I'm not just an action star

Chapter 273 Not good-looking, but delicious!

"You're talking nonsense!" Huang Hu scolded angrily.

After losing three dishes in a row, he knew that his position as the God of Cookery was not guaranteed.But he still wanted to win two games in a row to save face.

As a result, he still lost the next two games.

Although the judges have not judged yet, all fools know the results of the judges.

"I cry because of onions!"

Of course he was crying not because of the onion, but because he lost to a kid who jumped out of nowhere!

He worked so hard to dominate the catering industry on Hong Kong Island, and was about to march into the mainland, but he was hit head-on by Wu Long, a kid from the mainland.

Thinking that his efforts had come to nothing, he couldn't help crying with sadness.

Wu Long, I can't stand you ruining my foundation!

Huang Hu came to his operating table in two steps, grabbed the kitchen knife and flipped over, raised the knife in the air and slashed at Wu Long vigorously.

The host and judges exclaimed, and the chef who watched the competition on the spot exclaimed.

Wu Long grabbed a spoon that was equipped with eating sheep's brain and shark's fin, raised it up and swiped hard at the oncoming kitchen knife.


A sound!

The kitchen knife came out of Huang Hu's hand, flew into the air, and chopped on the beam.

Wu Long kicked it out, and Huang Hu was kicked upside down, jumped over his console, and fell to the ground.

"I'm not convinced!" Huang Hu picked up the big spoon and frying spoon, and jumped out of the stove.

Wu Long jumped back to his operating table, picked up the frying spoon and big spoon, and jumped out of the stove to fight.

In the end, Huang Hu was deprived of martial arts by Wu Long, leaving behind a scene and disappeared from Hong Kong Island that day.

The host tasted the meal of ecstasy and wept.

"Master Wu, how did you come up with the idea of ​​making this dish of ecstasy?"

Wu Long began to pack his kitchen utensils.

"This meal was not created by me, but by my master."

"Created by your master?"

"Yes, my master created it."

"How did your master think of creating such a bowl of rice that makes people cry?"

"Because of my mistress."

"Your mistress?"

"Yes, my wife."

"My teacher's wife has paid a lot for my master, and she silently supports my master's cooking skills behind her back."

"Cooking skills?" The host corrected: "Master Wu, what you want to talk about is cooking skills?"

"No, it's the way of cooking. Martial arts, immortality, and Shinto. My master said that there is a way for a cook, and a cook can also enter the way."

"My master was obsessed with cooking, and he was reluctant to marry my wife for a long time. My wife waited until she was 30 years old and broke up with my master. My master found out that she was gone the next day, and he realized that he could not live without her."

"Master went to find my wife, and found that she was about to become a nun. He was so scared that he grabbed my wife, no matter how much he tried to persuade her, he couldn't persuade her, so he had to ask me what to do."

"I said that in life, food and clothing are two things. If you want to keep a man, you must first keep his stomach. This sentence is the other way around. If you want to keep a woman, you must first keep her stomach. The same is true .”

"Master started his career as a cook, so he will naturally make a meal to express his sincerity. As long as he uses this meal to keep his wife, she will naturally not become a nun."

"My master asked my mistress what she wanted to eat, and made it for her, but my mistress was silent. My master asked me what I should do to impress my mistress. I said that I should not ask me, nor should I ask my mistress, but You should ask my master himself."

"My master understands. If he doesn't even know what my wife likes to eat, how can he say that he loves my wife? How can he be worthy of what my wife has done for him?"

"He asked my wife to wait. If she was not satisfied with the meal he made, he no longer prevented my wife from becoming a monk. When he brought this bowl of char siu clay pot rice to my wife, my wife finished it silently."

"It turns out that my wife's family is not rich, and all the money she earns from work is given to my master to buy ingredients for cooking. My wife loves barbecued pork, and she is reluctant to eat meat to save money. My wife also likes to eat onions and claypot rice. Whether it's char siu or claypot rice, it's delicious."

"Then what happened afterwards?" The host couldn't help asking Wu Long when he saw that Wu Long didn't continue talking.

"Since I call her my wife, what do you think? Of course it has a happy ending."

The three judges stopped Wu Long who was about to leave.

"Master Wu, you haven't said where the honey is from."

"You are all worthy of being gourmets and chefs. My honey is the ultimate honey blended with the three kinds of honey you mentioned."

Wu Long leaves.

"Master Wu, it hasn't been announced that you are the God of Cookery!" the host shouted.

The three judges sighed.

"The position of God of Cookery is not worthy of him."

"We are fortunate to taste his dishes, and we will have no regrets in this life."

The host turned around. "I don't know if the story he told is true or not."

"I think it's true, but it didn't happen to his master, it happened to him."

"I think so too. Without that kind of emotion, it's impossible to cook such a tear-jerking and ecstasy meal."

"Everyone often uses onions to cook. Who makes people cry after eating them?"

"But, Master Wu seems to be in his twenties, right? How could this happen to him?" The host shook his head in disbelief.

The ending music plays.

First came the sound of drums, followed by festive music suitable for the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

"The long road of life,

Who said that life is only hard work.

I have you by my side on the road,

Even if there will be pain.

Enjoy a pot of tea,

Drink a glass of wine and sing to the moon.

flow of life,

Neither you nor I can stay.

Walking on the long road of life,

Every bit of happiness.

Give bravely for love,

Failure never cared..."

The entrance of the cinema was full of people from the second scene.As soon as the people in the first show came out, they were questioned by those who were waiting to see.Regardless of whether you recognize it or not, the elder brother and elder sister will ask if they look good when they call out.


"It's beautiful and funny!"

"It makes me hungry!"

"Get the tissues ready!"

"No way? Brother Long's movie still makes you cry?"

"No, it's just wiping saliva!"

"Don't ask, just ask one word, buy more popcorn or snacks!"

"Don't ask, I'm going to eat supper quickly. As soon as the movie is over, my stomach is growling!"

"real or fake?"

"Gulu——" the hungry voice came out, causing a burst of laughter around.

"For those who celebrate the New Year, haven't you had enough for the New Year's Eve dinner?"

"Excuse me, where is the best claypot rice in the imperial capital? Is there any char siu claypot rice?"

It's almost like a question is out of the circle soon.

"Is Wu Long's "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" any good?"

Answer with the highest number of likes:

"People are at the premiere, just out of the cinema.

"The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" is not good.

good to eat!

People who go to see remember to prepare tissues to wipe their saliva.

Come out and find a place to eat quickly.

It's so exhausting! "

The film review of "Shadow and Voice" was also released soon.

"After coming out of the premiere, I immediately rushed to my favorite night market stall for supper.

Brother Long integrated martial arts into his cooking skills perfectly.

Anyone who has watched the premiere of Brother Long knows that what Wu Long played in the movie, he can do it in reality.

Cutting vegetables in the air, chopping meat with two knives, peeling radishes in the air...

Well, there is no internal strength in this world, otherwise I can be sure that Brother Long will be able to use the Flame Palm, Fire Cloud Palm, Ice Palm, and Cold Wind Palm in the movie.

The dishes in the movie, I was so tempted to jump into the movie and eat those dishes.It is estimated that there are not a few viewers who have the same situation as me.

I'm thinking now, which restaurant will make the dishes in Brother Long's movie first, and which restaurant will be popular this year!

In fact, I have an idea, which is to suggest that Wu Long do a live broadcast of the dishes cooked in the movie.Then I will be a guest and be in charge of eating.

Not to mention, my char siu claypot rice is here.It's a pity that it's not Brother Long's meal of ecstasy, so let's just eat it.

Rating: eight points.

One point was deducted because it took too much saliva and stomach, and I had to eat supper after watching it. I was always regretful that I couldn't eat the food in the movie, and I was very upset! "

Hot search first:

"Magic: Barbecued Pork Claypot Rice All Over the Country Sold Out Overnight! "

Hot search second:

"Shock: All chop suey noodles on Hong Kong Island sold out overnight! "

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