The days are spent performing.

In fact, Wu Long didn't like to eat western food, and he didn't like a stranger sitting in front of him when he was eating.

The other party was wearing a suit, with a hooked nose and a clean shaven beard.

"Introduce me, my name is Joe, and I'm called 'Joe of the Pointed Shoes'."

Wu Long continued to eat steak.

Joe continued talking.

"You beat Barrett, and I lost a lot of money. My men wanted to kill you, but I stopped them."

"It's not good for me to kill you, and I can't get back the lost money if you die."

"I'm looking for you because I want you to pay me back. If you don't want to pay, then go black boxing for me. I only need to win ten games in a row, and I can get back the lost money. This way you don't have to die, hello me That's fine too."

Wu Long didn't hear the system's mission.It seems that the system is not interested in black boxing.

"Before you want my life, you should go to Hong Kong Island to inquire about the fate of the person who wants my life." Wu Long didn't even lift his head.

"I know. Do you think I believe in those ridiculous magics and spells?"

"You are just lucky, but your luck will not always be so good."

"I know you have some strength and can fight very well. Maybe three or four people can't solve you. But you have to know that there are a hundred ways to deal with you that save time and effort than fighting."

"For example, there is no need to get close. A hundred yards away, aim at you, bang, and you will disappear from this world with your star dream."

"Or a drunk driver accidentally hits you with a car."

Wu Long still didn't look up.

"You forgot, I can dodge the oncoming car by jumping up."

Joe's expression froze instantly.

"As for the gunner you mentioned, I don't have to worry about it. You probably don't understand the profoundness of our Chinese martial arts."

"Chinese martial arts practiced to a high level can make a cicada aware of the golden wind before it moves."

"You probably don't know what the cicadas sense before the golden wind blows. Let me translate it for you. Autumn has not yet come, and the autumn wind has not yet blown. The cicadas already know when autumn will come."

"Your gunman can't kill me, so it's not just him, but you too."

"Do you know that for a master like me, killing a person doesn't require guns, bullets, or knives?"

"I can kill you with playing cards, or with a piece of paper. After killing you, light a cigarette with the murder weapon, and the murder weapon will disappear from this world completely. As long as there is no evidence, the judge and jury will not think that I guilty."

"I even have a way to kill you that no one can see through."

"There is a hidden weapon in China called the ox hair needle. Do you know what a ox hair needle is? It is a very thin needle, as difficult to detect as a vellus hair."

"At this distance, if I flick my finger, the ox hair needle will fly out, inject from your pores, and enter your blood vessels."

"However, you can't feel the ox hair needle piercing your body at all. Because the ox hair needle is too thin and too thin, it can pass through the pores of a person without hurting your skin or causing you to bleed."

"Then, this ox hair needle enters your heart along the blood vessel, and it will stab your heart because of obstruction in your heart."

"You'd feel heartache and then die suddenly."

"Even if a legal doctor dissects, the problem can't be found. Because the ox hair needle pierces your heart, it will flow into the blood vessel along with the blood again. After you die, the ox hair needle stays somewhere in the blood vessel as the blood coagulates."

"Do you think that the forensic doctor will cut open the blood vessels in your whole body, just to find a needle that can be easily found with a magnifying glass?"

"No, it won't. It won't even alarm the coroner, just the doctor will be able to issue a death certificate that says your cause of death is 'sudden cardiac death.'"

"Because your symptoms of death are exactly the same as those of sudden cardiac death."

"Look, is my method of killing people more perfect than yours?"

When Wu Long said these words, he used Wuxiang Gong to assume the role of a perverted murderer.Combined with the Jiuyin Zhenjing, it simulates the voice of the devil.

In addition, the nine-tone scripture simulates the ventriloquism of various voices and says "kill him".

The dual effects of performance and voice made Joe feel that the person sitting in front of him was not an ordinary person, let alone a movie star who could kung fu.

Sitting in front of him was a murderous demon in human skin!

In Qiao's eyes, Wu Long, who turned into a murderous demon, seemed to have red eyes, and there was still blood on the corner of his mouth after eating *people.

The fork in his hand was forking the human flesh on the plate, and the other hand was cutting the human flesh with the knife, and the knife made harsh scraping sounds on the plate.

Wu Long's smile gradually became ferocious in his eyes.

Joe felt that there was no sound around him, and it was very quiet.He looked around, and the restaurant where there were still people had become empty.The two bodyguards he brought with him were also missing.

Behind Wu Long, it became pitch black.As if the gate of the abyss is opening, Wu Long sits in front of the gate of the abyss, enjoying the delicious human flesh.

All sorts of weird voices were yelling at him eerily: "Kill him!"

Some of these voices are like devils, some are like witches, some are like gods, some are like children, some are like women, and some are like old people.

However, he saw that Wu Long did not speak.

The voice is not Wu Long's!

Joe's hairs stood up all over his body, and he was sweating profusely.He tried to run away in panic, but fell off his seat and sat on the ground.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you OK?"

The waiter came over and asked Joe who was sitting on the ground.

Joe's two bodyguards also rushed over to help the boss on the ground.

"Boss, are you okay?"

One glared at Wu Long.

The two of them have been watching this side not far away, in case Wu Long suddenly hurt their boss.It was the boss who didn't let them follow him in order not to attract attention.

This is a hotel restaurant, they can't do anything blatantly illegal.

Qiao looked at Wu Long.

Wu Long replaced the lion and smiled at Qiao.

In Qiao's eyes, Wu Long seemed to be a lion roaring at him.He was so scared that he backed away, bumping into the bodyguard and almost falling together.

But in the eyes of others, Wu Long just smiled at Qiao.

Joe didn't dare to speak any more, and left in a hurry.

After leaving the hotel, the sun shone on his body, and Qiao's trembling heart regained some courage.At this moment, he realized that his shirt was completely wet.

In the car, Joe began to wipe his sweat.

"Boss, did Wu Long beat you down just now?"

"Why don't I kill him!"

Joe shook his head.

"No, his acting skills are too good, I was deceived by him."

"Cheated? Acting skills? Boss, I don't seem to understand what you mean."

"He tricked you into falling down? How can you cheat?"

Joe thought and said:

"He must have played a perverted killer, or a demon from hell just now. You don't know, I couldn't see you just now, the whole restaurant was just me and him. There was darkness behind him, as if there was a gate leading to hell. Open up to me."

"Boss, since he lied to you, we should get rid of him, and we can't let him challenge your dignity. On our territory, he has to obey us. If he doesn't obey, kill him directly!"

"Are you sure you can kill him? If not, he will come to kill me and you. You have also seen his video. His throwing knife can even hit flies. Which of you can avoid it?"

"Boss, the distance of the flying knife is limited. The bullet can shoot farther than the flying knife."

"He said he could know someone killed him and you couldn't target him. If what he said was true, he would have revenge on us."

"But, boss, even if he wants to take revenge on us, he won't be able to find us." It meant that Joe was afraid of something.

"Am I going to hide from him for the rest of my life? He's not the only one who misses me. No, I don't have to fight him. Just keep an eye on him. Once he plays again, we'll buy him to win with all our money."

"Boss, what if he loses? Barrett has passed away long ago, so he can't beat Wu Long. If it is this year's champion or last year's champion, Wu Long is definitely not his opponent."

"No, no one is Wu Long's opponent."

"Boss, are you so sure?"

Joe didn't answer.He felt that he understood why Barrett lost to Wu Long. It wasn't that Barrett was weak, but that Wu Long could hypnotize him!

Wu Long had hypnotized him just now, which made him afraid.

Wu Long used hypnosis in the performance, so his acting skills are so good.Everyone thought he acted well, but in fact, everyone who saw his expression was hypnotized by him.

He also used hypnosis in combat.After being hypnotized by him, Barrett reacted slowly, and was punched KO by Wu Long.

Of course he would not tell anyone such a secret.

"Boss, even if Wu Long can win, he needs someone to compete with him."

"It will be compared. I heard the news that someone paid a lot of money to buy Wu Longying. The gaming company has lost so much money, how can it be reconciled, it will definitely win back!"

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