I'm not just an action star

Chapter 257 Reappearance of 1 second KO

"Okay, then make a statement. Accept his challenge this time. Whoever wants to fight next time must be the champion within the past two years."

"Let me ask you, did the bookmaker KO the opponent's market for a few seconds in the opening?"

Tom shook his head. "No. No one buys such a disk."

"Why? There must be such a situation."

"Yes, but a small number. There is no need to open such a market. There are only a few rounds."

"Understood. The performance is temporarily suspended, and we will perform again after the fight."


"I was worried that he would be too scared to fight again after seeing it, but he said that I was not keeping my word and refused him."

"Okay." Tom thought for a while: "Dragon, do you want to buy yourself to win?"


Ask Zhou Renle to inform the Shaolin Temple Chan Wu Culture Exchange Association in Merrican Country and agree to the challenge. The Shaolin Temple Chan Wu Culture Exchange Association in Merrican Country will arrange the competition in the fastest time.

Wu Long called Xing Zhongfei again.

"Haha, Wu Long, congratulations, "Shaolin Bodyguard" won the Golden Hill Award for Best Foreign Language Film."

"Boss Xing, I'm going to fight a boxing match here. Do you have a way to raise funds to bet here? By the way, help me invest as well. The funds will be based on my assets in China."

"Is there such a good thing?" Xing Zhongfei raised his voice an octave, obviously excited in an instant. "I bought you to win, right?"

"Of course I buy myself to win."

"You wait, I'll fly over to find you. Don't worry about the funds, I promise to make the gaming company feel heartbroken and vomit blood!"

The funds that Xing Zhongfei invested in the film were not entirely his.Since the success of his investment in Wu Long's film, funds from all parties have continued to flow in.

Money is not a matter.The current flow of funds does not need to transfer money around the world.

As long as there is a basic market in each country, the corresponding flow in the basic market is fine.Sometimes it doesn’t even need to involve specific capital flows, accounts receivable and payable, and more refunds and less compensation when profits are settled.

Xing Zhongfei believes in Wu Long's kung fu, and he is sure to win the game.How could speculators miss this opportunity to make money for nothing.

After finishing the call with Wu Long, he immediately laughed:

"Haha, Wu Long is really lucky."

Soon, many media outlets in Merrickan were hyping up the competition.

"Western Fighting vs. Chinese Kung Fu, who will win? "

"Let's take a look at how Western fighting has torn off the mask of Chinese Kung Fu!" "

"Chinese Kungfu that can only perform, will be vulnerable in the ring!" "

"An actor should be an actor honestly, don't think you are an athlete!" "

"Oriental Actors Are So Involved in the Drama, They Think They Are Really Kings of Fighting!" "

The hype in many ways actually made the box office of "Shaolin Bodyguard" which was screened again steadily rise.Everyone wants to see, what is the strength of the Eastern Kungfu King who dared to fight the former UFC champion.

In fact, someone has already moved Wu Long's video to the Youtu video website here.This time it was found out, and the number of clicks began to skyrocket.

Some people say that these videos are fake, and Wu Long is not so powerful at all.

Some people also said that Wu Long's three double-flowered sticks in Hong Kong Island were actually hype for the operation of "Shaolin Bodyguard".

"Wu Long, what round do you plan to KO the opponent?" Xing Zhongfei came to Los Angeles and stood side by side with Wu Long on a high-rise building to watch the scenery.

"Knock him down at the beginning of the game, there is no need to waste time on him."

"That's the first round. Okay, I get it, your money, mine, and those who are optimistic about you will all buy you to KO the opponent in the first round."

"But you have to be careful, this is not the country. The law and order here is not as good as in the country. If you let people lose money, someone may be against you." Xing Zhongfei reminded Wu Long.

Wu Long has the Tmall Nine Lives Skill, if there is danger, he will sense it.

"Well, I'll be careful."

Tickets for the game were sold out long ago, and on the day of the game, many people came to watch the game with signs supporting Josh Barrett.

Josh Barrett, former UFC heavyweight champion.Later, due to alcoholism and fighting, his condition declined and his career went downhill.A mixed martial arts superstar fell quickly shortly after his birth.

Now, in his 30s, he wants to touch Wu Long before returning to the ufc boxing ring.Although the chance of winning the championship again is not great, it is not difficult to return life to a state of abundance.

In addition to the audience who supported Josh Barrett, there were also many audiences with oriental faces, and they came to support Wu Long.

The owner who backed Barrett was known by those who knew him in the street as "Joe the Pointe".He was smoking a cigar at this time, reminding Barrett.

"Josh, let me remind you. This Wu Long has some strength, don't be careless. I bought you to win, don't let me lose."

"Boss, I also bought myself to win."

The boss patted Barrett on the shoulder, straightened his suit, and walked out.

Outside, spectators bustled.

When the host came out, everyone gradually became quiet.

"Welcome everyone to come and watch this UFC Invitational. Of the two boxers participating in the competition today, one of them is very familiar to everyone. He is our former UFC champion Josh Barrett!"

"Barrett has a record of 33 wins and [-] losses, and has KO opponents eight times! He was nicknamed 'Wolf Eye Assassin'!"

"Our champion once retired from professional boxing with regret. His fans feel sorry for him. Every year, some people hope that he will cheer up and rise again."

"Today, he finally stood up again, stepped onto the ring, and announced to everyone."


"Wolf-eyed Assassin!"

"Finally home!"

Supporters of Josh Barrett shouted and clapped.

The host waited for a while, and when the applause gradually died down, he continued to introduce.

"Standing on the ring with Josh Barrett is the Kung Fu superstar from the East, Wu Long!"

Those who supported Wu Long applauded, but the applause was obviously not that loud.Although some people supported Wu Long, they did not dare to applaud or shout out because of fear.

"Anyone who has watched the movie "Shaolin Bodyguard" knows that the main character in it has top-notch kung fu. He can jump up while holding someone on a wall and avoid being hit by a car."

"Of course, I don't know if it can be done in reality."

The host's words drew laughter from many people.From the laughter, we can know that everyone is laughing at Wu Long, the movie is fake, no one can hug someone and jump up.

"Some people may not have seen this movie, it doesn't matter, maybe you have seen the video that was hyped a while ago, jumping up to avoid the car."

"It was certified by the Gyrgis World Records, so it should not be fake."

Someone yelled below:

"That's just juggling!"

"It's a clown!"

"That's parkour!"

The host laughed and said:

"No matter what, if Wu Long dares to fight, he has courage. We should admire him. At least, there are not many people who dare to stand on this boxing ring and compete with the champion."

"Standing in the ring, you have to be ready to be beaten."

Those who supported Josh Barrett laughed.

"Wu Long, a Kung Fu star from the East, has no official competition record. In the East, he is known as the King of Kung Fu."

"Then, today we will witness the match between the wolf-eyed assassin and the Kung Fu King!"

"This is a real fight, we will wait and see!"

"Wu Long, the kung fu king from the East, is invited to appear!"

Wu Long's debut music "thekinslayer" sounded, and the exciting rock music made people's blood boil immediately.

Wu Long, who was wearing a battle robe and cloak, came out, playing the exciting melody on the electric guitar at a fast pace.

&nIn it, everyone was shocked by his witch-like singing from the Nine-Yin Mantra turned into a female voice.

The host looked at Wu Long Wufeng's automatic shirt and cape in surprise, and even looked up, wondering where the wind came from and why he couldn't feel it.

The music stopped, and the host actually forgot what he wanted to say.

Xing Zhongfei snorted coldly:

"Barrett challenged Wu Long, Barrett should play first. Hmph, let's make you look good!"

The entrance music started again, and Josh Barrett came out wearing his old jersey.It's just that it's not as good as Wu Long's appearance in terms of music or momentum.

Just by playing, he lost to Wu Long.

Garbage time passed, the referee came on, called the two in front of them, and said the rules.



The game rings the bell.

Josh Barrett strikes a grappling boxing pose.

Seeing that Wu Long didn't make any false moves, he stepped forward directly, and inserted his palm into the two fists that Barrett was blocking in front of him, and the knife in his hand clenched into a fist in front of Barrett's chin.

Keep going!


Barrett only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he didn't see Wu Long's movements clearly, let alone have any reaction.A force knocked him into the air, and he watched his body leave the ground.The foreground in front of my eyes was flipping, and suddenly it went black.

The audience thought it was a wonderful performance, but they saw that Barrett was kicked into the air by Wu Long at the beginning, one foot off the ground, his body fell back, and he fell heavily on the floor of the ring.


Barrett's body visibly bounced a few times, and the audience nearby seemed to feel that the ring was shaking.

The audience was dumbfounded.

The referee was obviously taken aback, and hurried up to count the numbers.

"One, two, three... ten!"

Barrett didn't move.

The referee stretched out his hand to feel for the pulse, and waved for the doctor to come up and give first aid.

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