I'm not just an action star

Chapter 269 Winning Two Dishes in a Row

The God of Cookery Contest announced the list of judges, as well as the rules of the competition.Huang Hu saw that the judges had changed, so in order to ensure that he could win, he decided to use the identity of the previous God of Cookery to modify the rules.

Of course, the rules cannot be modified at will, there must be a reasonable reason.

Huang Hu modified the rule that all dishes must be made on the spot and cannot be made in advance.Including soaking hair and boiling soup, these tasks that require a long time to prepare in advance must be completed within the time of the game.

The reason he gave was that if it needs to be prepared in advance, no matter how good the dish is, it is not worthy of being a god of food.

The God of Cookery is to turn decay into magic.Use the time of ordinary people to make peerless delicacies.

The judges recognized Huang Hu's reason and passed this rule.

Such a rule directly made other chefs give up the competition.They all know that Huang Hu has kung fu, if they can't prepare in advance, they can't compare with Huang Hu.

They thought they would have a chance to take the title of God of Cookery if the judges were changed, but Huang Hu changed the rules, and they also had no chance.

On the day of the race, Wu Long still used the kitchen cart he brought.

Wu Long chose the judges, Huang Hu changed the rules, and the judges made the ingredients and order.

The first course is fish, the second course is meat, the third course is vegetarian, the fourth course is soup, and the fifth course is optional.

There are five dishes in total, what kind of fish, what kind of meat, what kind of vegetables, and what kind of soup, are up to the contestants themselves.

Game start!

Simultaneous broadcast on television and the Internet.

There were many chefs watching the competition, even people from the mainland and Haojiang came.Everyone wants to see what delicious dishes can be made without soaking seafood in advance and making broth in advance.

As a result, they discovered that these two were not ordinary people at all!

Use internal strength to soak seafood, and it will be done in a few minutes!

Boil the broth with internal strength, and the soup will come out in half an hour!

No wonder Huang Hu wants to formulate such a rule. Others have no kung fu cooking skills and can only be hanged and beaten!

What everyone didn't expect, and what Huang Hu didn't expect, was that Wu Long could also use his internal strength to do this!

Only then did Huang Hu know that he had encountered a strong enemy.

For the first dish, Huang Hu made Jinxiu multi-flavored fish, and Wu Long made yellow croaker in soup.

The two cook, and the judges taste it.

"Three kinds of color, fragrance, and presentation. The beautiful multi-flavored fish makes people look and feel weird. Several kinds of fish are stitched together..." The judges of Hong Kong Island shook their heads. "In terms of aroma, multi-flavored fish smells more fragrant than yellow croaker in soup."

Haojiang judges nodded: "Splendid multi-flavored fish is very creative. One fish tastes like several fishes. However, the colors of these fishes are different, and the vision becomes bad when stitched together. However, the mixture of several kinds of fish flavors is indeed more delicious. The yellow croaker in soup is more fragrant."

Judges from Mainland China: "Splendid Tastefish does have ideas, but we are not only comparing ideas. It is used for competitions, but the appearance of Splendid Tastefish is scary. Because it looks like it has been mutated by radiation pollution. Strange fish."

Huang Hu's expression was not good.

The three judges started to taste the fish, and when they tasted the beautiful multi-flavored fish, they just nodded slightly.

After using chopsticks to pinch the fish meat of the yellow croaker filling the soup, a more fragrant smell spread into the air.

"It smells so good!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"It's really fragrant. It turns out that this is the essence of the soup-filled yellow croaker. The broth is mixed with the fish fragrance, but it is sealed in the fish maw. The real fragrance is not revealed until the fish maw is broken."

"I take back what I said just now. I think the yellow croaker in soup is all for the color and aroma!"

"Me too, take back what you just said."

"Let us taste the taste of yellow croaker in soup."

The three ladled soup and ate fish.

"it is good!"



"The frying is overcooked, and the steaming time is just right."

"The fish has absorbed the best soup, forming a unique flavor!"

"The aroma and taste are different in layers. Every time you chew, there is a taste and aroma. However, it also combines the umami flavors of various seafood into one. Wonderful!"

"In the first round of the competition, I will vote for Wu Long's yellow croaker in soup!"

"I also vote for Wu Long's yellow croaker in soup!"

"me too!"

Huang Hu yelled angrily: "I don't accept it! How could he cook better than me! I use the best parts of several kinds of fish!"

"You'll know when you taste it yourself." The judges invited Huang Hu to eat.

After Huang Hu came up to eat, he stopped talking.If he even denies such an obvious delicacy, then there is no need to compare, and he will be directly judged to be disqualified from the God of Cookery competition.

Because he can't even make a normal evaluation, so why should he be the God of Cookery and set an example?

Mainland judges commented:

"Although your idea is good, it is a failure in the competition. Whether it is food or painting, we all pay attention to the priority and the monarch. When the best parts of several fishes are put together, it happens that there are more masters and fewer ministers. No To be able to be the ruler and minister, to be accompanied by bonuses and green leaves."

The other two judges nodded.

The second course begins.

Huang Hu makes Qiankun roast goose, and Wu Long makes sweet and sour pork.

"Qiankun roast goose? It seems to be improved according to the practice of three sets of ducks." The judges from the mainland commented.

Haojiang judge said: "However, it is not easy to put quail into a goose body to make it delicious."

The Hong Kong judges nodded: "Stuffing the goose with quail makes it more difficult to grill. It is easy to burn the outside and the quail inside is not cooked."

"Well, that's true." The Haojiang judges agreed: "If the quail is cooked first and then stuffed, the essence of this cooking method will be lost. The taste and aroma cannot be completely mixed to form a new aroma and taste."

The mainland judges said: "I'm not worried about this. Huang Hu knows internal energy, and uses internal energy to grill and force the heat into the goose belly. As long as it is well controlled, the quail inside will absorb the goose flavor and it should have a different flavor."

"It's the sweet and sour pork made by Wu Long, which is too ordinary." The mainland judges shook their heads.

Judges from Hong Kong Island: "The most important thing about sweet and sour pork is the sweet and sour sauce, which cannot take away the taste of the meat. The skin of the pork ribs must be crispy."

"It may be very difficult for sweet and sour pork to surpass Qiankun Roast Goose." The judges of Hao Jiang were not optimistic about Wu Long.

No matter how sweet and sour pork is made, it is still pork.Pork is not as good as roast goose or quail.

The host exclaimed:

"Look! Huang Hu uses his internal strength to dry the goose!"

Huang Hu roared, "Blowing palm!"

Hit the blowing palm around the goose in a circle, and the goose is dried by the wind of internal power palm.

Later, while roasting the goose, Huang Hu played the flame palm again.He actually used his internal force to send out flames to roast the goose.

The smell of grilled goose began to waft around.

"It smells so good!"

"It smells good when you smell it."

"It seems that this dish is likely to be won by Huang Hu."

The three judges commented on Huang Hu's cooking.

Sweet and sour pork is a famous traditional dish in the Cantonese-speaking area.Back then, foreigners liked to eat sweet and sour pork ribs, but they were not used to spitting out bones.

Cantonese chefs use boneless meat to make it, saving foreigners from the trouble of spitting out bones.

Seeing Wu Long bring the pork ribs, he patted the pork ribs with both palms.

The host exclaimed: "Wow, what is Wu Long going to do, how did he make ribs?"

After Wu Long patted the ribs, he grabbed the ribs with his hands and pulled them out of the meat.

The mainland judges nodded:

"Wu Long uses internal energy to beat, firstly to separate the ribs from the meat, but to break the tendons in the meat, so that the ribs taste better."

"Many chefs now use tenderloin, front leg or pork belly when making sweet and sour pork. Few people know how to use pork ribs." Hong Kong Island judges said.

Haojiang judges nodded: "Using pork ribs is authentic and delicious, but it is troublesome."

The host exclaimed again: "Wu Long slapped the pork ribs again, is this trying to use internal strength to pat the bottom flavor into the meat?"

Mainland judge: "Not bad. In this way, the time of marinating and flavoring is saved."

Wu Long put the pork ribs directly into the boiling oil with a frying spoon, beat it into the oil pan with one palm, and the oil pan caught fire.

The frying spoon filled with pork ribs is constantly rotating in the oil fire.

The host frowned.

"Judges, did Wu Long forget to add starch to this sweet and sour pork?"

The host had just finished speaking, and Wu Long's pork ribs were already out of the oven.With one palm, the fire on the oil pan was extinguished.The pork ribs are rolled on the starch in the frying spoon.

The mainland judges nodded:

"It's not that he forgot to add the starch. He cooks the pork ribs first and then adds the starch. In this way, the starch will not take away the flavor of the meat. Just changing the order can make a qualitative change in the taste and texture of the dish, amazing!"

Hong Kong Island judges explained:

"Wulong is fried in oil and fire. It is both fried and grilled. It combines the flavors of the two cooking methods. Starch is added at high temperature, and it is instantly shaped and wrapped. Without certain skills, eyesight, and hand feel, it is impossible to do this. If If you want to learn from Wu Long, it will be counterproductive."

The pork ribs in the Wulong frying spoon are filled with starch and then put into the sour sauce. The frying spoon rotates quickly in the sour juice, and the sour juice wraps the pork ribs evenly like a wave.

After serving the sour sauce, the pork ribs are in the syrup again.

After the syrup was served, the moment the pork ribs in the frying spoon left the syrup, Wu Long hit the pork ribs in the frying spoon with his palm.

A gust of hoarfrost blows towards the ribs from the palm wind.

"Ice Palm!" The mainland judges exclaimed.

The pork ribs jumped because of the vibration of the frying spoon, but during the jumping process, the syrup was cooled into a crystal skin, covering the pork ribs.

Sweet and sour pork, done!

Huang Hu's Qian Kun Roast Goose is also released.He withdrew the flame palm and hit the roast goose with a cold wind palm to lower the temperature of the roast goose.

The mainland judges nodded:

"If Huang Hu doesn't lower the temperature of the roast goose, the quail inside will continue to heat up, and the roast goose will be over."

Hong Kong Island judges suggested: "Why don't we eat sweet and sour pork first?"

"You should eat sweet and sour pork first. Qiankun Roast Goose is warm inside, so you can eat it later." Haojiang judges agreed.

The mainland judges pinched the sweet and sour meat first, and there was a click, and the candy skin cracked, and the tomato juice inside flowed out.

The sweet and sour aroma hits the nostrils immediately.

Before eating, the three judges applauded at the same time.

Each person took a piece of sweet and sour pork.Bite the sugar skin, and the tomato juice bursts out, sweet and sour.The pork ribs have both the charred aroma of grilling and the crispy outside and tender inside.Served with sweet and sour tomato juice, it will explode people's taste buds.

"What a sweet and sour pork dish!"

"This is sweet and sour pork like I've never had before!"

"The sweetness and sourness makes the taste buds explode. The pork ribs are like fried pork ribs and grilled pork ribs. When combined, it is hard to believe that pork ribs can be so delicious!"

Huang Hu frowned.

After the three tasted the sweet and sour pork, they looked at Qiankun Roast Goose.Huang Hu cut open the roast goose with a knife, revealing the steaming quail inside.


"The taste of the roast goose is just right, absorbing the taste of the quail, making the taste of the roast goose unique."

"The quail absorbed the smell of the roast goose, like an ugly duckling turning into a swan, not bad, not bad."

"The Qiankun Roasted Goose is good, but there are regrets."

Upon hearing this, Huang Hu hurriedly asked, "What regrets?"

"The first point is still the same as the last dish, regardless of priority."

"Second point, both geese and quail are poultry. When quail is put into roast goose, the spices coated inside the roast goose give goose and quail at the same time. In terms of taste, goose and quail are the same, there is no obvious difference, but One is goose meat and the other is quail meat. Because they are both poultry, the two meats lack layers.”

"Color and fragrance, Qiankun Roasted Goose accounts for the fragrance. The color is not as good as crystal sweet and sour pork, and the taste is not as good as crystal sweet and sour pork. Huang Hu, I'm sorry, I vote for Wu Long's crystal sweet and sour pork."

"Me too."

"Huang Hu, if it's not a competition, your Qiankun Roast Goose is better than Crystal Sweet and Sour Pork. Because Qiankun Roast Goose is not often eaten. But in the competition, Qiankun Roast Goose is slightly inferior."

Huang Hu shouted angrily: "No, I'm not convinced!"

"Not convinced? You can try Wu Long's crystal sweet and sour pork, and then try your own Qiankun roast goose." The mainland judges said.

Of course Huang Hu wanted to taste it. After this taste, Wu Long's crystal sweet and sour pork was completely different from ordinary crystal sweet and sour pork.

The moment the sugar skin is bitten, the taste buds explode instantly.

The pork ribs have been slapped to break the tendons, and the meat quality has risen to a higher level.Coupled with the frying and grilling of oil and fire, the taste has the advantages of grilling and frying.

"Sweet and sour juice is the most pleasing to the taste buds. Even if we have eaten your Qiankun Roast Goose, the last memory of our taste buds is crystal sweet and sour pork."

"Sweet and sour juice is the most appetizing. Quail is wrapped in goose meat, and the internal fat cannot be released, so it is easy to get greasy. Such a contrast makes it easy for diners to choose the appetizing sweet and sour pork."

Huang Hu clenched his fists in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

Wu Long's sweet and sour juice, the taste is too well seasoned and can't be surpassed.

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