Wu Long will not stay in Merican for too long, and will go back before the Spring Festival.In addition to going to the Spring Festival Gala, "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" will be screened during the Spring Festival.

Tonight is Wu Long's last show on Merrickan.

The program "Star Interview" was originally recorded and broadcast. At Wu Long's strong request and after checking Wu Long's "Rarely Invited" program, he agreed to broadcast it live.

When the show started, Wu Long didn't come out.

The props are first moved to five transparent glass tanks, each glass tank is filled with water, and the water is about three centimeters away from the surface of the tank.

There is a lotus flower in each glass jar.

The glass jars were placed in a straight line at intervals of one meter, and the audience knew Wu Long was performing lightness kung fu at a glance.

Wu Long's performance style often changes.For example, in the same performance of Qinggong, different performances have different performance methods.

This is the first time I have seen lotus flowers in this glass jar today.

What everyone sees the most is to step on the candles. When they see the water and lotus in the glass jar, they naturally think of stepping the lotus floating on the water into the water.

After the beautiful host placed the glass jar, he began to invite Wu Long.

"Please invite the dragon from the east, Kung Fu star Wu Long, to come out!"

The music sounded, Wu Long extracted several melodies from "The Sutra of Difficult to Read".Only the melody, no lyrics.If accompanied by lyrics, it would be:

"Swallowing the wind, kissing the rain and burying the setting sun has never hesitated, and bullying mountains and driving the sea to practice snow trails has never despaired."

These two sentences continue: "Greedy for one's salary, but teach that daughter to be buried in love."

The melody of these three sentences is used as Wu Long's appearance bgm.

When the music started, Wu Long walked out quickly from one side.Take off one meter away from the glass tank, jump out, and take a step in the air, stepping on the beat of the bgm with each foot.

The first foot stepped on the lotus flower in the first glass tank, and when the foot was lifted, it actually lifted the lotus flower!

The lotus flipped up behind him, turning itself as it flew into the air.

The second foot stepped on the lotus flower in the second glass tank, and when the foot was lifted, it brought the lotus flower on the water surface up again, turned over and flew into the air, and rotated in the air!

The third foot is like this, the fourth foot is like this, and the fifth foot is still like this!

Amidst the rapid bgm sound, Wu Long jumped over the five glass tanks arranged in a row.Behind him, five lotus flowers rose one by one.Each lotus rose to the height of his head, like a lotus flower blooming in the sky, spinning and falling one by one.

The lotus fell back to the surface of the water, and it was still floating on the water.The water was rippling, trying to flood the mouth of the glass tank several times, but in the end it couldn't overflow, and it didn't spill out.

Wu Long landed, bgm disappeared.


Wu Long's lightness performance in this appearance is the most exciting one, and it is also the most entertaining one.

"Wu Long, welcome to our "Celebrity Interview" program. The appearance just now was very exciting, even more exciting than your previous performance of Qinggong. How did you come up with this method?"

Wu Long took the microphone and faced the camera and the audience with a smile.

"There is a Chinese word called step by step lotus. The original meaning is to describe the light and colorful gait of a woman when she walks, which is pleasing to the eye."

"Later, another artistic conception was derived, which is to practice brilliantly, Buddha and Avalokitesvara walk in the world, their feet do not fall into the mundane world, and lotus flowers grow under their feet."

"It can also be extended to mean that a person with strength, every step, every move, behavior, and everything he does, is brilliant every step of the way and successful in everything."

The host nodded and said to the audience:

"Maybe you think that these lotus flowers are fake flowers, and Wu Long can do this. Actually, they are real flowers. To be honest, we were also surprised when we heard that Wu Long emphasized that real flowers must be used. Now seeing Wu Long Dragon show, I finally understand why real flowers are used.”

"Because, after his performance, the petals of these real flowers were not damaged, and the real flowers were intact!"

The host and Wu Long took out the lotus in the glass tank, took a close-up shot, and then passed the lotus to the audience to check whether it was a real flower.

"Oumaiga! It's a real lotus!"

"Oh my god, it turned out to be a real flower! I thought it was a plastic flower!"

"It's unbelievable, how did he manage to step on the flowers and keep them intact?"

The camera shot the audience passing around to see the five lotus flowers, and the staff removed the glass jar.

"Wu Long, everyone has seen that you can not only jump far, but also play tricks in the process of jumping. You also know that you can jump very high, and you can jump up to avoid the impact of the sports car. We are a studio here. There’s no way to drive a sports car here.”

The audience laughs.

"So, how can you show that you can jump high and do it well?"

Wu Long turned his hands around.

"Jump in place, do a backflip three times."

The host showed a surprised expression.

"Are you sure you don't use the springboard? We know about the triple backflip, but that's something gymnasts can only do with the springboard."

Wu Long explained.

"Someone can do it without a springboard. A gymnast in our country has done it in the floor exercise of the Olympic Games. He also won the all-around championship. It's just that he didn't take off from the spot, but had run-ups and roll-ups, which made his vacated height higher."

The host nodded.

"That is to say, you are the only one who can do three rounds after taking off from the spot?"

"As far as it is announced so far, I haven't seen anyone else able to do it. The height and rotation speed are needed for a backflip after jumping on the spot. The height is not enough, and it is too late to land after three rounds. The height is enough, and the rotation speed of the flip is not fast enough, and there is not enough Time falls."

"Okay, everyone may not understand it just by listening to it, so I'd like to invite you to perform."

"it is good!"

Before the word "good" was finished, Wu Long jumped up beside the host without making any preparations.This jump was actually higher than the host!

Wu Long flipped in the air.

While the host was frightened and backed away, he did not forget to help count how many laps he made.

"one two Three!"

Wu Long landed easily.The landing is stable, there is no need to bend over to stabilize the center of gravity like a gymnast, and the feet do not move.

The host applauds!

The audience applauds!

"Wu Long, I heard that when you were filming "Shaolin Bodyguard", in order to subdue the dragon and tiger martial artists and martial arts instructors in Hong Kong Island, you specially asked them to throw apples and perform knife-throwing stunts?"

"Is such that."

"Today we have an interactive session, which is to invite the audience to throw apples. You throw a throwing knife and see if you can hit the apple. What do you think?"

"it is good."

"Then I will randomly select ten audience members to participate in the performance. Who wants to come up?"

The audience rushed to raise their hands, and the host selected ten audience members to come up.

The prop master carried a small dining cart with apples and knives on it.

Wu Long asked the audience to examine these table knives.

Close up shot.

"It's an ordinary table knife!"

"It's the kind we use at home."

"It's the same brand as the table knife I use at home!"

The prop master brought up a large wooden plank and placed it at the end of the stage, and ten audience members each took an apple and lined up on both sides.

Wu Long was about eight meters away from the board, standing behind the small dining car.

The host randomly ordered an audience member to stand in front of the board and throw an apple to the other side.

The spectator is a bit scheming, holding the apple and making a sudden throwing motion, but he doesn't actually throw it.

As a result, Wu Long was not deceived, and his hands did not move.

Both the audience and the host laughed.

"Okay, come again. Don't cheat again this time." The host said to the audience behind Wu Long's back, and at the same time winked at the audience who was about to throw apples.It means that you can lie, but you don't have to obey the rules.

Everyone laughed.

The audience made another fake move, pretending to throw an apple, but didn't throw it.

Just when everyone thought that the spectator was repeating the same trick as before, the spectator immediately threw the apple out.


A silver light flashed.


Everyone took a look and saw that the apple thrown by the audience had been stabbed by a table knife and nailed to the wooden board.


The audience applauds!

The host asks the audience on the other side to throw apples.

"This time we made it more difficult. You throw the apple on the wooden board. Wu Long can only hit the knife after the apple hits the wooden board and rebounds. In this way, the apple will change its original trajectory due to the rebound."

"Okay." Wu Long nodded in agreement.

The No.2 spectator threw the apple. The apple was not thrown very high. When it hit the wooden board and rebounded, it was about to fall off the wooden board.


The silver light passed by again.


The apples that were about to fall off the board were nailed to the edge of the board by a table knife.


"Your little calculation didn't work out." The host laughed.

Next, two people threw at the same time, and Wu Long flew out with two swords, hitting all of them.

It was still two people throwing at the same time, but Wu Long could only throw the throwing knife after the board rebounded.Same all hits.

The remaining four people threw apples in a row.

Whoosh whoosh!

Four table knives flew out one after another, hitting the four apples one by one and nailing them to the wooden board.


Next, Wu Long performed paper darts and playing cards, which shocked the audience.

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