I'm not just an action star

Chapter 279 The Lodge

"Brother Long, look, there are many media reports about our "Shaolin Bodyguard." Zhang Zhulin bought a lot of newspapers and magazines that reported "Shaolin Bodyguard".

"I think, this should be the strength of the Shaolin Temple's relationship." Wu Long thought so.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" won the award, and Shaolin Temple benefited the most.

Coupled with Wulong's one-second KO opponent in the Wulong boxing match, more people think that Chinese Kung Fu is really powerful.By the way, Shaolin Kungfu is even more powerful.

"You said whether we will win an award, I think we will definitely win an award. There must be at least one!" Zhang Zhulin is very confident that we will win an award.The more you read the newspapers and magazines in your hand, the stronger your confidence will be.

"Don't you know that the more certain you are, the easier it is to capsize?" Wu Long poured cold water on Zhang Zhulin. "Although the Golden Hill Award is the weather vane for Hauska, it is not the case that Hauska wins the Golden Hill Award and Huoska has a lot of publicity but capsizes."

Tom came to see Wu Long.

"Hi Long, nice to see you again." Tom opened his arms to Wu Long.

After some courtesy, Wu Long asked him what arrangement Hoska had.

Tom told the two about the process of the Oscar awards ceremony and the precautions.Just chatted with Wu Long about one thing.

"Long, I have a friend. He asked me to find you, and he wanted to ask you for a favor."

"You speak first."

"My friend Rocky, his mother has cancer, but he has no money to treat his mother. He is a sparring partner in a boxing gym and wants to fight black boxing to make money for his mother's medical treatment."

Tom shook his head.

"But, you know, black boxing is not only cruel, but also has more shady scenes. Maybe he didn't make enough money, and he died in the boxing ring. Maybe his mother's illness was half cured, and he died in the boxing ring. So I Advise him not to fight black boxing, but to fight regular boxing matches. Not only can he get an appearance fee but also a bonus. As long as he wins the championship, the generous appearance fee and bonus are enough to treat his mother, and he can even live a luxurious life. "

"It's just that it's not easy to win the championship. I would like to ask you to see if he has that potential. If so, can you help him improve his strength. I figured it out, if he played equally with you Fees and bonuses, and the rest of the money can also be used for his mother’s medical treatment.”

Seeing Wu Long thinking, Tom didn't answer him, and added:

"It's really not possible, the appearance fee and bonus are all yours. As long as you can improve his strength, at least let him fight for the championship."

"The appearance fee and bonus are all mine? Then what will he get..."

"He buys himself to win."

Wu Long exchanged the item card to verify what Tom said, and found that Tom did not lie to him.

After thinking about it, Wu Long had an idea.

"You arrange a place to meet, but don't let other people know about it."

Tom thanked Wu Long and went to arrange.

Soon, Wu Long saw the Rocky whom Tom had mentioned.

A young man living at the bottom of the slums, the bruises on his face have not completely disappeared.Seeing Wu Long, fans were excited to see their idols.

Anyone can see that he is a fan of Wu Long.

"Brother Long, hello, nice to meet you." Rocky spoke awkward Chinese.

"Hello, Rocky. Do you speak Chinese?"

"I started to learn Chinese since I watched "Shaolin Bodyguard". If I didn't have money, I would definitely learn Chinese Kung Fu."

"Are you sure you want to fight ufc?"

Rocky's face darkened.

"Yes. My father passed away very early, and my mother worked so hard to raise me. I can't watch her suffer so much, and I can't let her die like this. Her disease is only in its early stages, and it can be cured with surgery!"

"I can only punch, there is no other way. Tom doesn't let me fight black boxing, saying to play regular games. But I know my level, and it is not easy to fight."

"Show me what you know."

Rocky took off his shirt and began to punch the air, showing his strength.

Wu Long looked at his muscles, his movements, and made an assessment.

In his eyesight, there is no need to use item cards to evaluate Rocky's level.Whether the movements are standard or not, whether the fist speed is fast or not, and whether the strength is enough, he can tell.

Because, at this time, he already has enough strength.

After Rocky finished showing, Wu Long stretched out his palm.

"You attack my palm with the greatest strength, and I will see how strong you are."

When Rocky saw the hand that could hit the idol, he was eager to try it immediately, and the expression on his face became even more excited.

He held a fighting boxing frame, moved his feet back and forth, said that he punched a few times in the air to adjust his state, and then punched Wu Long's palm hard.


A crisp sound.

Wu Long's palm remained motionless.

Rocky stopped and looked at his fist in surprise.Wu Long's palm was indeed hit hard by him, but how could it be possible that Wu Long's palm didn't move?

He couldn't understand.

Even if it's a punch target, it's impossible to stay still.

He still has confidence in his own strength.It can't be compared with the champion, but it is not so weak.


Wu Long's sentence was okay, and Tom and Rocky's eyes lit up at the same time.

Tom was thinking that if Rocky played, he would buy Rocky to win.This is also one of the reasons why he was so enthusiastic about helping Rocky contact Wu Long.

"Whether you can get the right to challenge, I can't guarantee. I can't guarantee that you can win every game, but I can train you and improve your strength."

Rocky and Tom's eyes dimmed at the same time.

"Actually, your vision is narrowed. If you operate in another way, no matter whether Rocky wins or not, you can get money to treat his mother."

Tom shook his head immediately when he heard Wu Long's words.

"Fake punching is not acceptable. Once found out, you will be imprisoned!"

"Of course it's not fake punches. I, a star, let him make fake punches. Wouldn't it be more of a loss for me to be known?"

"What is that?" The two waited for Wu Long's explanation.

"Filming. Tom, you can make a plan and report it to your boss, and ask him if he would like to make a documentary and a movie. The documentary is to film the process of me teaching Rocky and Rocky going to the game. The whole process can be notarized. Only the notarization I really taught him without letting them know exactly what was being taught."

"Re-edit the documentary and make up some shots. It's another commercial film, and it's an inspirational film."

"Rocky, in order to raise money for medical treatment, you need to publicize. This is actually a positive image, isn't it? You worked hard to practice boxing and participate in competitions to treat your mother's illness. Are you moved?"

"Even if you lose the game, the salary and business operations can still allow you to earn money to treat your mother. Even if you can't earn money, there will definitely be caring people to help you. Maybe there will be girls who will fall in love with you."

Tom's eyes gradually brightened and even glowed with Wu Long's words.

"Dragon, what a great idea!"

This matter will definitely be handled by him, directly for qualifications!

The point of this matter is not that Rocky, a poor boy, played games, nor that Rocky raised money for his mother's medical treatment. There are too many such unfortunate things in the world, and not many people care about this.

The point of this matter is Wu Long!

Wu Long is a star!

He is also a kung fu star, knows real kung fu, and has KO opponents in the ufc ring!

Now it's up to him to train Rocky, using magical oriental kung fu and Chinese martial arts!

Everyone wants to see if Rocky can really succeed.If Rocky can succeed, Chinese Kungfu will definitely attract more people to study, especially those professional boxers.

"Do you want to publish the video online? That can gather fans faster." He suggested.

Wu Long shook his head.

"Release the video may allow Rocky to gather fans, but in doing so, it will lose the mystery. And the bookmakers will not open so well."

"My training with Rocky was conducted in secret. I won't be there when he plays. I won't know the secret until the documentary and film are shown, and then there will be more traffic and popularity."

Tom nodded, agreeing with Wu Long's statement.

"But, Rocky, I have a request that you must do."

Knowing that Wu Long is willing to train him, Rocky has happily waved his fist to express his feelings.

"Brother Long, tell me, I will definitely do it!"

"Don't be close to women! That is, you can't get too close to women, and you can't do that with women. Until this matter is over. Others, you have to listen to me, and you are not allowed to violate it."

"I agree!" Rocky replied without hesitation.

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