I'm not just an action star

Chapter 281 Out of Control on the Red Carpet

The Halleska Heights Center Theater is the designated venue for the Hallescar Awards Ceremony.

On this day, Haolaihu Heights Center Theater is full of stars and stars.

On the red carpet of Hoska, flashes flickered from time to time.Stars, producers, directors and other practitioners in the film industry gathered together in twos and threes.

Just like the Golden Mound Awards, the red carpet at Hauska is like a party, with familiar stars greeting each other and chatting.

The hosts were divided into three groups and interviewed stars in different places.

When Wu Long came this time, many people immediately greeted him.It is no longer like the Golden Hill Award, no one cares about it, no one knows it.

Zhang Zhulin lamented that Wu Long had undergone such a big change in the past two months or so.

"I did tour promotions."

Having said that, Wu Long knows that these influences should come from the 200 million dollars purchased for the theme song.

The remuneration of many celebrities present could not get this price.

Not long after stepping on the red carpet, a man with white beard and small eyes walked towards Wu Long.

"Excuse me, are you Wu Long?"

"I am." Hearing the other party's voice, Wu Long guessed who the other party was.

This voice is the same as the director Scott who called him and wanted "1492 Conquest of Paradise".

Scott contacts Tom first, and Tom contacts him.After the deal was concluded, Scott personally called Wu Long to thank him.

Scott has seen photos of Wu Long, as well as films and videos of Wu Long.Today I deliberately waited for Wu Long in front of the red carpet, and came over immediately after recognizing Wu Long.

With Wu Long's confirmation, Scott opened his arms and hugged Wu Long warmly.

"Dragon, the music you wrote is really great!"

"Perfect fit for my film!"

"Thank you for your compliment, I am very glad to use it in your film." Wu Long greeted the other party politely.

The two sides talked about movies again, and Scott asked Wu Long for advice on action.This is actually Scott's real purpose in making friends with Wu Long.

The song is of course very good, but Wu Long, an actor and action director, is more valuable.

This point can be seen by any discerning director or producer.

"Long, after my Columbus is released, I'm going to make an action movie. I want to ask you for advice, part-time martial arts consultant, do you have time?"

Scott dared not let Wu Long be the action director. He believed that ancient Western fighting was different from Eastern martial arts.But he wanted some new elements in it.Only new things can make his films different from those made by others.

"Depends on the situation. After I go back, I will also make film and television dramas. If the situation is good, I will also make movies." Wu Long did not say that he was not free.

It's not that he dislikes the other party for not letting him be an action director, he also wants to gain reputation and fame through this film.

"It shouldn't take up too much of your time. I received the script for this film two years ago, and it's scheduled to start shooting this year because I want to shoot Columbus."

"I don't know what film it is, can you tell me?"

"Do you know ancient Rome?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Roman gladiators are a popular subject, and my new film is a movie about gladiators. I wanted to ask you to be an action director, but the investors thought you only knew oriental martial arts, and were worried that the filming of gladiators would have too many traces of oriental martial arts. "

"Well, I understand their concerns." Wu Long expressed his understanding, and asked again: "Do Roman soldiers use swords and shields?"

Scott nodded.

"The main character in the script has a sword and a shield."

"Swords and shields were called sword and shield soldiers in ancient times in the East. In the movie "The God of Cookery: All the Gold and Jade" I released last month, there was a plot of fighting with a large oriental spoon and a frying spoon. The fighting action in it is based on You can take a look at the attacking moves of sword and shield soldiers."

"Really?" Scott's eyes lit up. "I want to see."

"Actually, to be honest, I think the action scenes you shoot, whether they are modern or ancient, the fighting movements are too similar to ordinary people, which is not good-looking at all. To use a word, it is called no aesthetics of violence."

"You have some concerns, fearing that the use of Eastern martial arts does not conform to the Western situation. This is correct, but this does not mean that professional fighting is like an amateur, nor does it mean that your action shots are edited by short shots one by one. Like that There is neither violent aesthetics, nor a sense of power, nor is it real and exciting."

"You also know the use of shots. Once you cut from one shot to another, the audience's viewing experience will be interrupted."

"Also, life-and-death struggle, no matter it is in the East or in the West, many movements are similar and interlinked. But these movements can only be performed by professionals and those who have practiced. And many of your directors shoot it, and everyone knows it at a glance. He is an ordinary person, very amateurish, very fake."

"For example, which is more exciting and exciting, a fight in a movie or a professional arena? The sense of power and speed of punching is something you can't restore 100% with post-editing."

"Sorry, I've said too much, maybe a little too much, but that's how I see it."

Scott got a little excited.

"No, no, what you said is exactly what I need."

"I also watched your "Shaolin Bodyguard", and I was shocked by the long shot in it. If it weren't for the shooting record at the end of the film, I wouldn't believe it was really a long shot with one shot to the end."

"Actually, I also want to have such a long shot in my "Gladiator". And you are right, I don't want the gladiators in my film to behave like ordinary people."

"Just like soldiers and special forces, they must be different from ordinary soldiers, they must be better than ordinary soldiers, and they must do things that ordinary soldiers cannot do."

The staff came to interrupt, saying that the host invited Wu Long to come over for an interview.

Scott patted Wu Long's arm and said "Congratulations" to Wu Long.Apparently, he thought Wu Long's "Shaolin Bodyguard" could win an award at this Hooscar.

Seeing Wu Long coming, the host greeted Wu Long.

"Hi, welcome, Brother Long." The host used Chinese for the last two words.

"It's a great pleasure to be able to participate in HOSCAR, and it's also a pleasure to meet you." Wu Long shook hands with the other party.

"I saw that Director Scott talked for a long time. Director Scott seemed very excited. Does he want to get back the 200 million?" the host joked.

"No. I told him that he had to pay more." Wu Long also joked.Scott simply gave him the score, and he took it.No money added, as fame.

The host is very happy that Wulong can make a joke. "It seems that he must be unwilling."

"Brother Long, many people are not convinced that you exchanged one song for 200 million. You also sang the theme song of "Shaolin Bodyguard", but some people say that your singing skills are mediocre." The host began to dig holes. "Do you want to show your singing voice here and prove yourself?"

The host made a low-pitched explanation.

"I think it's because someone is jealous of you. It's just that they can't talk about you with kung fu, and they can't talk about you with acting skills, they can only talk about you with singing."

Wu Long smiled, opened his mouth, and faced the microphone.


This is the most classic "The Divadance" in "The Fifth Element".

When the host heard that Wu Long sang directly without saying a word, and the opening made people's pores dilate and hairs stood up, he couldn't help showing appreciation, and took a step back to let him listen carefully.

People around also turned to look at Wu Long because of Wu Long's singing.Those who walk also stop, stop to watch and listen.

When Wu Long's singing gradually became louder, the host's expression also showed a shocked look.The people around were also shocked.

More people walked over quickly because of Wu Long's singing, and soon formed a dense crowd around them.


The whole process was "ah", but it made everyone's scalps tingle and goosebumps covered their bodies.

Those who opened their mouths wide, opened their eyes wide, covered their mouths, clenched their fists, or grabbed their clothes tightly, or grabbed their partners hard, everyone was shown only two words by Wu Long's song.


Scalp tingling!

Shock again!

The scalp is numb again!

Wu Long actually sang a coloratura soprano as a man!

When Wu Long finished singing, the host, stars and staff all forgot to applaud.None of them came back to their senses, and were still immersed in Wu Long's singing.

You know, apart from celebrities, directors, and producers, there are also many music producers and big names in the music industry who come to participate in Hoska!

They all squeezed to the front one by one.

After Wu Long finished singing, each of them murmured:


"My God!"

"It's not true!"

"Is he a man? How can he sing such a high coloratura soprano? A man's vocal range is simply not up to it!"

"If you're not a man, how can you sing such a low bass? Women can't sing that low!"

"Span over four octaves! Over four octaves!"

"In about two seconds, complete three octaves of coherent spanning!"

"Does he not need to breathe?"

"How did he achieve the perfect transition? It's extremely difficult to complete even with skip!"

Seeing the shock and admiration of these music masters, everyone realized how difficult Wu Long's song was just now, so difficult that almost no one could sing it!

The host sighed: "God, Long, you really scared me..."

As a result, a group of musicians rushed forward and surrounded Wu Long.One by one scrambled to ask questions, wanting to know how Wu Long did it.

People around, as long as their ears are not damaged, can hear the singing voice sung by Wu Long live.At this time, the music producers seem to have discovered a treasure, and everyone wants to grab it.

The scene actually got out of control in such a way.

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