"It's really a sound coming from the body!"

"Not bowel sounds!"

"It's really amazing!"

"Chinese Kung Fu is amazing!"

"Is this Chinese Qigong?"

"I see. Since dragons can control their muscles, they can also control their throats and vocal cords better than ordinary people!"

"That is to say, even if he cut his throat, nothing abnormal could be found."

"The MRI couldn't show the cause either."

After seeing Wu Long's singing causing such a big sensation, Scott laughed so hard that his face showed.

"200 million is too worth it!" He shouted in his heart.

It can be expected that when his "Biography of Columbus" is screened, more people will be attracted because of Wu Long's arrangement!

There is even a high possibility that the best original soundtrack and best original song for Hauska next year will belong to "Columbus"!

Wu Long was taken away by the music masters, he hurried to help take care of Zhang Zhulin and the crew of "Shaolin Bodyguard".

I also asked Zhang Zhulin if she had any intentions to come and develop her. He could introduce the director and the film.In the future, if there are oriental female characters in his films, she can be invited.

Being able to come to Haolaihu to make a movie will greatly increase her social status and celebrity status. Zhang Zhulin hurriedly expressed her thanks and promised that if there is a suitable role, she will play it.

The red carpet ceremony was coming to an end, Zhang Zhulin entered the hall of the auditorium together with the crew.Wu Long also came out of the VIP room, came to the crew of "Shaolin Bodyguard", and sat with Zhang Zhulin and Liu Jinqiu.

The host came on stage and the awards ceremony began.


A trophy that all filmmakers, actors, and directors in the world dream of!

Get it, representing the status and honor in the film industry!

The award ceremony of Hauska is very long, and the long time is a torment for the audience and the actors, directors and others who are waiting for the result.

However, it is such a torment.Almost all film practitioners around the world want to experience such suffering for themselves.

It is pain, it is waiting, and it is also a kind of hope.

Speeches, performances, and began to announce the awards one by one.

Even though they won the Golden Hill Award, Liu Jinqiu and Zhang Zhulin were still very nervous.

"Hold me tight, I feel my whole body is shaking!" Zhang Zhulin whispered to Wu Long.

The closer the announcement of the nominated awards for "Shaolin Bodyguard", the more intense the tension in my heart.

Zhang Zhulin is like this, and so is Liu Jinqiu and other crew members.

Except for Wu Long, who calmly and secretly held Zhang Zhulin's hand, gave her support and comfort, and kept her from trembling in front of the camera.

Among the three nominations for "Shaolin Bodyguard", the best cinematography award has begun to be announced.

First is the shortlist, which is quickly presented one by one.

The award presenters began to open the envelope, and the two guests announced at the same time.

"The film that won the best cinematography award at this year's Hauska, "Shaolin Bodyguard"!"


Amidst the applause, many people were surprised.

But there are also many people who take it for granted.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" has the longest action scene for the first time. This point is worth learning from many photographers and directors.

Before the appearance of "Shaolin Bodyguard", no one has ever done such a long shot of action.

Action scenes are still prone to mistakes, and action scenes can still be carried out coherently, but "Shaolin Bodyguard" has done it all.

Hauska claims to be the top film award in the world.If you don't even dare to admit this, and don't award this award to "Shaolin Bodyguard", Hoska can no longer be called a top film award.

The crew got up one after another and hugged each other.

Wu Long did not go up to accept the award, but he must be mentioned in the speech.The camera also gave him a close-up in time.

Soon, the best visual effects awards began to be announced.

Wu Long and the others all believed that if they could win the best photography award, they would not be able to win the best visual effect.

Unexpectedly, when the final result was announced, what they heard was "Shaolin Bodyguard"!


It is not uncommon for an oriental film to win two statuettes.

Everyone looked at Wu Long and the others one after another, and some showed envious eyes.

Wu Long also didn't go up, and he would also thank him in the testimonials.

Excited, definitely excited.

Amidst the excitement, the crew members were also disappointed.

Winning two statuettes may mean that the best foreign language film award will not be won.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" has certain deficiencies in the plot and the depth of the film.This shortcoming reduces its chances of winning the Best Foreign Language Film Award.

It should be considered a consolation to be awarded to two statuettes now.The meaning is very clear, you won these two awards, and the best foreign language film will be handed over to others.

Tom thought so too.

"Unfortunately, the Best Foreign Language Film Award should not be won. I would rather not have these two statuettes, but also win the Best Foreign Language Film Award." He sighed.

Liu Jinqiu also sighed: "It's a pity. But I'm content. I didn't expect that the movie I made would win a statuette. This is something I dare not even dream of."

Although everyone realizes that it won't win the best foreign language film award.But when the awards are constantly being announced and the best foreign language film award is getting closer.Everyone started to get nervous again.

As long as you are nominated, there is hope, right?

"Next, we will announce the Best Foreign Language Film Award." The award presenter scanned the audience.

"Brother Long, if you sang the song you just sang at the red carpet interview during the last tour here, maybe we could win the best foreign language film award." Zhang Zhulin said suddenly.

She said that mainly to distract herself from being so nervous.

Liu Jinqiu sighed: "Who would have thought of that?"

"I really didn't live up to it. I knew I couldn't win the prize, but I couldn't help becoming excited."

After the shortlist was announced, the award presenters began to open the envelopes and read the results.

"Shaolin Bodyguard won the best foreign language film at this year's Hauska!"


"Shaolin Bodyguard" actually got three statuettes!

Everyone looks sideways!

The crew stood up excitedly and hugged each other to celebrate.

The weight of this best foreign language film award is much heavier than the weight of the previous two awards.

"Brother Long, go up and accept the award. You are also the director." Liu Jinqiu knew that the award for the film was due to Wu Long's contribution.

Without Wu Long, they wouldn't even be able to win the Golden Hill Award, let alone the Ska statuette.

"Go ahead."

"Brother Long, you go. I'm going up, I'm too guilty."

Zhang Zhulin suggested: "Why don't you two go up together?"

Liu Jinqiu immediately pulled Wu Long.

"Go up together!"

"If you don't go, I won't go either." Liu Jinqiu emphasized.

"Okay, let's go together!"

The two went up to receive the award together.Go all the way up, harvest congratulations all the way.Whether they know each other or not, they all want to get acquainted in front of Wu Long.

"Congratulations!" The award presenter handed the Hoska statuette to Wu Long.

Wu Long took it as a thank you and handed it to Liu Jinqiu.

Wu Long asked Liu Jinqiu to say the acceptance speech.He said that he didn't prepare his acceptance speech, so Liu Jinqiu had to take out a small note.

Excited Liu Jinqiu thought it was reversed after opening the note, so he quickly changed it.It turned out that he didn't take it backwards just now, but he was too nervous to read it wrong.

Embarrassed, he turned around again and thanked her.

"First of all, I would like to thank Hoska for awarding this award to "Shaolin Bodyguard". This is the academy's recognition of us and Chinese-language films."

"Secondly, the person I want to thank the most is Wu Long who is by my side."

"We all affectionately call him Brother Long, even if he is older and more qualified than him, no exception."

"Brother Long is also a director. Not just an action director, but he actually directed this "Shaolin Bodyguard" with me."

"Without Brother Long, without his guidance, action design and performance, "Shaolin Bodyguard" would never have won this award."

"I would also like to thank Weiner Pictures for their hard work in releasing this film."

"Finally, thanks to my family..."

This is the first time a Chinese-language film has won the Oscar, and it is also the most important award for a Chinese-language film.

The applause was very warm, which means that many people agree with this result.

After all, the visual impact brought by long action shots is comparable to computer special effects.In the filming process introduced in the trailer, Wu Long really performed with a flying knife.

Some people think that this goes beyond computer special effects.It is also one of the reasons why the film won the award.

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