The host must have done his homework and got to know Wu Long.Wu Long's song is not only "Shaolin Shaolin", but none of them can show his singing skills.But if you want to say that Wu Long's singing skills are mediocre, it's definitely not.

At least Wu Long's singing skills are better than many pop singers.

Because of this, the host dared to let Wu Long sing in the live interview on the red carpet. It was also to give Wu Long a chance to prove himself, not to make Wu Long look ugly.

It's not that the rap skills on the Internet are mediocre, and the speech is ugly, and even the rap "Shaolin Shaolin" needs to be corrected.

Now Wu Long has the opportunity to prove that his singing has not been modified. The host thinks that Wu Long will sing a few lines on the spot to refute the rumors on the Internet.

Who would have thought that Wu Long is not just good at singing, but Wang Zha!

To be a host at the Hauska Awards Ceremony, basic artistic accomplishment is a must.

Wu Long's singing voice does not have a single line of lyrics, but it can hit everyone's heart directly!

This made him not know what to say and how to say it for a while, and the words he had prepared could not express his mood at the moment.

Then, I saw those big music stars swarming over, chatting non-stop around Wu Long like a woman.

The celebrities and others who were watching were also discussing.

"Who is he?"

"It sings so well!"

"Oh my god, the male and female voices are perfectly transformed, making people think they are two people!"

"Is he the Chinese Kung Fu King?"

"Kung Fu King! I only knew he was good at fighting, but I didn't expect that he was also good at singing!"

The singers who came to Hauska to participate in the awards ceremony, whether they are rap, pop, rock, or soul singers, also squeezed in.

If they hadn't seen those big names in music production already surrounding Wu Long, they would have rushed to him too.

Wu Long's surroundings instantly felt like a bustling market.Out of tune with the vibe of the red carpet.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage is full of "Ou Mai Kar".

"Everyone, everyone..." The host wanted to take back the initiative.

Pushed aside by these music big shots.

"go away!"

"Do you know what he sang!"

"This is the aria of the elves!"

"No, he is the singing of the angels!"

"There are no lyrics, but the perfect mood is sung!"

The host nodded: "I know, he sings very high..."

The big music star angered the host.

"Do you think it's a matter of pitch? No, you don't know! It's a matter of breathing, breathing, you know!"

"I really want to cut his throat and see what's inside!"

The host was terrified.Although it wasn't his throat that was cut, he still touched his own throat subconsciously.

There was a problem with the consciousness of a big music star, so he immediately invited Wu Long to leave the interview area and go to the VIP room to discuss.

Seeing Wu Long being hugged away by the group of big music stars, the host sighed to the camera:

"Now, those who question Wu Long can't say anything more."

"If it wasn't for the limited time, I must prevent Wu Long from being pulled away by them. I will carry out the interview to the end."

The incident caused by Wu Long today is the first time in the history of Hauska.

Never before has a single person caused such a stir on the red carpet at Hauska.Even the superstars of Merikan could not do it.

Wu Long, the first time he participated in the Hoscar Awards Ceremony, caused a sensation and made the red carpet out of control for a while.

His singing voice spread far and wide, attracting almost all the stars who attended the awards ceremony.Even the stars being interviewed in other interview areas were interrupted and looked in the direction of the voice.

Wu Long, a person from the magical land of the East, has created a history at the Oscars ceremony.

"Long, you are a man, why can you sing a female voice?"

"Dragon, or have you already been killed?"

What this person meant was whether Wu Long had been castrated.

In the history of Western music, there is a special kind of singing crowd, that is eunuch singers.

Castrati first appeared in the sixteenth century.Because women cannot join the choir and are not allowed to be on the stage, but male singers cannot sing the high range of female voices.So a certain church at that time first introduced eunuch singers.

Castrati were also popular in theaters for their beautiful voices.

Castration singers select boys who are talented in singing, and change their developed voices through cruel castration methods before they enter puberty to change their voices.Because of changes in sex hormones in the body, their voices will narrow, which is more conducive to the expansion of the vocal range.

Coupled with the greater lung capacity of men than women, they have different voices than ordinary people.

The music big coffee said the wrong thing in excitement.As soon as he said the words, he knew that he had made a big mistake.Wu Long's fist can KO the former UFC champion with one punch.In front of Wu Long, he had no power to resist at all.

At the moment, sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Long, I'm sorry, I said something wrong." He quickly apologized.Although he still doubted Wu Long in his heart.

"You shouldn't doubt the dragon. Even the eunuch singer you mentioned couldn't sing the song that the dragon just sang. The dragon can complete the transition of three octaves in an instant, which is simply not possible for a human throat to complete. of."

"I think it is possible to have Long go for an MRI to see how his throat is different from a normal person."

Wu Long just watched these people talking nonsense in such a quiet manner, until these music masters realized something, they gradually stopped talking.

"First of all, I'm a normal man."

"Secondly, our Chinese martial arts has many magical skills. For example, the roar of a lion is like a lion's roar. The sound can travel far, even louder than a real lion's roar. It can break people's eardrums through sound."

"Oh my god, is there such a magical kung fu?"

"Kungfu can also practice voice?"

"Dragon, can you roar like a lion?"

Wu Long shook his head: "I haven't learned the lion's roar yet."

"It's such a pity. If you can roar, you can roar so I can hear you."

"Then what martial arts did you learn to make you sing such a song?"

"Our Chinese Kungfu has martial arts for practicing Qi and singing, which is called Tianxiang Yinbo Gong. There is also martial arts for practicing voice, which is called Jiuyin Zhenjing. I can also sing muscles and bones, tigers and leopards. The results of these three exercises are as follows: Let me sing the songs that such an angel can sing."

Because Wu Long speaks English and uses Chinese nouns and meanings in English, these music masters who don't understand Chinese need to think about it before they can roughly understand what Wu Long said.

"Wait, Long, you said that there is a method called Tianxiang Sound Wave Gong, which can improve your lung capacity and solve the problem of ventilation."

"There is another method called Jiuyin Zhenjing, which allows you to sing soprano."

"But the sinews and bones play music together, and the tiger and the cheetah make the sound of thunder together. What does it mean?"

"Is it because the bones in your body can hit the middle sound with the muscles in your body? It can also make your body make the sound of tigers and leopards, and it can also make the sound of thunder?"

"Haven't you guys watched my celebrity interview?"

All the music masters shook their heads.

"This explanation is a bit troublesome, I need to take off my shirt to explain..."

"Take off!"

"Get off!"

"Don't worry, we are a VIP room here, no one will see you."

Wu Long took off his upper body clothes, revealing his muscles.

"Wow. With just this muscle, you are definitely not an eunuch!" The music celebrity who suspected Wu Long was an eunuch just blurted out.

Wu Long glared at him.

"Muscles and bones sound together, which is to control the muscles and joints of the body through exercise. Have you seen shaking the pectoralis major, which is also the easiest way to control muscles."

Wu Long moved his pectoralis major.

"There is also a clicking sound when you press your finger joints." There is a clicking sound when you make a fist.

"However, all the muscles in my whole body can move, and all the joints in my whole body can make noise."

After speaking, the muscles of Wu Long's whole body started to move.Under the skin, it is like a snake crawling, a boa constrictor rolling, and a mouse jumping.


"My God, this is unbelievable!"

"It's not true!"

"It's amazing, Dragon, how did you do it?"

These music masters, who are usually immersed in music creation, have never seen such a scene, and all of them are so shocked that their scalps go numb.It never occurred to me that the muscles of the human body can move like this.

Then, the roar of a tiger, the roar of a leopard, and the faint sound of rolling thunder came from Wu Long's body.

These music masters exclaimed "buy Karma" again.One by one, they put their ears on Wu Long's body to hear whether it was the sound coming from the body.

Such a scene is really weird.

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