Huang Hu lost all four dishes, and he lost so much that he had nothing to say and nothing to argue. Hearing the host's exclamation, he couldn't help but glared at the host, causing the host to shrink back in fright.

The last dish is optional, Huang Hu started cooking with a gloomy face.

The dish he is going to cook is called Monkey King Braised Tiger Shark.

The so-called Monkey King is a monkey.There is a famous dish in the Man-Han Banquet called Monkey Brain.

The monkey brain is the brain of a real monkey.

It is said that monkeys are smart, they eat to make up their body, and what they eat makes them better.If you want to be smart, you have to eat monkey brains.

It is also said that monkeys are headed by animal spirits, and monkey brains are headed by monkey bodies, so monkey brains are the most delicious.

Now that the protection of animals is advocated, it is impossible to really eat monkey brains.Huang Hu replaced the monkey brain with the sheep brain, but the name is still based on the monkey brain.

"Today's self-selected dishes, what I want to make is the monkey brain of the Manchu Banquet. Because monkeys are protected animals, I use sheep brains instead, but when I say it, I still say monkey brains."

"In order to ensure the sweetness and deliciousness of the monkey brain, it is not easy to cook for too long."

"Its shortcoming is that it has an animal smell, in order to neutralize this smell..."

On Wulong's side, he poured out some broth and selected spices to stew the pork in marinade.In order to quickly boil the brine, he also used internal strength to drive away the fire.

After the brine is boiled, use ice palms to cool down.

Pat the plum head meat to break up the fibers and fascia inside.Soak the patted plum head meat in brine, and pat it with internal strength to taste.

Finely chop the coriander root, garlic, shallots, and ginger.

Prepare char siew sauce, sugar, southern milk, Zhuhou sauce, soy sauce...

The host saw that Wu Long added more than 20 kinds of seasonings in proportion, and turned to ask the judges:

"Master Wu uses so many seasonings? I see that many chefs make secret barbecued pork, and there are only a dozen kinds at most. Does Master Wu use so many, will it be bad?"

Mainland judges said:

"Whether it's spices or seasonings, the more the better, the more variety, the more difficult it is to adjust, because the proportion is not well matched, but it is not as good as less seasoning."

"However, this is also for ordinary chefs."

"You can see that the ingredients in the soup made by Master Wu are not as good as Master Huang's, but the soup is as good as Master Huang's. You know that Master Wu's mixing of seasonings has surpassed the level of proficiency. He uses so many seasonings , of course he has his reasons.”

Adjust the char siu sauce and put the plum meat in it.

"Qian Kun Barbecued Pork Claw!"

Wu Long staggered his hands into the basin to grab the plum head meat, and marinated it with internal strength, shortening the time to a few minutes.

Wash the rice and put it in a casserole.

Bring to a boil and cook the casserole rice.

Put the plum head meat on the fork, stand up the fork and rub it vigorously, and the fork holding the plum head meat will spin like a top on the operating table.

Wu Long shot out the Fire Cloud Palm and grilled plum meat with the Fire Cloud Palm.

"Fire Cloud Palm!" The mainland judges exclaimed. "Master Wu directly grills with the fire cloud palm, which can directly penetrate the firepower into the plum head meat! The grilling time is greatly shortened."

"The fire of the Fire Cloud Palm can even more stimulate the fusion and volatilization of those spices and seasonings!"

With the other hand, Wu Long used his internal strength to help the clay pot cook rice.

In the arena, the air is filled with the smell of barbecued pork.Whether it's the judges, the host, or the chefs watching on the spot, they all swallow their mouths.Some people's stomachs even grumble uncontrollably.

Brush with honey and finally grill.

The sweetness of honey wafts out.

The mainland judges exclaimed:

"This is wild honey from Changbai Mountain!"

Hong Kong Island judges shook their heads:

"Why do I smell honey from the Savage Valley in Shennongjia?"

Haojiang judges said:

"What I smell is the wild honey in the Hengduan Canyon of Balagezong, a mysterious place in Shangri-La?"

Mainland judges said:

"No, what I'm talking about is not the ordinary wild honey from Changbai Mountain, but the very rare anchovy honey!"

"Pterissus wasps are extremely rare, and the hive is in the middle of the cliff, so it is not only difficult to find, but also extremely difficult to pick."

"I was lucky enough to taste it once, the sweetness is like meeting a phoenix!"

Hong Kong Island judges said:

"The honey from the Savage Valley in Shennongjia I'm talking about is not the wild honey from ordinary Shennongjia. There are not only poisonous insects and miasma in the Savage Valley, but also the legendary savages."

"In Shennongjia Savage Valley, it is said that there is a special kind of wild bee called the human face bee. The pattern on the bee is like a human face!"

"I was also fortunate to meet Captain Mojin, and spent a lot of money to buy that kind of honey from him. The sweetness is so sweet that people have an indescribable sense of mystery."

Haojiang judges said:

"The wild honey I'm talking about in the Hengduan Canyon of Balagezong, the mysterious place in Shangri-La, is not ordinary wild honey."

"Because, that kind of bee can only be encountered by those who are predestined."

"Everyone knows that there is a legend in Shangri-La that there is a paradise hidden there. The honey is the honey from the paradise."

"I was also lucky to eat it once. That kind of sweetness is an inexplicable sense of happiness."

The host and the chefs watching the competition looked at the three judges one by one, as if they were listening to a story.

As soon as the claypot rice was cooked, Wu Long immediately opened the lid.

When the knife hits the iron fork, there is a buzzing sound, and the char siu separates from the iron fork and becomes loose.

Wu Long rotated the iron fork, and the char siu was moved out of the iron fork by a force.His knife quickly sliced ​​the char siu, and the char siu flew down and neatly stacked on the claypot rice.

Cover the casserole with a lid.

Wu Long came out of the Fire Cloud Palm again, picked up the egg, broke the egg, and fried the egg directly on the Fire Cloud Palm.

Sprinkle with salt.

Open the casserole lid.

With a flick of the palm, the poached egg flew onto the claypot rice.

Cover the casserole with a lid.

With a Fire Cloud Palm shot, the flame surrounded the entire clay pot and went out instantly.

Remove the baby greens from the cold stock.This kind of small green vegetable has many names and names, such as Shanghai Haiqing.

Cook the small green vegetables in the way of over-fired emeralds.

Open the lid of the casserole, swing the knife in the air, split the cooked green vegetables into two in the air, and fall on the casserole rice.

"Depressed ecstasy meal!"

Huang Hu's mentality was out of balance, and when he heard Wu Long say such a dish name, he immediately laughed:

"Stop pretending! Barbecued pork claypot rice is barbecued pork claypot rice!"

"Add a poached egg and sell it for up to 30 yuan on the street!"

"Why are you so sad, what kind of soul is lost!"


The judges looked at two dishes.

"Which one to try first?"

"Try the tiger shark stewed by Monkey King first. Claypot rice is kept warm in a claypot, so you can eat it later."

The three judges taste Huang Hu's dishes first.

"Good! I didn't expect that the wild taste can also be eaten with sheep brain. The smoothness of sheep brain and the moist mouth of shark's fin make the taste excellent!"

"There is no fishy smell, but a special fragrance!"

"Fresh fish and sheep, fresh fish and sheep. I didn't expect that the combination of shark's fin and sheep's brain can make such a delicious food. Eating it in your mouth together makes people have an endless aftertaste."

The three judges looked at Wu Long's clay pot rice again.

The fragrance still keeps coming out.

"It says on the plate that Monkey King's Braised Tiger Shark is evenly matched with Depressed Soul Rice. The combination of sheep's brain and shark's fin is not easy to put on the plate."

"The arrangement of claypot rice is still a bowl of claypot rice no matter how it is arranged. It is no different from the arrangement of claypot rice on the street. It is too ordinary. If it is used in a competition, it should lose points."

"In terms of sex, although there are red, green, white and yellow, it is still street food. So I think that in terms of sex, Monkey King wins."

"In terms of aroma, needless to say, the aroma of honey, combined with the aroma of various seasonings, plus the aroma of spices, makes people feel refreshed and want to eat when they smell it."

"Master Wu, can I ask, what kind of honey do you use?"

Wu Long shook his head: "I want to wait until the judges have finished evaluating the scores, so as not to affect the scores."

"If this dish loses, will you still say it?"

"can speak."

The three of them began to taste Wu Long's dish of ecstasy.

“Good char siu!”

"It's full of flavors!"

"Brassica leaves teeth!"

"The soup on the soup and all the seasonings are completely integrated, locked in the meat, and moisten every part of the meat!"

"The meat is like an ocean of flavors. Because the tendons are broken by the internal force, there will be no jamming of the teeth, and it will not lose the elasticity and strength."

"The poached egg with sweet heart cooked by Huoyunzhang absorbs the aroma of rice and char siew, presenting another flavor."

"The key point of claypot rice is that the rice is mixed with the vegetable juice. The top-quality char siu juice is mixed with the rice, making the rice sweet and delicious. After eating a bowl, I want to have another bowl!"

"This is the best char siu rice I've ever eaten in my life!"

"Why, why! I won't be able to eat such a meal in the future, what should I do? Am I going to get anorexia?"

The three judges suddenly fell silent and sat quietly.

Then, the three shed tears.

"Why am I crying?"

"I'm bleeding too. A sad feeling."

"I didn't expect that I would cry in public."

The host looked at Wu Long in surprise: "Master Wu, why are they crying?"

"It's onions, I added onions." Wu Long explained.

The host nodded in approval: "It's so appropriate, it's like writing an article, with a question at the end!"

The mainland judges shook their heads:

"No, it's not just about the onions. It's because the rice is so delicious, and thinking about not being able to eat it again, a kind of sadness wells up in my heart."

"Yes, it's not just onions. I'm sad for myself. This bowl of rice will always be in my heart, but it's hard to eat again." Hong Kong Island judges said.

"This meal made me lose my soul. If I eat this meal today, where will I find it in the future? Thinking of this, I can't help feeling sad. It's so ecstasy, so depressing."

"I don't believe it!" Huang Hu refused to accept it, and stepped forward to eat barbecued pork.

While eating the barbecued pork, Huang Hu's expression slowly changed, and he stood there in a daze.

Afterwards, Huang Hu shed tears.

The host exclaimed:

"This dejected ecstasy meal is so miraculous that even the competitors shed tears after eating it!"

"Master Wu, your culinary skills first make people think about it, and then make people cry. It seems that the position of the chef is none other than you!"

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