Tom hurried back to the company to write the plan.Sure enough, as Wu Long thought, the company is very optimistic about Wu Long's plan.

But the company's view is different from Wu Long's. The company believes that the focus is on Wu Long, and even more on Rocky.

After all, Wu Long is from the East, and Rocky is from here.

The poor achieve success through hard work.

This is an inspirational story that everyone is happy to see, and it is also a very thick bowl of chicken soup.

Different from other inspirational stories, Rocky's inspirational story has a lot of gambling and real blood.

Fighting in the boxing ring is more stimulating to people's nerves than success in shopping malls.

The company also recommended a media reporter for Tom to contact.Let the other party sign a non-disclosure agreement and record it with Rocky.

Just documentaries are not enough.Even if there is justice, it is not enough in publicity.

It is more authentic to join an accompanying reporter and let the reporter testify with his own experience.

After the funds were approved, Rocky immediately resigned from his job as a sparring partner and began to follow Wu Long.Putting on a black suit and living with Wu Long, making it look like Wu Long's bodyguard.

In fact, Wu Long began to teach him to squat.

The cameraman, notary, and reporter Carter all watched Wu Long teach him to squat.

"Long. Didn't you say that you can't disclose the training content? Now that you're photographing these, and the notary is on the side, will it affect you? What if your method is taken away..." Tom thought for Wu Long.

"Mabu, every boxing gym that practices Chinese Kung Fu will teach it, right? Don't worry about it." Wu Long explained: "Some things still need to be said, otherwise there is nothing to convince people."

Tom nods.

There is no lighting engineer on site, so the natural light is more realistic.Wu Long also tried his best to teach in a place with enough light, so as not to make the film look too dim.

"Horse stance is not just about training leg strength. If you only train leg strength, modern training equipment is better. If you don't practice horse stance correctly, you will also hurt your knees and soles of your feet."

"I will try my best to explain in Chinese and English. You should learn Chinese well. Because the Chinese language is extensive and profound, many words lose their flavor after translation, and even make you misunderstand."

Rocky expressed that he will work hard to learn Chinese.

"Horse stance training has two most important purposes, one is to train strength, and the other is to train the center of gravity and balance."

"The strength of modern equipment can also be used to develop strength, but it is more difficult to practice than the old method. Moreover, the strength developed with modern equipment does not necessarily know that you have practiced strength. It is not anytime, anywhere, No matter what posture you punch, you can punch with full strength."

"Teacher, I saw a lot of people from you posting videos, saying that they have practiced wholeheartedness, and they have also practiced the sound of muscles and bones."

Wu Long shook his head.

"Even in our side, very few people can practice full strength, let alone the sound of muscles and bones. Many people say that they practice full strength. I can't say it's false. I can only say that it's just what they think As for the sound of muscles and bones, except for me, I have never seen anyone practice it."

"Then what is wholeness?" Rocky asked.

If a person doesn't know or understand what he is practicing, it is difficult to practice what he wants to practice.Even if it is practiced, it will not be used flexibly.

This is why Wu Long explained the horse stance to Rocky.Only when Rocky understands, can he know whether he has practiced correctly, whether he needs to adjust, and whether he can show his strength.

Wu Long began to give examples.

"When we punch, the brain sends out an instruction, which is conveyed to the fist, and the fist hits. At this time, the fist is like a locomotive. The locomotive drives to the target, driving the arms, shoulders, torso, and feet. This is also in the three sections of Ming in Chinese boxing. Festival."

Rocky understood immediately.

"Teacher, is this section actually a joint? A section of a train car is the connection of bones in the human body?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Yes. Ordinary people punch, but the fist is weak, because the fist is a locomotive, driving the carriages, arms and even the whole body. The power is consumed internally, and the fist is dragged down by the arms and body, so when it hits the target, the strength is already very small .”

"Those of you who have practiced. The fist drives the arm and body, but the arm and body can keep up without forming a drag, so the blow will be very powerful."

"However, there is a problem here. The fist moves first, then the arm moves, and the body follows. If the rear moves faster than the fist, internal friction will also occur."

"The so-called full strength means that there is no carriage, no sections of the train. The whole body is a complete body. The whole person is like a big hammer, and the impact force will be greater."

Wu Long explained slowly, letting Rocky understand what whole energy is, which will help him practice horse stance correctly.Don't practice horse stance like many people, just stand in horse stance.

After talking about the strength, let's talk about the other function of the horse stance, balance and center of gravity.

Wu Long first demonstrates a slanting pile exercise, leaning his body forward.

The cameraman took pictures of Wu Long, and his hands trembled when he saw this scene.


"My God!" the notary said.

Carter just opened his mouth wide and couldn't say anything.For such a visual impact, I was so shocked that I couldn't express it in words.He even offered to check Wu Long's shoes, which was still hard to believe.

Tom held his head: "Unbelievable!"

He actually watched Wu Long's video.But watching the video belongs to the video, and seeing it with your own eyes is another matter, even more shocking.

"Dragon, many people suspect that this is a fake. Your shoes must have a mechanism. Now I finally know that there is no such thing as a fucking mechanism. It's true!" Tom's voice grew louder.

Rocky has also seen this video of Wu Long.But in the same way, when it happened in front of him, it was far more shocking than watching a video.

Many people actually think that the action in Wu Long's video actually uses organ props.Although he firmly believed that Wu Long didn't use mechanism props, he only believed in Wu Long.When I saw it with my own eyes, my face flushed with excitement.

His idol is the eternal God!

Only God can do this!

"My kung fu comes from standing and practicing horse stance. But this performance is exaggerated, and I rarely have the opportunity to use it in actual combat."

"This is the center of gravity and balance. By adjusting the tension and relaxation of the muscles in each part of the body, the center of gravity of the body can be adjusted. Only in this way can we achieve full strength anytime, anywhere, under various movements. You may not be able to learn it, but you have to learn it. Only your strength will improve."

"Teacher, learn to control and adjust your center of gravity and balance, so you won't be so easily knocked down by your opponent?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"To prevent falls, you still need to use anti-fall movements, because the adjustment of the center of gravity and balance is not enough to counteract the force of being fell. Of course, if you are hit and your body shakes, this adjustment can quickly ensure you If you don’t fall down, or you can immediately adjust your defensive action to prevent your opponent from rushing up and hugging you.”

"Even, when the opponent comes up, you use the center of gravity to adjust, and make a counterattack that is difficult for ordinary people to make, so that the opponent will be KO'd when the opponent is not prepared."

Wu Long made the movement of being hit and leaning back.

"At this time, can you fight back? Or in the boxing matches you have watched, is anyone able to fight back?"

Rocky shook his head.

"No. At this time, we must retreat quickly and gather our hands together for protection as soon as possible to prevent the opponent from stepping forward and attacking in combination."


A gust of wind blew Rocky's hair up.

A black shadow flashed and stopped in front of the eyes of several people.

Wu Long's feet stayed on the side of Rocky's head, only a few centimeters away from Rocky's head.


"My God!"

"Scare me!"

It turned out that everyone didn't pay attention, and thought it was impossible to lift his leg to kick someone at this time, but Wu Long kicked suddenly, almost hitting Rocky.

"This is to be able to control the center of gravity of one's body at all times, understand one's own body movements, and make unexpected attacks."

"Modern equipment can only exercise the strength of the legs, but they cannot fully exert the strength of the legs, nor can they control the balance of the body with one foot at all times and make unexpected movements like me."

"Teacher, can I do the horse stance well?" Rocky asked Wu Long excitedly.

"I don't know about that. But I don't think you can do it. It requires comprehension and a long time of awareness training."

Rocky was not disappointed or discouraged, but made up his mind to study hard and practice hard, so as to be like Wu Long.

After explaining the center of gravity and balance, Wu Long let Rocky start to stand up.

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