I'm not just an action star

Chapter 258 Public performance

Seeing that Barrett was KO at the beginning, Joe, the boss who invested in him in the VIP room, was so angry that he threw the cigar in his hand on the ground.He stomped on the cigar with the pointed leather shoes he was wearing.

He is called "Joe with pointed shoes" because he likes to wear pointed shoes, and he likes to kick people with them.



"I reminded him that the opponent has strength, but he didn't listen!"

On the ring, the doctor motioned for a stretcher to come up and carry him.

After Barrett was carried down, the referee looked at Wu Long with weird eyes, raised Wu Long's hand and announced:

"The winner of this competition, Wu Long!"


Those who came to support Wu Long applauded and shouted.

Those who supported Barrett threw the signs with Barrett's name on the ground and trampled them.The mouth was full of swear words, greeting Barrett and Barrett's family.

"Damn Barrett, pay me for the ticket!"

"Barrett, you caused me to lose all my savings!"

In the post-match interview, the reporter asked in the first sentence:

"Wu Long, may I ask how you managed to KO Barrett in one second?"

"It's very simple, because I am stronger than him. Therefore, those who want to challenge me, only the champions in the past two years are eligible."

"Some people say it's unfair. Then let me be fair. If you can come up with 100 million dollars, I can take it away if I win. Then I will not refuse people who give me money."

"Tell you guys, I'm not just an action star!"

After the interview, Tom happily came over and hugged Wu Long.

"Congratulations on winning this game. Wu Long, you made me a small profit. Now I regret it, I should invest all my money in buying you to win."

Zhou Renle smiled and said, "I invested all the money I could use and made a lot of money!"

On Hong Kong Island, people from some local companies watched the live broadcast of Wu Long's boxing match on the Internet, and they all applauded and promoted Wu Long.

"Hang, when you hit three double-flowered male sticks, Brother Long kindly stopped!"

"Brother Long is a good man, save Hei Diao's life. Look at that ghost, he was unconscious on the spot and sent for first aid."

"Hei Diao should thank Brother Long for not killing him in prison!"

The news reached the ears of the boss of Shengwang Company, who wiped his sweat with a paper towel.He scolded Luo Tiandiao in his heart: Hang on, whoever is offended by the dead black eagle is not good at offending Wu Long.Look at others, the fighting champion, he almost gave up with one move.

In the imperial capital, Wang Xiwei received the news the next day and also saw the video Wu Long put on Douyin.

It turned out that Wu Long didn't use all his strength to face him back then.

Looking at the deserted boxing gym, he was disheartened.

It's time to close the doors!

Slowly, he removed the signboard of Xiwei Boxing Gym.

In Los Angeles, in a certain room, there was a scream of pain.

Joe, kicking a man on the ground with his pointed shoes.

"How dare you lie to me!"

"That Wu Long can knock people down with chopsticks in Hong Kong Island. How dare you let Barrett challenge him? Do you think my money is so easy to cheat!"

"Boss, I thought it was hype, I really dare not lie to you." The man on the ground pleaded painfully.

Tired of kicking, Joe took out his cigar, and his subordinates came over to help him light the cigar.

Joe took a deep drag on his cigar and exhaled the smoke ring.

"I don't want him to waste any more oxygen in this world."

After speaking, Joe turned and left.

"Boss, do you want to kill that Wu Long?" Hand asked.

"Get rid of him?" Joe looked at his men, who nodded.

"Kill him, who will pay for my loss? You?" Qiao patted his men's faces, "Whether I let you sell it or sell you, it's not enough to pay for my loss!"

Zhou Renle returned to Hong Kong Island, where Tom was in charge of Wu Long, and a series of Wu Long's kung fu performances began.

On the outdoor stage, Tom's part-time host holds beer bottles.

"Everyone must be very strange, why do I take a beer bottle? Is it to invite you to drink beer?"

The crowd laughed.

"Of course not, it's a prop."

He put the beer bottle upside down on the stage and said, "It's Monday."

Bring a second beer bottle.

"When there is Monday, there is Tuesday."

"Tuesday is about a meter away from Monday."

He put the second beer bottle upside down.

"Monday is gone, Tuesday is gone, and Wednesday is here."

Tom holds the third beer bottle upside down from the second beer bottle.

When he took out the fourth beer bottle, someone in the audience shouted:

"It's Thursday!"

Tom nodded: "You are very smart."

Everyone laughed happily.

A total of seven beer bottles were placed, all placed upside down, in a straight line, one meter apart.

He took out another candle and lit it, dripped the melted wax on the bottom of the beer bottle, glued the candle to it and stood it up.

"I light a candle for Monday and bless our Monday. A new week is coming, everyone is in a good mood."

He lights a second candle.

Someone in the audience shouted:

"Light a candle for Tuesday..."

"Ha ha!"

Tom smiled and praised: "You are right again."

Seven candles are lit on seven upside-down beer bottles.

"Everyone must be wondering why candles are lit on an upside-down beer bottle. If I say it's a prop, you'll understand."


We don't understand!

The audience shook their heads and shouted.

Tom laughed:

"Don't understand? Be careful, don't blink!"

Wu Long, who was standing on the side of the stage, started to run up. When he was more than one meter away from the first candle, he jumped forward.

In the air, his feet made big strides like he was taking steps.

With every step, his feet stepped on the flame of the candle, stomping the candle out.

Seven steps in a row, stepping in the air and stomping out all seven candles.

The candles did not fall, nor did the beer bottles placed upside down.

Wu Long landed about one meter away from the seventh candle.


These audiences have never seen such a performance before, and they all applauded.

"My God, he jumped so far!"

"Each wine bottle is one meter away, and the seven wine bottles are six meters in total. He jumped and landed one meter each, and he jumped eight meters away!"

"Unfortunately, the world record was not broken."

"Can the world record be compared? When he landed in the long jump, he fell in the sand pool. Wu Long landed standing up."

Wu Long also opened an account on Youtu Video and broadcast live on Youtu.At this time, there were also barrages in the live broadcast room.


"Chinese Kung Fu!"

"This is light work!"

"This is parkour!"

"King of Parkour!"

After performing lightness kung fu, start to perform the performance of "Beating a Bull across the Mountain".

A table was lifted up, and a wooden board was erected on one side of the table.

Tom invited the audience from the audience to come up to check the wooden boards. A total of more than a dozen audience members came up to check and found no problems.

Everyone saw Tom take out another bottle of beer.

"This beer is for everyone."

"We know that to drink beer, you need to open the bottle cap. To open the bottle cap, you need to use a cap opener."

"Now, I don't have a decapper, what should I do?"

"Just put the beer bottles in here with the bottom against the board."

Tom lay the beer bottle flat on the table, with the bottom of the bottle against the wood.

"Dragon, please help open the beer for the audience."

Wu Long was standing by the table, just when everyone didn't know how Wu Long was going to open the beer bottle cap, Wu Long made a sudden move and hit the outside of the board with his palm.


The beer bottle didn't move.

The beer bottle cap was broken by the beer in the bottle and flew out.

Beer foam gushes out.


The audience was shocked!

"My God! How did he do it?"

"This is impossible!"

"It's incredible!"

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