Ou Jiafeng's son, Ou Zhenrong, does not want to be a chef, but returns from studying abroad with great ambitions to invest in the stock market.Being secretly played by Huang Hu, Ou Zhenrong owed a huge debt.

That day, Huang Hu brought people to Jinyulou to look for Ou Jiafeng.Either pay back the money, or pay off the debt of the restaurant.

Ou Jiafeng sees through Huang Hu's scheme to harm Ou Zhenrong, and his purpose is to serve Jinyulou.

Huang Hu admitted that he wanted to unify the Hong Kong Island catering industry.Jinyulou in this area is a benchmark. Winning Jinyulou is equivalent to winning one-third of Hong Kong Island's catering industry.

Ou Jiafeng is unwilling to sell Jinyulou.

Huang Hu proposed to compare cooking skills.If he loses, the debt is eliminated.If Ou Jiafeng loses, Jinyulou will belong to Huanghu.

It's in the kitchen of Jinyu Building, but Huang Hu decides what to compare.Huang Hu explained that it would definitely not compare to weird dishes, but the most common diet on Hong Kong Island.

For the sake of his son, Ou Jiafeng decided to compete with Huang Hu.This is also his confidence in cooking.

In the end, Huang Hu compared it to chop suey noodles on the street.

Ou Jiafeng's confidence suddenly lacked.Of course he knows how to make chop suey noodles, but he has always looked down on street food.

The two of them compared chop suey noodles, and based on Huang Hu's display of kung fu, Ou Jiafeng knew that he would probably lose.

Under such psychological pressure, he played abnormally and lost to Huang Hu.Jinyulou was also paid off and belonged to Huang Hu.

"Now, Huang Hu's culinary skills have spread all over Hong Kong Island, and he has become the God of Cookery in Hong Kong Island for three consecutive years." Speaking of this, Ou Jiafeng's eyes became dim.

He shook his head and said:

"Huang Hu's culinary skills are too high, and he has integrated legendary kung fu into his cooking skills. I'm afraid no one in this world can match his cooking skills. Forget it, I was the one to be abrupt."

Ou Jiafeng waved Wu Long away.He didn't mean to be aggressive, but he really thought that Wu Long was not an opponent.

"Why does he sell offal noodles?" Wu Long pointed to Ou Zhenrong.

Ou Zhenrong didn't speak, and Ou Jiafeng showed a little hope on his face.

"He said he would make the most delicious chop suey noodles on Hong Kong Island, and then challenge Huang Hu."

Wu Long saw Ou Zhenrong lower his head in shame.

Ou Zhenrong said in a low voice:

"I have worked hard, but no matter how hard I try, I can't make chop suey noodles well. I can't even cook chop suey noodles well. I don't have this talent at all."

Wu Long shook his head:

"No, it's because your own will is not strong enough. You are not hardworking and diligent enough. You give up too early and don't want to fight hard."

"With just this little blow, you will admit defeat. You are just a little kid who can't grow up and can only shrink back."

"I have worked hard and diligently!" Ou Zhenrong defended.

Wu Long shook his head again:

"I can't see it."

"No matter how bad your chop suey noodles are, it's just a matter of taste. There are three types of color, aroma, and taste. If you can't handle the taste well, can't you also handle the color and aroma?"

"Don't make excuses for yourself to give up on yourself."

"Whether it tastes good or not is another question. If you can't even do it with your heart, how can you talk about success?"

"Ou Jiafeng, for the sake of this cookbook, I'll help you find your place again."

"Thank you, Wu Long."

"You're welcome. In terms of seniority, I'm still your grand uncle."

Ou Jiafeng was stunned.

"No way, you are my father's uncle?" Ou Zhenrong objected.

"This cookbook is from my master who won your ancestor of the Ou family. Do you think I am your master's uncle?" Wu Long asked back.

"Impossible!" Ou Zhenrong didn't believe it. "The one-hundred-year limit, could it be that your master lived a hundred or so years old?"

Wu Long nodded: "That's right, my master is still alive."

"Impossible!" Ou Jiafeng and Ou Zhenrong said at the same time.

Wu Long shook his head: "So, your Ou family will be so downcast that you don't even understand the true meaning of food."

"What is the real meaning of diet?" Ou Jiafeng asked. "Isn't it the best and tastiest dish?"

"Of course not." Wu Long said: "Why do people eat, it is to fill their stomachs and grow their bodies. Going one step further, of course it is for longevity."

"Others are just leisure stuff. If you don't practice cooking, you will end up with nothing. The so-called gong, one is martial arts and kung fu, and the other is the way of keeping in good health. One of the ways of keeping in good health is diet and keeping in good health."

"Master said that he already understood this truth at that time. Competing cooks with your ancestors of the Ou family just wanted to see if there is such a truth hidden in the recipes of "Mansion of Gold and Jade."

"Is there?" Ou Jiafeng and Ou Zhenrong asked at the same time.

"From the name, there is. As for whether it is in it, you can see for yourself."

If you want to defeat Huang Hu, you have to participate in the God of Cookery Competition.If you want to participate in the God of Cookery Competition, you must obtain qualifications, be famous in the catering industry, and have a certain financial strength.

"Sell chop suey noodles? How many bowls do you sell to become famous on Hong Kong Island?" Wu Long said, "Open a shop to sell fried beef balls."

"Beef balls can be a snack, a snack, or a main course, and you can eat them at any time. You only eat chop suey noodles when you're hungry. Think about the real business hours, and how much can you sell?"

"After one store becomes popular, branch stores are opened. One store becomes two stores, two stores become four stores, four stores become eight stores. After the eight stores are listed, they can raise funds. Next, they will invest in stocks, and then real estate. Then, Then it will be split up and listed. At that time, you only need to collect dividends, which will earn more than your Jinyulou."

Wu Long said to Ou Jiafeng:

"Let you rise in seniority and call you nephew. Nephew, times have changed."

Ou Zhenrong said: "But, we don't have the money to rent a shop, and we don't have money to buy raw materials?"

Wu Long shook his head: "With your brain, you still want to learn how to speculate in the stock market. No wonder you were cheated out of your fortune."

"Everyone wants to get ahead, who doesn't want to make a lot of money? You go to the night market stalls and give them a taste of the explosive beef balls. Who wants to prosper together and invest money. Don't you have the start-up capital?"

"They're very good at night market stalls. How can it be so easy to invest money at your word?" Ou Zhenrong shook his head in disbelief.

"Anyone who eats the explosive beef balls will vote."

Then, at the night market stall, the green-haired man and the others ate the beef balls, and there was a scene of them dancing on the beach in light gauze.

The audience in the movie theater couldn't stand up laughing.

The development of this plot is the same as Master Xing's "God of Cookery". Wu Long won the Hong Kong Island Food Wizard Award and was qualified to participate in the God of Cookery competition.

On the day of the award ceremony, Wu Long questioned the way the judges were selected for the God of Cookery competition in the face of his colleagues in the catering industry who came to participate, thinking that the judges should be re-elected.

As a diet wizard, he is qualified to make this request.And it was said that Huang Hu designed Jinyulou Oujia, and compared with Oujiafeng to get Jinyulou noodles.

That being the case, he also proposed to compare chop suey noodles with Huang Hu.If he wins, re-elect the judges.If he loses, quit the God of Cookery contest.

In front of reporters and colleagues, Huang Hu had no choice but to agree.

During the competition, Wu Long was worried about being set up, so he pushed his own kitchen cart, so that Huang Hu's trick to make Wu Long fail by destroying the kitchen utensils failed.

The shot of Huang Hu making chop suey noodles is the shot of Wu Long performing chop suey noodles at the premiere.Fang Zhuming, who played Huang Hu, played a part, and Wu Long acted as a stand-in, and they were edited together.

The shot of Wu Long making chop suey noodles is one shot to the end.

His "Swim the Dragon and Patrol the Sea" and "Turn the River and the Sea" don't need to shake the net spoon like Huang Hu, but press the noodles to the bottom of the pot and stir it directly, and the boiling water in the whole pot will turn into a vortex.The noodles gather together like a dragon, and follow the turning water potential to circle in the pot.

Huang Hu couldn't see this, and he didn't know Wu Long's internal strength was strong.

The same is true for picking up the cold river with a net spoon, because the time is short, Huang Hu can't see it either.

When cutting vegetables, Wu Long didn't cut them in the air, but cut them all on the cutting board before cooking.

When Wu Long was putting cold oil in the hot pot, Huang Hu saw that the kitchen utensils were not working, so he decided to scratch Wu Long's boiled offal.

"Young man, do you think you can win? Tell you, you are out!"

"Do you think that cooking now only depends on cooking skills?"


"Nowadays cooking depends not only on cooking skills, but also on kung fu!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Hu slapped Wu Long's stove fire across the air.

"Destroying Fire Palm!"

The fire on Wulong's stove suddenly increased, and the fire passed through the pot and burned in the pot.

The audience exclaimed!

Wu Long was calm and calm.He didn't think of a way to reduce the fire, and he didn't scold Huang Hu.Because there is no evidence to prove that the fire increased because Huang Hu used his internal strength to promote it.

The fire is burned into the pot, there is fire under the pot, and there is fire on the pot.

Wu Long said with a smile:

"Thank you for your help."

He just wants to use such a big fire to fry, so that the white radish slices that have been scorched by the high temperature can instantly remove the spicy and take less time.Huang Hu contributes internal force to help the fire, which is better than a natural fire.

After the fish balls and large intestines are added, the taste of fish balls and large intestines can be stimulated better and more fragrant.

Huang Hu turned blue with anger when he saw that he failed to harm Wu Long but instead helped Wu Long, so he had no choice but to cook his offal noodles.

Wu Long's soup is also cooked differently. Unlike Huang Hu, he pours enough soup at one time, but adds it little by little, so as to keep the temperature of the pot and soup from dropping sharply, which will affect the taste and texture of the ingredients.

Two bowls of chop suey noodles came out, and the judges selected them from the audience.


"Next, ten people from the audience will be invited to eat noodles and rate them. The method is to eat noodles blindly. You don't know who cooked which bowl. Does anyone want to try and rate?"

All audience members raise their hands.

"The two chefs, please choose five audience members."

Huang Hu generously asked Wu Long to choose first.After Wu Long came out with five spectators first, he also randomly selected five spectators to come out.

Each person tried two servings of chop suey noodles, divided into one and two.

Huang Hu secretly spoke to ten audience members in a secret language.

"I'm Huang Hu, please remember that my chop suey noodles are No. [-] noodles!"

After speaking one by one, Huang Hu looked at Wu Long proudly.Here are all my people, how can you compare with me!

It turned out that all the audience watching the scene were arranged by Huang Hu, no matter how they were picked, they were not afraid.

"Please make a choice." The host waited for the result.

Every audience chose the No. [-] Chop Suey Noodles.

Huang Hu's expression changed drastically.

"Why not choose number one!"

The ten audience members were stunned by Huang Hu's words.

One of the audience replied in fright: "Didn't you ask me to choose number two? Besides, number two is indeed better than number one. You must have made it."

Huang Hu was angry.

"Nonsense! I clearly said it was number one!"

"what about you?"

After he finished speaking, he immediately realized that he had been exposed.In addition to the live audience, this competition was also broadcast live on TV and the Internet at the same time!

The audience of the live broadcast was in an uproar.

At this time, Huang Hu saw Wu Long's sneer.It turned out that Wu Long saw through Huang Hu's tricks and used the secret language to interfere. Ten audience members thought that Huang Hu was talking about No. [-] chop suey noodles, and they all chose No. [-] Wu Long's cooked chop suey noodles.

Wu Long and Huang Hu competed in chop suey noodles, Wu Long won, and the judges were re-elected.

One of the judges he suggested is a well-known food critic in Hong Kong Island, who is considered to be a relatively notarized person.One is from the mainland and is a well-known senior chef in the catering industry.One is from Haojiang and is also a well-known chef of the older generation in Haojiang.

These few have qualifications, can convince the public, and are recognized by everyone.

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