I'm not just an action star

Chapter 256 What Should Come Will Come

The beginning of the Golden Hill Awards ceremony is always a boring opening speech.

The awards came out one by one, and finally the award for best foreign language film came.

The shortlisted films are read first, and the winning films are announced at the end.

Wu Long felt that Zhang Zhulin's hand was holding his hand tightly, getting harder and harder.At the same time, he found that Zhang Zhulin's palms were full of sweat.

"Don't be nervous, be natural." Wu Long comforted her quietly.

Beside, director Liu Jinqiu, martial arts instructor Lin Shangxiong, and screenwriter also looked nervously at the two guests announcing the winners.

"Best Foreign Language Film Winner..."

"Shaolin Bodyguard!"


Zhang Zhulin asked Wu Long excitedly: "Is it us? Is it us?"

Wu Long nodded: "That's right, it's us. It's really surprising!"

"It must be you who came to do the challenge performance in advance to let them realize how good you are!" Zhang Zhulin wanted to kiss Wu Long.

Liu Jinqiu next to him pulled Wu Long up and hugged him.

He pulled Wu Long up together, Wu Long shook his head, signaling him to go up alone.

Liu Jinqiu hugged Lin Shangxiong and the screenwriter, shook hands with those around who congratulated him, and walked to the stage.

After receiving the trophy, Liu Jinqiu motioned to Wu Long across the air.

"I am very happy to receive this trophy. Thanks to the Golden Hill Award and the judges!"

"Thank you very much to our leading actor Wu Long. Without him, I don't think I would have been able to get this trophy."

"He showed me what an action long shot is, and it also allowed us to present a brand new visual effect to the audience."

"Without his kung fu, there would be no wonderful action in the film. Without his action design, there would be no such exciting and wonderful fight."


After the awards ceremony, there will be a separate interview with the Best Foreign Language Film Award.

This time, Liu Jinqiu and Wu Long were interviewed together.

"Excuse me, Director Liu Jinqiu. Is it true that you and Wu Long co-directed the film? Or is he just a name?"

"This is true. As long as it involves action scenes, the actions are all designed by Wu Long. How to move the camera, how to shoot the camera, how to move the camera, and how to perform, Wu Long will talk to me and analyze with me. After I listened Shoot according to his vision."

"Wu Long, may I ask how you came up with the idea of ​​using long lenses for action scenes?"

"Because I watched other movies and TV shows, the martial arts action they filmed didn't look as exciting as I imagined. Action scenes rely on editing, and you can't see the process of attacking and defending like watching a game. The action scenes don't look like that. The beauty of action and the aesthetics of violence. It doesn’t look exciting, and it can’t let the audience experience the tension and excitement of the action scene.”

"And my kung fu is good, and I can control the strength and range when shooting. I can do long shots of action scenes, so I thought of shooting like this to show the audience the real aesthetics of action."

"I also thank director Liu Jinqiu. It is he who fully believes in me and supports me so that I can make what I want."

"Wu Long, your propaganda says you are a Kung Fu King. What is your definition of a Kung Fu King? In our opinion, a king should be invincible. Could it be that you are invincible?"

Liu Jinqiu looked nervously at Wu Long.

There are pitfalls in this question, and it is not easy to answer.

The answer is, it will offend people and cause trouble.

Answer no, then Kung Fu King is false propaganda, and others will use this to attack "Shaolin Bodyguard" to win the best foreign language film award, which does not match the name.

"In terms of kung fu, I haven't met an opponent who can defeat me. Maybe I will meet in the future. But until I meet, I am invincible."

&nma champions, we also call them kings.And these kings will be challenged by later generations.If you were the king, would you accept the challenge? "

"Yes." Wu Long answered immediately without hesitation.

In front of the camera, Liu Jinqiu could not signal to Wu Long not to say such things.Hearing what Wu Long said at this time, he couldn't help but worry about Wu Long.

The interview was finally over, and Liu Jinqiu expressed his concerns to Wu Long.

"Don't worry, if I can't play kung fu, it means I'm a fake. You've also seen me beating the double-flowered male sticks of those local companies, it's nothing."

"I hope so." Liu Jinqiu knew that Wu Long's words had already been spoken, and it was useless to say anything else at this time.I just hope that Wu Long is truly invincible and not afraid of challenges from others.

Weiner Pictures received the news that "Shaolin Bodyguard" had won the Best Foreign Language Film Award, and immediately asked Tom to create momentum for Wu Long.

With the title of Best Foreign Language Film, "Shaolin Bodyguard" can make another wave of box office.If there is Wu Long's thrilling performance, it will be able to boost the box office even more.

In addition to the movie box office, there is also the disc market, which can make a fortune.

The next day, Tom came to discuss with Wu Long the tour performance in Merican.He watched Wu Long's video, discussed the content of the performance with Wu Long, and finally chose three performances.

Cattle across the mountain.

Light work.

Chopsticks dart or throwing knife concealed weapon.

Fighting cows across the mountain and light work can be performed outdoors, while chopstick darts and hidden weapons with flying knives can be performed indoors during variety shows.

After discussing it, Tom made a plan.

"Wu Long, we are in trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Wu Long asked Zhou Renle.

"Someone approached the Exchange Association of Shaolin Temple Chan Wu Culture in Merikan, saying that Shaolin Kung Fu is fake and a scam. The "Shaolin Bodyguard" you starred in is also fake, and they want to compete with you."

"Hasn't he seen the video of me jumping and dodging sports cars? Challenge me?"

"The Exchange Association said it, but he said it was juggling, which doesn't mean you can play."

Wu Long didn't see the system jumping out of the task.

"But, if someone comes out to challenge me every day, will I have to fight him?" Wu Long shook his head. "It can't be like this."

"You don't fight?"

"Do not hit."

"But you said in the interview that someone challenged you and you accepted the challenge."

"That's right, I said it. But there are restrictions. If you want to challenge me, you can. Let's talk about becoming a champion."

"He's won a championship before."

Wu Long was stunned.

Once won the championship, is that okay?

"He really won the championship?"

"Take it, ten years ago, lightweight."

"So, he is a past champion, and he wants to gain fame by competing with me?"

"I suppose so."

"Then I will add another restriction, the champion within the past two years."

"Okay, I'll reply."

The next day, Tom came to Wu Long.

"I heard that someone wants to challenge you, but you didn't agree?"

"You also know? Zhou Renle told you?"

Tom shook his head.

"He didn't tell me. Newspapers and magazines have published it, saying that Shaolin Kung Fu is fake, so is Chinese Kung Fu, and so is your Kung Fu. You are just a clown in a circus, and you are a credible oriental villain."

Wu Long didn't expect that the other party would catch him and hit the porcelain vigorously for the sake of heat.

"But, everyone challenges me like him, how can I have time to film?"

"There is money for the official competition."

"How many?"

"Your price, a bonus of $[-]. There is no appearance fee."

"It's only this little money, do you think I look like someone short of money?"

Tom shook his head.

"No, it's not just the money."

Wu Longyong gave a puzzled expression.There is no appearance fee, only bonuses, why not only this amount of money?

"The bookmaker will offer odds on your match, and that's the real reason why the opponent wants to play you."

Hearing Tom's explanation, Wu Long came to his senses.This is the country of Merikan, and the formal gambling industry is legal.

"So, he buys himself to win? To get the most benefit?"

Tom nods.

"Yes, it should be like this." He said: "If you don't want to be troublesome, you have to compete this time, and then declare your restrictions to the outside world, so that you can be regarded as a trustworthy person."

"In our place, only those who keep their word will have a future and development. If you don't agree this time, it will directly affect the box office of your future movies."

"Also, "Shaolin Bodyguard" won the Best Foreign Language Film Award at the Golden Hill Awards. It is very likely that it will also win the Best Foreign Language Film Award for Hoska Films. But if you refuse this challenge, then the jury thinks your There is a problem with integrity, and Hoska will definitely miss the Best Foreign Language Film Award."

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