I'm not just an action star

Chapter 259 It has nothing to do with me, it's the quality

Today, I'm going to the TV station to do a live program.

This is a talk show.

Talk shows best reflect the host's wit and tact.The live talk show not only tests the host, but also the reaction of the guests.

If the guests can't react well, they will be embarrassed or embarrassed.This is exactly what the audience likes to see the most, catering to the audience's curiosity and the psychology of watching celebrities make embarrassments.

The show wasn't connected by Tom.Because talk shows are difficult to control, he worried that Wu Long would be embarrassed or embarrassed on the show.

Talk shows are not like other shows, the host will not accommodate the guests.

"Wu Long, why did you agree to be on this show? You just defeated Barrett, and this show came to you, obviously with bad intentions."

"This kind of talk show is different from ordinary variety shows. The host even dares to make fun of politicians."

"I suspect that this show is going to make trouble against you."

"When you beat Barrett, it is the stage of rising popularity. The traffic and popularity they get by praising you is not as great as the traffic and popularity that hurt you and make you look ugly."

"I've seen this happen too much. Take my word for it, we're backing out temporarily."

Wu Long gave Tom a reassuring look.

"If I quit temporarily, wouldn't it be a breach of trust? As you said, this is a place for trustworthiness."

Tom knew that Wu Long couldn't be persuaded, so he had to give up and continue to persuade.

He didn't know that Wu Long had already redeemed the item card, and checked that there would be no problem with this show.

Come to the TV station and meet host Hall Mander.

The two shake hands.

"Welcome to my talk show, Wu Long."

"It's great to be on your talk show, Mr. Mander."

"Your English should be pretty good, so I'll chat with you in English. You can call me Hall, and I'll call you Dragon, is that okay?"


"Long, the biggest selling point of our talk show is that we don't have a script and can play on the spot. This requires a lot of knowledge and intelligence of a person. If you can't answer well, you will be embarrassed in front of the audience. This is a live broadcast, you have to be clear. "

"I must remind you of this. Although you signed the contract, you understand it. But I still have to explain it to you face to face. If you are not sure, you want to quit. It is still too late to quit now, but you need to pay a little liquidated damages."

"No need to quit."

"OK. You can go to the studio to familiarize yourself with the environment in advance. The show will start soon, and there will be some audiences. If you don't want to communicate with them, you can refuse, and they will understand."


Man De took Wu Long to the studio and left by himself.

"How about it, will he continue to participate in the show?"

"Of course." Facing the question, Mander nodded. "He also knows that it's not as simple as paying liquidated damages, he just broke his promise. When he first came, he broke the trust of the public, and no one will be optimistic about him."

"Very well, the show is up to you, you must make him look ugly!"

"No problem. This is a talk show, not a ring competition. I can't beat him, but I can talk him like an idiot and he can't answer. Everyone will know that he is just uneducated when he makes a fool of himself. A bad boy who can fight."

The stage of the talk show is not big, and it is mainly for lip service.The stage is divided into two left and right parts, one side is the position of the host, and there is a desk in front of it.On the other side is a sofa for guests to sit on.

There are not many seats in the auditorium, and it looks like dozens of people can sit at most.

Audiences came in one after another, and some people came over and wanted to take pictures with Wu Long and ask for autographs, but Wu Long did not refuse.

Soon, the show begins.Wu Long sat on the sofa, and Man De sat behind the desk.

The music is ringing.

"Welcome all friends to come to my talk show." Mande first said to the audience, and then said to Wu Long: "Today we are honored to invite Wu Long, the movie star who defeated the former UFC champion."

"Welcome to my talk show, Wu Long."

"It's a pleasure to come to this program, and it's a pleasure to see you all." Wu Long waved his hands to the audience.

Mander starts a stand-up show.

"Everyone knows movie stars are movie stars and they act in movies. UFC fighters are fighters and they fight."

"It's not surprising that movie stars play fighting. It's not surprising that athletes play movies. But it's the first time in history that movie stars play UFC fighters."

"Everyone will definitely think that actors are just actors, how can they beat professional fighters?"

"I think so too."

Everyone laughed.

"As a result, former UFC heavyweight champion Josh Barrett lost to an actor. Moreover, he was KO at the beginning."

"This athlete is the one sitting next to me, the dragon from the East, Kung Fu King Wu Long!"

"We have a little understanding of Chinese Kungfu."

"For example, Iron Head Kung Fu, hitting a brick on the top of the head. The brick is broken, but the head is not broken."

The audience laughed.

"Of course, when you actually fight in the ring, you seldom hit the top of the head. You always hit the chin, and hit the sides of the face."

"I wonder why Chinese Kungfu doesn't have iron chin and iron face skills? If there is, they will definitely not lose in the ring."

The audience laughed again.

"We also saw a silver gun piercing the throat. Hold the gun to the throat and bend the gun. It looks very thrilling. Don't say whether this is true or not, even if it is true, who in the ring will hit the throat? The rules don't allow it either."

On the stage, the host Hall Mander talked eloquently, but Wu Long was not allowed to speak.Moreover, what he said were all unfavorable words for Chinese Kung Fu, mixed with ridicule and slander.

Wu Long could only sit on the sofa like a typical person being criticized, not allowing him to say a word.

Tom was annoyed to see it in the background.It's not because of Wu Long's grievances, but because of business.It is not good for Wu Long and affects Wu Long's movies.Later, Wu Long also introduced movies, which were to destroy his work.

He protested to the program group.The program group said it was powerless.

Once the live talk show starts, the host has the greatest authority, and will not intervene casually unless there is a major broadcast accident such as breaking the law or violating morality.

If you intervene casually, the live talk show will lose its characteristics and brilliance.

Wu Long had already guessed Mande's purpose at this time, and he did not show any anxiety.Both the live audience and the audience in front of the TV watched.If he appeared anxious or angry, he would have fallen into Mander's tricks and allowed Mander to succeed in his plot.

He behaved indifferently, Mande would be curious instead, and finally gave him a chance to speak.

And he has used the item card before, knowing that this show will not be against him.

Therefore, Wu Long sat on the sofa calmly.Man De peeked at him, as if he felt that Wu Long was listening carefully, and seemed to be nodding slightly from time to time.

This is to agree with his words?Mander felt it shouldn't.He was mocking and slandering Chinese martial arts, Wu Long should be anxious to get angry, how could he agree with him?

Since you can't hear the insinuation, then I will say it explicitly.

Mander decided to start the second plan.

"When you talk about Chinese martial arts, you have to mention one kind of martial arts. This kind of martial arts is very magical. Many people in the land of China practice it. It can be said that it is the most practiced kung fu in the land of China."

"It is said that he has applied for the Gigis World Record. The most people practicing this kind of kung fu together has been certified by the Gigis World Record."

"This kung fu is practiced by many Chinese old men and women. It is said that this kung fu is very powerful. If you practice this kung fu, you can live a long life without getting sick."

"Do you know what kung fu is?"

The audience in the audience shook their heads.

"Wu Long, do you know what kung fu is?"

Wu Long guessed it, but he didn't say it.

"You say." He smiled and motioned Mande to say.

"It's Tai Chi." After Mande said it, he pretended to be Tai Chi behind the table.

Of course, his movements are not standardized, but his hands imitate the movements of Tai Chi very slowly.

"Tai Chi is very slow, very slow, as slow as a tortoise or a snail." Mande shrugged and shook his head: "I really don't understand, what's the use of such slow kung fu without any strength? Can it be used? If someone uses it Tai Chi fights with people, I think any woman can KO him with one punch."

"Wu Long, can you do Tai Chi?" Mande asked.

There is a catch here.If Wu Long said no, he would find out Wu Long’s previous videos, saying that Wu Long once said that he knows many boxing techniques, if he can’t even know the most basic Taijiquan, which is vigorously promoted and understood by old men and women Fighting, why do you call yourself the Kung Fu King?

If Wu Long said yes, he would ask Wu Long to make two gestures on the spot to prove that Tai Chi is indeed very slow, and he did not lie.

Wu Long nodded: "Yes."

"Wow, that's really cool, please show us."

"Okay, it's a great honor to perform for you."

Wu Long stretched out his Tai Chi steps, twisted his waist, and drew circles with his hands.

"Look, I'm not wrong, Tai Chi is really very slow, without any power..."

Wu Long interrupted Mande's words.

"You are wrong, because the Tai Chi you see is the Tai Chi we want to show you. The real Tai Chi will not be shown to you."

"Do you know that there is an introductory saying in Chinese martial arts, the hands are two doors, and you hit people with your feet. You can see that my hands are slow, but I am actually lying to you."

Wu Long shook his whole body, and the vibrating energy went up and down, reached the soles of his feet, and kicked towards the table next to him.


With just one kick, the whole table suddenly fell apart as if hit by a car, and after a "bang", it fell apart completely on the ground.

Mande stood there with a dazed expression, and there was no table in front of him.

At this moment, his mind went blank, where am I?what happened?What should I do?


The audience all stood up.Some hugged their heads, some covered their mouths, and some stared wide-eyed.




"My God, what the hell happened!"


Wu Long spread his hands.

"It has nothing to do with me. Tai Chi is very slow, without any strength, it is impossible to make the table like this."

"It must be that the quality of your table is not good, yes, that's it."

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