rocky finally improve after practicing horse stance for so many days.

This is also why Rocky himself is very talented.

"Well, not bad, there is something of that meaning."

"However, it's not enough. In the eyes of experienced people, when you fall, you have a little bit of a horse, but when you get up, you are like duckweed and have no roots. If you are caught, you will easily be caught." One punch."

This experience refers to fighting experience.You don't need to know horse stance, but you know how to seize the opportunity.Horse step or no horse step, timing and flaws are essentially the same.

"Do you know why sometimes you can punch KO, and sometimes you can't?"

"When the strength is equal, being KO is often the opportunity to be seized by the opponent."

"Get up, move forward or upward, and it is easy to be solidified by force."

"Alright, pack your luggage and follow me back to the imperial capital."

At the Imperial Capital Airport, Wu Long did not expect Xing Zhongfei to pick him up in person.

"Wu Long, your ideas are so unconstrained! I made people work overtime day and night, and the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Hall was finally built."

"So, this is the reason for asking you to pick up the plane yourself?" Wu Long teased Xing Zhongfei. "Don't say yes, I don't believe it."

"Whether you believe it or not, I will answer yes." Xing Zhongfei has always had a thick skin.

"Wu Long, what's the matter with that foreigner? Still following the cameraman the whole time?" He stated his purpose. "I said you have a good project, don't forget me. I don't ask for more money, I just ask for some luck, and I will never delay you."

Wu Long shook his head:

"This is my collaboration with Werner Films, and it's not for you to be involved."

In order not to misunderstand Xing Zhongfei, he explained:

"After the UFC last time, the opponent's boss found me."

"You also know that they are the kind of people who don't have a good brain, and dare to do anything when they are hot-headed. So, I don't want to involve too many people in China with some things."

Rocky is going to fight, and the fight will definitely involve gambling.

I already made a lot of money by stealing chickens last time, and if I play again this time, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary troubles.

"Are you okay?" Xing Zhongfei heard that someone was making trouble for Wu Long, but he didn't know, so he couldn't help asking Wu Long: "Do you need help?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"I don't need it for the time being. I'll ask the other party to find out what happens to those who want to harm me on Hong Kong Island, and the other party will stop looking for me."

"I'm worried they're playing tricks."

"I will be careful."

"Why don't you go down to Merikan Country and bring a few more bodyguards?"

"No need. I know kung fu myself, and I have bodyguards. Didn't people say my kung fu is fake?"

"But over there, they don't know how to play kung fu, they all use this."

Xing Zhongfei made a gun gesture with his hand.

"I shoot movies and do performances, which one is not dangerous? I have practiced a lot of martial arts, and I often walk on the edge of danger. I have an inexplicable feeling of danger coming." Wu Long forcefully explained.

Xing Zhongfei thought about what happened when Wu Long was filming "One Zhang High", and nodded to express his understanding.

He knows how to measure.If Wu Long doesn't take him to play, he won't force him to join.It aroused Wu Long's resentment, and the gain outweighed the loss.

As long as Wu Long in China is still willing to cooperate with him, he is not worried.

The car came directly to what Xing Zhongfei called "The Condor Heroes Martial Art Museum", where Rocky will also live.

The car carrying Rocky and his party stopped at the back, Rocky got out of the car, and the cameraman got out of the car with the camera on his back.

After getting off the airport, he started filming.This is a documentary that illustrates the trajectory of Lodge's journey.

Rocky stood in front of the martial arts hall, looked at the huge sign above the martial arts hall and read: "The Condor Heroes Martial Arts Hall."

Accompanying notaries and reporters exclaimed:


"It's beautiful!"

Above the martial arts hall is a huge eagle.This sculpture is not realistic, but a Chinese cultural painting style with the head of a kite with a dragon head, the head of a dragon dancing, and the head of a lion dancing with a lion.

It can also be said that it is a huge lantern - carved lantern.

It's just that this lantern is more detailed, and it looks more artistic when it is not lit.

"Teacher, is this your martial arts gym?" Rocky asked Wu Long.

"No, this is the location of the early part of the TV series I want to shoot."

The idea of ​​the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Hall was an idea that Wu Long thought of on the spur of the moment.

Now there are many reality shows and celebrity shows. Since so many people have to be taught martial arts, the teaching and practice alone don’t attract much attention, and the actors may lose their patience.

If you think of this as a program, the actors have income, traffic, and can attract fans through this program, and the actors will have the motivation to practice boxing.

By the way, you can also make a fortune.

Today's reality shows and star shows are all about cooking, running around, playing around, doing competitive games, and so on. They haven't practiced martial arts yet.

Wu Long didn't know if it would work, so he shared this idea with Xing Zhongfei, and Xing Zhongfei immediately agreed.

As far as Xing Zhongfei's theory is concerned, anyone who has anything to do with Wu Long will definitely do.

If you can't do it, you have to do it!

Talking about cooperation with Douyin, the other party hit it off.When Douyin boss heard that he was able to cooperate with Wu Long, he swiped his pen happily, made a big investment, and Douyin came out!

In terms of burning money, Douyin is still strong.

As long as they can cooperate with Wu Long, more money will definitely be invested.

Originally, Douyin wanted to fully invest, but Xing Zhongfei was unwilling.

With Douyin joining, no need to worry about money, and only renovation and decoration, the martial arts hall will be completed soon.

When everyone walked in, the first thing they entered was the Juyi Hall, which was actually the place where the actors came to report.

Going in is the Martial Arts Field.The martial arts field is surrounded by training equipment, and the open space in the middle is the place for practicing martial arts.Going in again, there are three exits, which are the dormitory area, the cafeteria and the division formation.

The so-called departure is a game of breaking through levels.Enrich the visibility and fun of the program.

Wu Long took Rocky on a tour and briefly introduced the show.Rocky just lives here to facilitate Wu Long's training, and will not participate in this program.

The program of the Condor Heroes Martial Arts has never been made public. Now that Wu Long is back, it will start broadcasting tomorrow, and it will be officially announced at the same time when Wu Long agrees after the test.

"No problem, let's make it official."

Wu Long himself also took a photo of the big sculpture on the gate outside the gate of the martial arts hall.

"Tomorrow, the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Academy will officially become a martial arts gym. If you have nothing to do, you can watch it. The whole process will be live-streamed. A reality show of stars practicing martial arts. Watch how I abuse stars. Haha!"

I took another short video, said the same thing, and posted it on Douyin.

On Douyin's homepage, a large banner suddenly appeared.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes, starring Wu Long, is about to start filming. As the director, Wu Long personally ordered that all actors who know martial arts, their actors must be live on camera, and martial arts are not allowed unless it is an accident!

Wu Long will personally train these actors before filming starts.When the participating actors sign the contract, there will be an extra clause. If they fail the martial arts assessment, they will not be allowed to act.


In order to train these actors, Wu Long specially built the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Gym, with him as the owner. This platform will broadcast the whole process of these actors' martial arts practice in an all-round way.

Want to see how Fahai abuses stars?

The Condor Heroes Martial Arts Museum tomorrow, come quickly! "

As soon as this news appeared, it quickly went crazy on the Internet.

Everyone knows that Wu Long requires the actors to practice martial arts, so just focus on this. The drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" became popular before it was filmed.

Just ask, who would make such a request when making a TV series?

This is a work of complete sincerity.

Regardless of whether it is hype or not, first of all, this attitude is worthy of recognition.

Many people think that this is hype, but in reality it cannot be done.Besides, the crew said they practiced, but who knows if they practiced or not?

Now, it is actually presented in front of the public in the form of a live broadcast reality show, which immediately makes those who talk about hype dumbfounded.

Whether it's true or not, the live broadcast has the final say.

Such a show will definitely attract fans.Who doesn't like to watch celebrity gossip?

This is way better than those reality TV shows that have scripts and edits to fool viewers and fans.Because, in live broadcasts, you can’t create false conflicts through editing and splicing, or even out-of-chronological shots to attract traffic.

And if you make an embarrassment on a live show, it's a real overturn.

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