The fourth competition dish is soup.

Speaking of soup dishes, I have to talk about a very famous dish.This dish is often mentioned.Even in novels or film and television dramas, this dish is often talked about.

That is!

Buddha jumped the wall!

Buddha Jumping Wall is also known as Fushouquan.Someone wrote a poem saying: "The altar is full of meat and meat, and the fragrance is floating around. The Buddha heard the abandonment and jumped over the wall."

Hence the name of this dish.

The Buddha Jumping Wall made by Huang Hai is definitely different from the ordinary Buddha Jumping Wall, mainly seafood.The broth is the base, and it is served with seafood soup, which is the best soup on top of the soup.

Wu Long's dish is called Baiyu Guanyin.

Boil the broth with seafood, then use minced chicken and pork to clear the thick soup, and then use gauze to turn the broth into clear soup.

It's also soup on soup.

This is similar to the clear broth that Huang Hu makes when making boiled cabbage.The difference between the two is the ingredients and ratio.

After getting clear broth, do not stop the fire, and simmer over low heat.

Fry the fish, add half of the clear broth, and burn the fish into a white fish soup.

The host saw tofu in the dish prepared by Wu Long, and guessed that Wu Long would use tofu to carve Guanyin, called Baiyu Guanyin.He asked the judges:

"Master Wu did this because he was worried that the color of the broth would affect the whiteness of the tofu?"

The judges nodded:

"It should be like this. Although the broth has been clear, it still has some color. If you simmer the tofu directly, it is very likely that the white tofu will turn yellow, so it cannot be called white jade."

I saw Wu Long put a piece of tofu into a glass jar filled with water, holding the tofu in one hand, and carving the tofu in the water with a knife in the other.

Sure enough, Guanyin was carved with tofu.

In the camera, Wu Long's knife can be seen quickly slashing around the tofu. Under the impact of the water flow, the cut tofu is taken away by the water flow.

One minute later, everyone saw a statue of tofu carved from tofu appearing in Wu Long's palm.

In the same way, six white lotuses were carved.

Put the tofu Guanyin and tofu lotus into the earthen pot filled with white fish soup and simmer on low heat, and put your hands on the earthen pot to exercise.

"Wow, aren't Master Wu's hands afraid of getting hot?" The host said, "Every judge, what is Master Wu doing?"

The mainland judges speculated: "It should be using internal strength to force the fish soup on the soup into the tofu."

The other two judges agreed.

Huang Hu entered the final Buddha Jumping over the Wall and stewed.He did not set the earthen pot directly on the fire as usual, but set a large iron pot on the stove, put water on the large iron pot, and put the earthen pot in the water to stew.

He used his internal strength to increase the intensity of the fire, and it took him more than four minutes to boil a large iron pot of water dry.

The mainland judges nodded:

"This is the real way to cook Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. But it is not authentic to put the earthen pot directly on the fire."

Hong Kong Island judges agreed.

"That's right. The temperature at which water boils is always one hundred degrees. In other words, this method can ensure a constant temperature."

Haojiang judges explained:

"With this method, it should have been stewed for 49 hours, and the Buddha jumped over the wall before it can be cooked. But Master Huang used his internal strength to condense the time to 19 minutes and [-] seconds. A master, really a master!"

The judges of Hong Kong Island looked at Wu Long, frowned and said:

"Master Wu also uses broth and seafood for the soup. It's just that he serves it with tofu. The tofu itself is tasteless, and after absorbing the soup, it's just tofu that tastes good, and it doesn't improve or add color to the soup."

"Master Huang's Buddha Jumping over the Wall is different, with rich and varied ingredients, and with the broth, it may be slightly better than Master Wu's White Jade Guanyin."

When the two dishes are ready, the judges will eat the Buddha jumps over the wall first.

Open the lid, and the aroma comes out of the can.

"It smells so good!" The judges exclaimed in unison.

The aroma filled the entire arena.

The host also exclaimed: "Wow, it smells so good!"

"This is the super invincible Seaview Buddha jumping over the wall!" Huang Hu said proudly.

The three judges were aroused by the aroma and couldn't wait to drink the soup.The most important thing about Buddha jumping over the wall is this mouthful of soup.

"it is good!"

“Good soup!”

“The King of Soups!”

The evaluation of the three judges made Huang Hu feel that he could finally feel proud.The king of soup's comments are all spoken, and it is impossible to justify not winning.

"This seafood soup is added to the soup, the umami is added to the umami, and the taste is enhanced!"

"The taste is mellow, thick but not sluggish, gluey but not greasy!"

"Nine kinds of top-quality ingredients are blended with each other, giving birth to ninety-nine and 81 kinds of changes. Not only is the taste layered and colorful, but it is also natural and will not make people feel abrupt. It is worthy of being a super invincible seascape Buddha jumping over the wall!"

"Sea cucumber bomb!"

“Abalone is delicious!”

After praising Huang Hu's Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, the three judges began to taste Wu Long's White Jade Guanyin.

"In terms of shape and color, Master Wu's White Jade Guanyin is better than Master Huang's Buddha Jumping Over the Wall."

"The carving skills are exquisite, and Guanyin and lotus are carved vividly. It is really clear soup and white water like a dojo, and Guanyin in the South China Sea shows mercy."

"In terms of incense, alone, it can't compare with Master Huang's Buddha jumping over the wall. But when combined with this sculpture, this fragrance and this scene are very suitable for the scene and well matched. Buddha and Zen, the fragrance is not strong. It reminds people of the South China Sea. Avalokitesvara came across the sea."

"It should be that Master Wu's carving skills played a big role, making people see tofu as if seeing Guanyin. In terms of color and fragrance, white jade Guanyin is better than Buddha jumping over the wall."

Huang Hu's face changed slightly.Fortunately, I still believe in the taste of Buddha Jumping Wall, which is stronger than that of tofu soup.

The three judges spooned soup to drink.


"Why is it the same as the soup of Buddha Jumping over the Wall?"

"It's really even."

"Impossible!" Huang Hu went up to scoop up the soup from Baiyu Guanyin.

After drinking, he scooped up his own Buddha Jumping Wall Soup.

"Why!" Huang Hu objected: "The ingredients are not as good or as many as mine. Why is it as delicious as my soup!"

"I think it's because of the matching ratio." The mainland judges said.

The judges from Hong Kong Island nodded: "Actually, this high soup base is also used when eating yellow croakers in soup. When the second soup is added without seafood, it is already the best soup."

Haojiang judges said:

"The soup is the same, but Master Wu's white jade Guanyin is slightly better. But I am a little bit unwilling to vote for Master Wu. Because this dish is compared to soup. If Master Wu wins with sword skills, it is a bit It means victory without martial arts."

Mainland judges nodded in agreement with this statement.

"I also feel the same way. In terms of fragrance alone, Baiyu Guanyin is no match for Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. It is only when it matches the color that it wins because of the artistic conception. It is a bit unconvincing for this dish to win the soup. .”

Wu Long said:

"Why don't you drink it again, this time, just drink it with tofu. Or mash the tofu and drink it together."

The eyes of the three judges lit up, and they seemed to think of something. According to what Wu Long said, when they were scooping up the soup, the three scooped up a lotus flower tofu at the same time.

Avalokitesvara is so realistic that people dare not desecrate it.

The soup and tofu enter the mouth, the tofu is broken, and the juice inside comes out to mix with the soup, and a different umami taste immediately gushes out.

“Good soup!”

"God Soup!"

"Fairy Soup!"

"I don't believe it!" Huang Hu scooped up the soup and ate it with tofu and lotus flower.

Sure enough, after the tofu is bitten and mixed with the soup, another umami taste will be produced immediately.

"Why!" Huang Hu really didn't understand.

The mainland judge said: "I understand a little bit. Fish head tofu soup is a good soup in itself, not to mention the fish head tofu soup made by simmering with soup soup. This fish soup with bean flavor is mixed with soup soup , this process is formed directly in the taste buds, so it produces such a feeling."

"Master Huang, it's a pity that you lost in this dish competition."

"I also vote for Master Wu's White Jade Guanyin."

"I'm sorry, Master Huang. You tasted it yourself, and it really changed."

The host sighed:

"Master Huang's Super Invincible Sea View Buddha Jumping the Wall is the king of soups, but Master Wu's White Jade Guanyin is the soup of immortals, the food of the extraordinary. It's a pity, it's a pity, it really makes people feel like they are both good and bright."

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