Not long after the Hong Kong Island Golden Fragrance Awards ended, the news that Wu Long won the best actor, and the news that "Shaolin Bodyguard" swept the Golden Fragrance Awards was spread on major media, websites, and forums.

Soon, it rushed to the tenth position in the hot search.

Just when everyone thought that the phenomenon that Wu Long could only rank tenth in the most popular search reappeared, he immediately rushed to the first place.

Many people ridiculed and commented, saying that Brother Long has changed.In the past, I didn't spend money to buy trending searches, but now I spend money to buy trending searches.

The production team of "Sweet Honey" hastened to start publicity work, no matter how a literary film is, it is also a literary film of the best actor.

Feiyun Entertainment also took the opportunity to promote the upcoming "Legend of the Condor Heroes", the upcoming "Legend of the New White Snake", and the first "Hero" of the Yan Shuangying system.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" swept the Hong Kong Island Golden Fragrance Awards, and Shaolin Temple and Tianwu Film and Television Entertainment Company became the big winners.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" also became the first film in history to win the Golden Fragrance Award for Best Film, the Golden Hill Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and the Hauscart Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

It also made Wu Long the youngest winner of the Golden Fragrance Award for Best Actor in an action movie alone.

At the end of the Golden Fragrance Awards Ceremony, Xu Zhi, the director of "One Zhang High", and Cheng Shaodong, the martial arts instructor, came to congratulate Wu Long.

They, including the people from the crew of "One Foot High", if they say in their hearts that they are not envious, it is a lie.

It is also cooperating with Wu Long, and Wu Long is also the protagonist. The difference between the two films is so great that they feel a little regretful in their hearts.

I only hope to cooperate with Wu Long in the future. At that time, Wu Long must be the center, and Wu Long can do whatever he says.

The crew of "Shaolin Bodyguard", as well as Zhou Renle and others had a celebration banquet together.

Wu Long's Weibo and Douyin also received more and more congratulations from fans.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of [Become the Movie King or Movie King], and get a chance to draw a lottery once."

Wu Long didn't expect to finish the task so soon after completing the task last time.

The goal of the task is to win a best actor award.

According to his speculation, whether it is "Shaolin Bodyguard", "The Way Is High", "The Mighty Dragon of Fahai", and "The God of Cookery: All the Gold and Jade", these films are impossible for him to win the Best Actor Award.

No matter which country's film awards, very few action actors win the best actor award.

His current starring movies are basically action movies.Even if he has good acting skills in it, I'm afraid he can change the judges' perceptions.

Because of this, he will shoot "Sweet Honey", to see if he can win the best actor award with this film.

Although the film "Sweet Honey" is not that kind of box office film, it has won many awards.

His acting skills are better than the leading actor in "Sweet Honey" in his previous life, and he must be able to get the best leading actor.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Fragrance Award was awarded to him for the best actor in the film "Shaolin Bodyguard".

Maybe the Shaolin Temple Chanwu Culture Communication Company moved the relationship?

Or is it that local films on Hong Kong Island are too hip nowadays?

Or is it true that some people believe that he knows the law, so they are worried about his paper-cutter revenge?

Or, because he defeated the two-flowered heroes of the three local companies, and vented his anger for the entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island?

In any case, he won the best actor, and he has completed his task.

"Does the host draw a lottery?"

Without hesitation, Wu Long directly chose to draw a lottery.

Countless balls of light danced, and the last one stopped in front of him.

The sphere of light opens.

"Reward: Famous teachers produce high-level apprentices (disabled) (masters)."

On the attribute panel, there is an extra column of skills.

[Skills: Famous Teachers Produce High Apprentices (Incomplete) (Master)]

Famous teachers produce high-quality students, which means that famous teachers or masters teach excellent students.

Wu Long has such skills, which means that he is a famous teacher who can teach good apprentices.When teaching apprentices, there is a bonus.

The higher the level of this skill, the faster you can teach high-level apprentices.

The incomplete skill of "a famous teacher makes a good student" shows that Wu Long can only gain bonuses in teaching martial arts and acting skills, and make a good student.

For things like cooking, playing the piano, singing, etc., it is the apprentice, not him, who can make a good apprentice.When teaching these, there is no bonus.

This is in line with the characteristics of his career as an action actor.Action actor, isn't it just kung fu and acting skills?

After receiving the reward, the system pops up a new task.

"The host has already become a film king. If this is the end, wouldn't life be boring? Why not make the film king a beginning and prove yourself with a few more film kings?"

"I look forward to the host continuing to complete the next task!"

[Task Name: The Road Beyond the Movie King]

[Mission Objective: Get a few more Best Actor Awards. 】

[Task content: Receive more Best Actor awards in various TV awards or movie awards.Once the task is completed, you will get a chance to draw a prize. 】

[Hint: Best actor, no one thinks too much, only too little.When winning the best actor award becomes a habit, you will understand that the actor is only mediocre.This trophy is just a prop. 】

Seeing this new task, Wu Long couldn't help but think of "Sweet Honey".I just don't know if "Sweet Honey" can win a domestic film award.

"Rocky, your Siping horse stands well. Come with me to the imperial capital, where I will teach you how to stand alive."

"Live horse?" Rocky didn't understand. "Teacher, what is a live horse?"

"A live horse is a horse's step and it is alive."

"A live horse stance? Could it be that the horse stance I stood on before was a dead horse stance?"

"Yes, dead horse step."

"Teacher, what's the difference between dead horse stance and live horse stance?" Rocky asked without understanding. "Is it like some videos say, standing on a horse is like riding a horse?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"I don't mean that when I say a live horse. You have stood so many horse stances, what do you think will happen if you fight with horse stances?"

Rocky said with some embarrassment:

"Teacher, I'm actually very surprised. How can this horse step fight? I'm just too embarrassed to say it."

"You said."

"Teacher, look like this Siping big horse standing up, the body is not flexible. If the opponent attacks, there is no way to hide. You can only squat and get beaten."

Wu Long nodded:

"Yes, that's why I said that I taught you to stand in the dead horse stance. The dead horse stance trains the strength of the legs, the balance of the body's center of gravity, and the whole body."

"Live horse gait, what you practice is to make the horse gait big and small, and small and nothing, and use it in daily life, and use it in flexible footwork."

"Teacher, I still don't quite understand."

Wu Long gave an example of boxing and fighting footwork:

"For example, the footwork of boxing and fighting. Do you think my footwork is the same as what you practice and fight in each boxing ring?"

Rocky nodded: "I think it's the same."

"It looks the same on the outside, but it's not the same in reality. Because I use the technique and power of the horse stance as the foundation of my power, and I use the balance of the horse stance and the method of controlling the center of gravity of the body."

Rocky thought for a while and asked:

"Teacher, are you saying that you should apply the force, technique, and center of gravity of the horse stance to the horse stance in boxing and fighting?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Yes, that's it."

"The so-called live horse is flexible application."

Wu Long used a stick as a knife, and performed a "wrapping the head and wrapping the brain" move.

"This knife technique is called 'wrapping the head and wrapping the brain'. Look at my movements. The knife circles around my head, shoulders, and back. The arm movements are also very large."

"It's a trick to use on defense."

"But if I use it to attack, this move can be simplified to just a twist of the wrist. This move can turn big into small ones, and after connecting with one attack, it will immediately form a second attack."

"If I don't explain it, you must think that this big move is another move."

Instead of learning Wu Long's "wrapping the head and wrapping the brain", Rocky began to slide left and right, back and forth, and tried to hop left and right, and back and forth.

Wu Long didn't open his mouth to point out, let Rocky experience it for himself.

Rocky pondered for a while, looked up and said:

"Teacher, I seem to have a feeling."

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