The awards ceremony started, and there was another speech as usual.

Then the two hosts came on stage.

"Tonight's Golden Fragrance Awards is a bit special."

"What's so special? Isn't it singing and dancing?"

"Singing and dancing is the same, you have to see who sings and who dances. For example, if you ask me to sing, I can howl a few words, but if you ask me to dance, then you will be thrown rotten eggs."

"Is today's singing and dancing special?"

"Of course. Today's opening singing is very sharp, and the climax is 404 at the beginning..."

"Wait. The opening is the 404 climax. Doesn't it end after the 404 climax, and everyone leave?"

"You can also say that. After listening to the song, you can go home and sleep after the show!"

"I see. No wonder the opening song of the previous Golden Fragrance Awards was sung at the beginning. Today's opening song is sung after the speech. I'm afraid that everyone will go home to sleep after listening to the song, and no one will listen to the speech."

"That's it."

"Then who is singing this special song? What song is it singing?"

"You'll know it when you hear it. I don't even need to say it."

The music started, and Wu Long's voice appeared.

"Shaolin, Shaolin!

How many heroes have come to admire you! "

Wu Long suddenly fell from the sky and jumped directly off the stage from above the stage.



It really danced differently.Except for Wu Long, no one dared to sing and dance like this.

However, this song is normal.Shaolin Temple's promotional song, how can the host say something special?

Just when everyone was wondering, the style of music changed suddenly, and Wu Long's voice also changed accordingly.

"Dawei Tianlong!

Big Luo Fa mantra! "< Shout Mai.

It is composed of the lines of Fa Hai played by Wu Long in "Fa Hai: The Great Power of Tianlong". < varies.

This is because Wu Long added the technique of the Jiuyinzhenjing, which made these two lyrics sing like a mantra chanted when exorcising demons.

The people at the scene felt that these two lines of lyrics were like floating down from the sky to suppress them, which actually made people tremble.

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room, and the bullet screens complained one after another.

"Damn it, you can still sing like that!"

"Good guy, there is no sense of disobedience in receiving it."

"Feelings are spells!"

"I almost thought that the gods and Buddhas chanted mantras and fell from the sky!"

"It's hard work!"

"Why do I find it interesting?"

Wu Long's voice changed back again.

"Shaolin, Shaolin!

How many marvelous stories have carried you around! "

Wu Long's expression changed again, like Fahai like Buddha.

"World Honored One Ksitigarbha!

Prajna Buddhas! "

"Exquisite martial arts,


The power of Shaolin Temple is everywhere! "

"Jinshan Fa Temple!

Forbidden place for evildoers! "

"a long history,

Has a long history,

The reputation of Shaolin Temple is brilliant! "

"Prajna Pa Ma Hum!

Gan! "

"A thousand-year-old temple,

mysterious place. "

"Dawei Tianlong!

The flying dragon is in the sky! "

"Songshan valley,

Everyone yearns for it. "

"The sun is so beautiful,

Red flowers are green grass. "

"The hometown of martial arts,

charming place. "

"I ran forward cheerfully,

People who travel all over Qingshan are not old. "

"Famous all over the world,

Eternal fragrance. "

"Dawei Tianlong!

All Buddhas are merciful! "



Shaolin! "


The barrage of the live broadcast has been "fucking" all the time.

It turns out that the song can still be sung like this.

No, it should be said that songs can still be played like this!

After re-arranging, two different songs were mixed and sung together, and it was actually able to look good.

This kind of singing benefited from the duet of two songs that Wu Long heard in his previous life.

It is a pair of singing siblings, the younger brother sings "Wolf", and the older sister sings "Olive Tree".This chorus is also known as "Olive Wolf".

Of course, not everyone likes the way Wu Long sings this song.The applause at the scene was mostly polite.

Netizens like it very much.

Many people in Hong Kong Island feel that this song expresses their... that feeling.

The award ceremony continued and was gradually announced.

Newcomer Award, "Shaolin Bodyguard" was also nominated for this award.

A quick introduction to the nominated films.

The award presenters read the list of winners.

"The winner of this Golden Fragrance Award for Newcomer is Zhang Zhulin!"

Zhang Zhulin didn't know that she won the award in advance, although she had fantasized about it, but when filming "Shaolin Bodyguard", everyone thought she was a vase.

Who would have thought that Wu Long brought her into the play, letting her performance get rid of vase acting skills and directly reveal her true feelings.

Hearing her name, Zhang Zhulin jumped up excitedly.

Then, he immediately rushed to Wu Long beside him and hugged him.

Fortunately, she also knew the occasion, hugged and left immediately, and celebrated with others.

Going up to the stage to receive the award, Wu Long was indispensable in his acceptance speech.Said that she was just a vase, but it was Wu Long who brought her into the play and taught her to act, which made her suddenly improve.

As he spoke, he cried.

Listening to Zhang Zhulin's testimonials, many actresses turned their heads to look at Wu Long from time to time.Looking at Wu Long's figure, she secretly sighed that Zhang Zhulin was so lucky to meet Wu Long.

Without Wu Long, how could Zhang Zhulin win the award.

The next awards.

"The Best Cinematography winner of this year's Golden Fragrance Awards is "Shaolin Bodyguard"!"

"The best visual effect winner of this year's Golden Fragrance Awards is "Shaolin Bodyguard"!"

"The Best Editing winner of this year's Golden Fragrance Awards is "Shaolin Bodyguard"!"

"The best action design winner of this year's Golden Fragrance Awards is Wu Long's "Shaolin Bodyguard"!"

When the stars applauded at the scene, they felt a little helpless. The Hong Kong Island Film Awards were actually swept away by Wu Long from the Mainland. It was really depressing.

The bullet screen also sighed in succession.

"It's Brother Long's Shaolin bodyguard again!"

"Is this a sweep?"

"Actor, supporting actor, leading lady, supporting actress, best film, and best director have not yet been released, so I dare say it's sweeping."

"Aside from male supporting role, female lead, and female supporting role, aren't the other two for sure?"

""Shaolin Bodyguard" doesn't have a female supporting role."

Finally, the best supporting actor award began to be announced.Fang Zhuming was also nominated for this award.

"This year's Golden Fragrance Award for Best Supporting Actor is Fang Zhuming!"


Even Fang Zhuming's martial arts can win an award!

"Shaolin Bodyguard" Is this the rhythm of killing madness?


However, under the influence of Wu Long, the killer played by Fang Zhuming, and the killer's brother, really performed well.It makes people feel the hatred and ferocity of the elder brother who avenged his younger brother.

Just because "Shaolin Bodyguard" has won too many awards, Fang Zhuming cannot not be awarded the award.

Fang Zhuming gave his acceptance speech when he received the award, and he also thanked Wu Long.Wu Long was a little embarrassed to hear Wu Long's praise.

The bullet screen is well said, it is licking, licking hard.

After awarding the best supporting actor, it is the best supporting actress.This award has nothing to do with "Shaolin Bodyguard".

When the best actor began to be announced, many people looked to Wu Long.

"This year's Golden Fragrance Award for Best Actor, the winner, Wu Long!"


Wu Long proclaims himself emperor!



This is sincere.

It also has to be sincere.Some people think that Wu Long really knows the way.

Wu Long came to the stage and thanked his parents, everyone, Shaolin Temple and the abbot of Shaolin Temple.

After the Best Actor was awarded, the Best Actress was not awarded, but the Best Director.

"The winner of this year's Golden Fragrance Award for Best Director is Liu Jinqiu!"

Liu Jinqiu happily celebrated with the crew and took the stage to accept the award.The testimonial also focused on thanking Wu Long, everyone is used to it.Even the barrage said the same.

Next, the Best Actress was awarded, and everyone lamented that "Shaolin Bodyguard" was finally over.

The last and most important award.

"The best film of this year's Golden Fragrance Awards is "Shaolin Bodyguard"!"

with no doubt!

Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Film are four major awards, and "Shaolin Bodyguard" receives three of them.

Together with Best Supporting Actor and Best Newcomer, and other awards, a total of nine awards were won.

It can be said that it almost swept this year's Golden Fragrance Awards.

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