I'm not just an action star

Chapter 264 This Is Not Singing and Dancing

Wu Long left Merikan Country the next day.

His last performance at Merrican Country was a success.Especially in the last scene where the battle robe and cloak are automatically performed without wind, the muscles on the body turn over like a boa constrictor, surging like waves.The people of Merikan were stunned, they had never seen a human muscle move like this.

They have seen a lot of pectoral muscle shaking.Other meats can also move, and they can still move like this, and they can still exert strength, which makes them unable to turn their heads at all.

Coupled with "1492conquest&n", it seems that the king from the east, with thousands of horses and horses, marched across the ocean with great momentum and conquered them.

Not only the audience at the scene, the host, the crew, but also the audience watching the live broadcast at that time, it was like seeing a god come to the world, and at that moment they all felt surrender to Wu Long.

That night, someone called Wu Long the God of War.

&n, it makes people feel like watching a performance of Spartan warriors fighting.

He even suggested that with Wu Long's kung fu and action design, if he were to make a movie about Spartan warriors, with his upper body naked and weapons in hand, it would definitely look good.

Some people say that Wu Long is from the East and cannot play Sparta.

Film critics said that Wu Long was only allowed to direct and do action design.Even if Wu Long is allowed to play Sparta, there is no problem.Wu Long's acting skills will not make people feel unreasonable when they see his oriental face.Because his acting skills surpass the actor.No matter what he plays, everyone will forget the real Wu Long and recognize the role in the play.

This is the highest evaluation of Wu Long's acting skills.

Just because, the short performance of the muscles rolling and the jersey and cloak being automatic without wind makes people feel like watching a big drama. <Very good, you should go to the author and ask him to perfect this song for you! "

"Old man, you know my requirements are high, otherwise the theme song would have been found." <Very short, I believe it should meet your requirements. "<? Alright. If you hadn't persuaded me, I would never have listened."

Scott is a director. His film is in the post-production stage, but he suffers from not having a theme song that can express the thought of his film.

The film he shot is a biographical film, a great man famous in history.

He wanted a theme song that was powerful, but not high-pitched, but low-pitched and march-style.However, it can't be too much like a march.

Following the instructions, he went to Wu Long's homepage on Youtu, and found a video of Wu Long appearing in "Star Interview" wearing a shirt and cloak, which he cut out separately.

The music sounded, and at the beginning it was like a firing cannon before the army set off, and the rhythm that followed made people feel that the army was fully equipped and marching forward with firm steps.

Hearing these heavy melodies, Scott's mind appeared in the film he shot.A cannon rang, blowing away the sea fog.A sailing ship appeared on the surface of the sea, moving forward.

The deep male voice chanted, directly hitting his heart.


It seems to be describing the mood of the soldiers at the moment.

The end of the second chants rises, as if Columbus has finally survived the storm in the sea.

Standing in the center of the stage, Wu Long's muscles rolled like a python, and the waves surged, and his shirt and cloak fluttered automatically in the absence of wind like a banner.

In Scott's mind, the image of Wu Long gradually overlapped with that of Columbus, but it went up and sublimated, higher than Columbus. <, the time is not long.

Even so, Scott waved his hands excitedly.

"that's it!"

"It's the music I want!"

"so perfect!"

"It's literally written for my film!"

"No, I have to get it and put it in my movie!"

"No matter how much it costs, I'm willing!"

<Written by Wu Long. <, and asked Wu Long to perfect it into the theme song, which was used in the movie "Columbus" he made.

This phone call surprised Wu Long. The song was originally written for the biography of Columbus.Is it an accident, or a coincidence?

Or somewhere, the system and him came to this world and brought changes to this world?

Wu Long asked Tom to negotiate on his behalf to improve the theme song. His bottom line asking price is 200 million dollars after tax, and Tom will add as much as Tom charges.

Explain to my family that this year I will be going to the Spring Festival Gala and I cannot go home to celebrate the New Year.Running in the imperial capital and Shanghai, I devoted myself to the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala.

He has a tight schedule during the Spring Festival.

First, I participated in the Yangshi Spring Festival Gala on the [-]th night, and immediately went to the premiere of "The God of Cookery: All the Gold and Jade" in the imperial capital after the Spring Festival Gala.On the first day of the second day of the Lunar New Year, I took the earliest flight to Hong Kong Island to perform for "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade".Immediately after the performance, he flew to Shanghai to participate in the Shanghai Spring Festival Gala on the first day of junior high school.

Participating in the Yangshi Spring Festival Gala for the first time, Wu Long rehearsed seriously.After seeing Liu Xi, he also went to the Spring Festival Gala and sang "Song of a Hero".

On the evening of New Year's Eve, the Spring Festival Gala begins.This year's Spring Festival Gala still adopts the form of live broadcast, but there is a delay.

Wu Long was in the background, wearing a purple-red kung fu suit, and because it was the year of the tiger, a tiger's head was embroidered with gold thread on the front chest.He also wore a red and gold-patterned cloak.

"Wu Long, the next show is up to you, hurry up and get ready!"

Wu Long agreed and came to the lifting platform to lie down.

The host began to introduce Wu Long's program on the stage.

Hostess: "This year is the Year of the Tiger, I wish you all the best of luck and good health."

"When it comes to physical health, it is inseparable from exercising every day." The male host. "There are many ways to exercise, and one that has remained unchanged since ancient times is our Chinese Kung Fu!"

Hostess: "When it comes to Chinese Kung Fu, I think of a person. This person has real kung fu."

The stage changed, and the lifting platform on which Wu Long was lying rose onto the stage.

The music sounded and Chinese musical instruments were played, which was refreshing.

The audience saw Wu Long lying on his side on the stage, propping his head with one hand, closing his eyes and singing:

"Lying down like a bow!"

Wu Long's sonorous voice resounded, his breathing was calm, his articulation was clear, and his singing style had a touch of opera, and the taste came out all at once.

It makes people feel the authentic Chinese flavor.

After singing this sentence, Wu Long pushed down the hand supporting his head, and his whole body seemed to be loaded with springs, with his feet as the roots, he bounced off the ground with a swish, standing like a javelin.

His eyes are bright, he scans the crowd, and finally faces the camera.

"Stand like a pine tree!"

After singing this line, Wu Long strides across the horse and squats on a Siping horse.

"Sit still like a clock!"

Stand up, walk quickly to the side of the stage, leap forward, step eight meters in the air, and fall.

"Walking with a gust of wind!"

Two somersaults to center stage, punches, kicks.

"South fist and north leg,

Shaolin Wudang Gong. "

Do Taijiquan and Baguazhang.

"Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Chain Palm,

China has miraculous powers! "

Sing it again, and play Dachengquan, Bajiquan, Fanziquan and other boxing techniques.

A stick was thrown backstage, Wu Long caught it, and danced a few tricks with the stick.

"Sweep a large area with a stick!"

A weapon rack rises behind the stage.

Wu Long threw the stick to the weapon rack, and the stick flew out in an arc, and was accurately inserted into the weapon rack.At the same time, Wu Long took advantage of the opportunity to catch the spear flying in the air and played a few marksmanship tricks.

"Pick a line with the gun!"

A spear comes out of the hole like a boa constrictor, piercing out flat, straight like a thread.Holding the gun, he rolled over twice and rose into the air.Do a backflip in the air, and stab the gun in eight directions around at the same time.

The eight balloons falling in the air were pierced one by one by Wu Long with a gun, bursting out gold and silver confetti.

"Light as a swallow in the clouds!"

Standing on the ground with the tail of the gun in the air, the person jumped up again with the support of the ground, turned over and stepped on the tip of the gun with one foot.

Single shot!

Pedal gun tip!

The golden rooster is independent!

"We are so proud!

Exercising muscles and bones,

Practice in one breath!

Rigid and soft, don't bow your head,

We have heaven and earth in our hearts! "

Originally, the hands were turned into palms to make a flat push to the sides, and turned into one palm facing the sky and the other palm facing the ground.

A sword is thrown from the background.Wu Long jumped out, and the moment he jumped out, the heel of the other foot kicked backwards, just under the gun head, and the gun flew away.The gun rolled in the air, and when it landed on the weapon rack, it happened that the end of the gun was inserted downwards, and it was inserted accurately on the weapon rack.

Wu Long received the sword in the air at the same time, and in the process of landing, he danced a few moves of the sword in the air.

"The Qingfeng sword is in hand!"

Seeing the double knives thrown out, he threw the sword in his hand back, the sword rolled and threw it to the weapon rack, and it was inserted accurately in the weapon rack again.

He caught the double knives and danced two balls of knives around his body.

"Look at the two swords,

Expert kung fu

He will know if there is one! "

Throw out the double knives and insert them on the weapon rack.

"Hands are two doors,

There is a root under your feet! "

Wu Long turned to the audience and the camera, opened the door with both hands, and leaned forward.

Slanting pile skill!

He leans his body and turns his head to face the audience and the camera.

"The water and soil in the four directions are nourished,

Our Chinese martial arts soul! "

The cloak on the body is automatic without wind.

"A dragon from the east,

Children are like heroes. "

Wu Long returned to normal, took the posture of a tiger, and punched a tiger.

"The sky is high, the earth is far and the wind is everywhere,

China has miraculous powers! "


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