I'm not just an action star

Chapter 263 Conquering Heaven

After performing the flying knife hidden weapon, the host did not let Wu Long go.

"Wu Long, many of the hidden flying knives you performed have been performed before, but in different forms."

"I know that in the near future, our show will be the last show you will be on. After you finish this show, you will go back to celebrate a very important traditional festival in your country—the Spring Festival."

"So can you perform one that hasn't been performed before?"

"For example, I learned that you wrote a novel called "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", in which there is a kind of kung fu called flick of the finger. Does this kung fu really exist? Or did you imagine it?"

Wu Long pretended to think about it and said:

"This kung fu is real, it's just written in an exaggerated way."

This conversation was actually designed.

"Is there really martial arts in the novel? If it is not exaggerated, what should the real situation be like?"

Wu Long took out a small steel ball from his pocket.

"That's it, the little steel ball. Use your fingers to pop it out, creating a lethal force."

"So, snapping fingers is actually a kind of hidden weapon, right?"


"Can you perform for us?"

"Yes. Ask the prop master to take an empty beer bottle and fill it with water."

The prop master began to put on the props.

He first lifted a large basin, put a high stool in the large basin, and then put an uncovered beer bottle on the high stool, and put water in the beer bottle.

Put another board on the back.

Wu Long stood six meters away, holding a few peanuts in his hand.

"Remember, if you travel to China and see someone eating peanuts and drinking beer, don't mess with him, because he is probably a martial arts master hidden among the people."

Wu Long's jokes are very serious, people don't know whether he is telling the truth or just joking. <Sounds, the prelude to "Iron Heart".

I saw him eating peanuts, casually put the small steel ball between the thumb and the back of the nail of the middle finger, and flicked it out casually.

There was a crisp sound from a beer bottle six meters away.


Water gushes from the side of the beer bottle.


The audience stands up.

this is too scary!

Beer bottles are not cucumbers, watermelons, or apples. Beer bottles are glass, which is much harder than fruit.

The prop master came up, turned the wooden board behind, and the camera zoomed in for a close-up.

It can be seen that there is a small steel ball inlaid on the wooden board.

"Great!" The host applauded. "I think, this small steel ball in your hand is actually equivalent to a bullet. And your hand is a pistol."

"Wu Long, I hope to introduce your martial arts novel "Legend of the Condor Heroes"."

"Besides the supernatural power of flicking fingers, what other martial arts in your novels are also available in real life?"

Wu Long pretended to think about it and said:

"One positive finger."


Wu Long nodded and asked the prop master to bring the props.

The prop master brought up a table, put two eggs on the table, and brought a long marble slab.Wu Long first asked the audience to check the marble slab to make sure there was no problem.

Rest the marble slab lightly on top of the two eggs.

He held out his index finger, beckoning to the audience.

The prelude to "Hello Always in the World" sounded.

After showing his index finger to the audience, he didn't see Wu Long's luck, so he pointed directly at the marble board.


The marble slab was broken by Wu Long's finger!

The eggs were not cracked!


"Maybe someone thinks the eggs are fake, please come up and break the eggs into a glass bowl."

The prop master brought up a glass bowl.An audience member selected by the host came up, picked up the egg, looked at it, smashed the egg, and poured the egg yolk and egg liquid into a glass bowl.

Two eggs were cracked, proving that the eggs were real.

Applause broke out again.

"Wu Long, according to experts, the marble slab is very brittle and easy to break." The host made a dissatisfied expression.

Wu Long thought about it.

"Ask the prop master to bring me a can of beer."

The prop master brought up a can of beer.

"Is it okay to pop a can?"

The host nodded.

Wu Long held the can in one hand, stretched out his index finger with the other hand, and poked the can with the other.


The can was pierced by Wu Long's finger, and the beer sprayed out.


The audience gave a standing ovation.

"It doesn't count if you hold it like this, can you let it go?" The host raised the difficulty.

Wu Long didn't speak, but waved to the prop master.

The host cooperated and made a grimace, which meant that he had made Wu Long angry.

The prop master brought up twelve cans of beer and stacked them on the table to form two beer columns, each of which consisted of six cans of beer stacked on top of each other.

Wu Long stretched out his index fingers with his left and right hands, and after signaling to the audience, he poked at the two beer can columns left and right! <, but Wu Long shouted.

"Da da da da da!"

Twelve cans of beer made the sound of being punctured continuously, and twelve beer fountains spewed out.

There was warm applause.

Wu Long looked at the host.

The host said again:

"Actually, we all know that beer cans are actually very thin."

The audience laughed.

Wu Long waved to the prop master.The prop master brought a bottle of beer.

"Normal people open beer bottles with a cap opener."

Wu Long stretched out his index finger and poked it on the top of the beer bottle.


The strength of the beer bottle was broken by Wu Long's finger, and the beer gushed out.

The host made a clasping gesture.

"I'm convinced!" She said something awkward in Chinese.

The audience laughed.

"Wu Long, the time for the show is almost up. I have another question here. Many viewers have questions. When you entered the match with Barrett, there was no wind, but your jersey and cloak looked like it was blown by the wind. Same, compared to Barrett in terms of momentum. Excuse me, what's going on? Is it the magic of the East?"

"This is the Qiming of the muscles and bones in martial arts. If you can achieve the Qiming of the muscles and bones, you can move the fascia and muscles of the body."

The host said he didn't understand, and spread his hands: "Wu Long, I don't quite understand."

"Have you ever seen a muscular man shake his chest muscles?"

The host nodded.

"My whole body muscles can vibrate, and I can use my muscles to slap and take off my clothes, so that the clothes can be shaken by force, as if being blown up by the wind."

The host showed a look of disbelief.

"Wu Long, don't lie to me. How is this possible."

"Really, I didn't lie to you."

"Can you show us a demo?"

Wu Long hesitated.

"However, I need to take off the clothes on my upper body to show my muscles before you can see it. This is a program, and I am worried that doing so will look indecent, and the program is not allowed to be broadcast."

The host laughed:

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't take off your half body, our show allows it."

The audience laughed.

"Okay, I'll go get ready."

&nIt sounds.

"1492 Conquest of Paradise", the Chinese name is "Conquest of Paradise".

The music sounded, and the audience felt the neat rhythm, as if thousands of troops were marching and attacking.The music is deep and heavy, giving people a kind of oppression like a large army approaching the city.


In the epic singing, Wu Long entered the stage with rhythm.

The audience seemed to see a king, leading his army, stepping neatly onto the stage.

The host felt Wu Long's aura and backed away involuntarily.

The muscles on Wu Long's body turned over like a python under the skin, and surged like waves on the surface of his body.

The battle robe cloak on his body fluttered backwards automatically without wind.Like an army banner, fluttering in unison!

The king is here!

At this moment, the audience and the host were all conquered by Wu Long!

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