I'm not just an action star

Chapter 267 Failure!fail!Failure of failure!

Kungfu, it turns out that it can be so magical!

Knife technique, it turns out that it can still be used in this way.

Martial arts, only performing, not killing?

"The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" officially begins!

The plane landed on Hong Kong Island, and Hong Kong Island was bustling with traffic.

The camera turned to the gate of Jinyu Building, a taxi stopped in front of Jinyu Building and backed up five feet.

In the car, Wu Long frowned and asked:

"Driver, isn't this the Jinyu Building? Why do you have to back five feet?"

The driver turned around, and it was the driver in "The Road Is High".

"Sir, do you know that I once drove a young man who looks like you. He is a master. After parking the car, let me back up five feet. When I finished backing up the car, a gas tank fell from the sky and smashed Go to the spot where I parked before. Do you think it's scary?"

The audience laughed, actually playing tricks like this.

Wu Long nodded.

"It's scary."

"So, in the future, I will park the car and then back down five feet. This is called taking a step back to avoid disaster."

The audience rejoices again.

Wu Long laughed and shook his head, paid the bill and got off the car.

The driver stopped Wu Long again.

"Slow! Don't go out yet."


"The last time I carried the master who looked like you, he did just that. Let me avoid another disaster."

Wu Long looked at the driver speechlessly, and the driver nodded seriously, indicating that what he said was true.

"You can go out now."

Only then did Wu Long go out with his backpack, and went to the tail compartment of the taxi to take out the suitcase.

Wu Long walked into the Jinyu Building.The door was not open for business at this time, the waiter saw him coming in, and quickly explained:

"Sir, it's not open yet."

"I'm here to find Boss Ou of Jinyulou."

"Sir, the boss of Jinyulou has changed. His surname is not Ou, but Huang."

"Substitution? Do you know where Boss Ou is now?"

"You came to join him from the mainland?" The waiter shook his head to express his disapproval. "He's setting up a stall in the night market now, you can go find him at night."

"Thank you."

In the evening, Wu Long came to the night market stall to inquire.Following the directions, I found a stall selling chop suey noodles.

A young guy was selling chop suey.

"May I ask if your surname is Ou?"

The young boy glanced at Wu Long.

"Yes. Would you like a bowl of chop suey noodles?"

"Did you run the Jinyu Building before?"

"Yes. Would you like a bowl of chop suey noodles?" Young Boy looked a little impatient and angry.Obviously didn't like being asked about these things.

"Okay, let's have a bowl of chop suey noodles."


A bowl of chop suey noodles was placed in front of Wu Long.

Wu Long picked up the bowl, smelled it first, and shook his head.

Take a sip of the soup, then shake your head.

"The alkaline water noodles have not been soaked in cold water, so this bowl of soup smells of alkaline water."

Pick up another fish ball and eat it.

"The fish balls don't taste fishy either. But to cover it up, you deliberately added curry sauce to turn it into curry fish balls... A good curry fish ball makes you have neither fish nor curry flavor."

Wu Long shook his head.


Eating carrots, shaking his head.

"I haven't picked the radish, too many tendons, failed!"

Eat pig skin, shake your head.

"The pork skin is too soft and chewy, fail!"

Chow down on pig's blood, shaking his head.

"The pig's blood is too loose and rotten, and it will fall apart as soon as you pinch it. Failure in failure!"

He picked up a piece of large intestine.

"The worst thing is the large intestine. It wasn't washed clean, and there was a piece of feces. Did you make a mistake?"

The young boy ignored Wu Long.

"Hey, there's a piece of shit!"

Young Boy took out a roll of paper and handed it to Wu Long.

"Take a piece of paper and wipe it off."

The audience in the movie theater burst out laughing when they saw this.

Wu Long shook his head.

"Don't be so humorous. Aren't you afraid that I will spread the word that there is shit in your food?"

The young boy didn't think so.

"So what? Chop suey, is it weird to have two pieces of shit?"

The audience laughed again.

Everyone did not expect that this Kung Fu cooking movie starring Kung Fu King Wu Long is actually a comedy.Sure enough, it is suitable for screening during the Spring Festival, it is really funny.

"30 yuan, give me the money!" The young boy asked Wu Long for some money.

"You still dare to ask me for money? Shouldn't you give me the money?" Wu Long wondered, dare to charge for such food?

"Why, want to extort money!" The young boy raised his voice.

Several people gathered around.

"Boy, do you want to come here to make trouble?"

"It hinders our business, is it looking for a fight?"

A large number of people gathered around Wu Long.

"Fight? Are you worthy?"

One person was stimulated by Wu Long's words.

"You're good enough."

"Hit him!"

Several people came forward to beat Wu Long.Wu Long shot first, punching each of them, knocking these people to the ground.


Several people got up from the ground, pointed at Wu Long and said harshly: "You wait."

Wu Long turned to the young man and said:

"It doesn't matter if your level is poor, as long as you have a sense of shame, you can still be saved."

"If you're like this, it's no wonder that Jin Yulou is going to be transferred to someone else."

Wu Long shook his head.

"He is here to make trouble!"

Several people went back and forth, hugging a boy with green hair.

The green-haired man looked at Wu Long. "Come to make trouble? Where are you from!"

"Judging from his accent, he should have just come from there." said the person who was beaten just now.

"That means there is no prefix." The green-haired man shook his head, showing a disdainful smile.

Suddenly kicked out and kicked Wu Long's head.

Wu Long squatted down to sweep his legs, and directly swept the opponent down.

The other party covered his waist on the ground in pain.

Wu Long returned to the noodle stall again and said to the young man surnamed Ou.

"Is your father the heir of the Ou Family's Jinyu Tower? Take me to see him."

The young boy's level is too low, so he is definitely not the heir.

Behind him, the green-haired man got up from the ground, grabbed a table next to him, and slammed it at the back of Wu Long's head from behind.

Wu Long grabbed the kitchen knife on the stall, turned around and slashed the kitchen knife at the table.


The kitchen knife pierced through the table, Wu Long held the kitchen knife in his hand, passed through the center of the table, and slashed at the green-haired man.

The kitchen knife stopped in front of the green-haired man's forehead, and the green-haired man did not dare to move while holding the table.

All around, a piece of silence.

The people who watched the excitement were all stupid!

The young boy with the surname Ou who sells chop suey noodles is also stupid!

How much arm strength is needed to use a kitchen knife to cut through the table, pass through the middle of the table, and directly chop people!

"Big... Big... Brother, you have something to say, calm down."

"Everyone came out to ask for money, there is no need to kill people."

"How much do you want? It's easy to say, and I'll give it to you right away."

"Tonight I am the one who is blind and does not know my brother Raptors Crossing the River."

"I just ask my elder brother to take back the knife in my hand for the sake of my ignorance."

Wu Long took back the kitchen knife.

The green-haired man hurriedly put down the rotten tabletop, turned and ran away.

Wu Long turned around and asked:

"what's your name?"

"Ou Zhenrong." The young boy's voice trembled.

"Now, can you take me to see your father?"

Ou Zhenrong nodded quickly.

When I came to Ou Zhenrong's small home, I saw Ou Zhenrong's father lying weakly on the bed.

"Are you the heir of the Jinyulou Ou family?"

Ou Jiafeng glanced at Wu Long, looking disheartened.

"So what? I don't have Jin Yulou to lose to you, and I don't have the money to lose to you."

"The Ou family has a cookbook called "The House of Gold and Jade". The [-]-year loan period has come, and my master asked me to return the recipe. If you can recite some of the content in "The House of Gold and Jade", it proves that you are the heir of the Ou family's Jin Yu Tower. I'll give you the recipe back."

Ou Jiafeng's eyes lit up, and then he read a passage.

Wu Long took out a cookbook from his backpack and handed it to Ou Jiafeng.

Ou Jiafeng held the menu with tears in his eyes.

"What is your name?"

"My surname is Wu, and my single name is a dragon." Wu Long played Wu Long again.

"Wu Long, I wonder if you have learned this recipe before?"


Ou Jiafeng looked at Wu Long expectantly.

"I heard from my father that this was a matter of previous generations. At that time, the Ou family lost the chef competition and lent the recipe of "A Man of Gold and Jade" for a hundred years."

"Wu Long, no matter what, you have benefited from this cookbook. I know I can't ask you for anything, but I'm thick-skinned now, please help me revenge with cooking skills for the sake of this cookbook! "

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