I'm not just an action star

Chapter 255 Interview on the Red Carpet

Unexpectedly, the staff came and invited Wu Long to the interview area for an interview.

"It must have been your challenging performance that caught the attention of the organizing committee. Now that you are in McCann, besides those who have seen your movie, there are more people who know you." Tom patted Wu Long's arm and signaled Wu Long go quickly.

Wu Long followed the guidance of the staff and came to one of the interview areas.Waiting for the last star interviewed to leave, Wu Long came to the host.

"Welcome to the Golden Hill Awards Ceremony!" the male host greeted with a smile.

The hostess has brilliant eyes. "Hi, Dragon from the East. Wow, you're really handsome."

"I'm handsome?" the male host joked.

The hostess replied earnestly: "Ten are as handsome as you."

The two immediately laughed.

"Hello, two hosts." Wu Long greeted them easily.

"Wu Long, is this your first time participating in the Golden Hill Awards?"


"Can I ask how you feel?"

"Very good. It would be even better if my starring role in "Shaolin Bodyguard" won an award!"

The two hosts immediately knew that Wu Long had talent in variety shows.Although some actors have good acting skills, they don't necessarily have variety talent.

"Wu Long, I've seen the movie you starred in, and I've also heard about your challenge performance some time ago. I want to ask, if you were holding her, would you still be able to step on the wall and jump up to avoid being hit by a car? "

Wu Long glanced at the hostess beside him.The hostess blinked, waiting for Wu Long to answer.

"There must be a wall, she can't struggle and resist, now she wants to perform?"

"Now?" The male host shook his head: "No, no, no, then you will steal everyone's limelight. I don't allow you to do this, otherwise everyone will scold me for giving you a chance."

The hostess laughed and said:

"Wu Long, some people say that you jumped up to avoid the impact of the sports car. It's just acrobatics, not the kind of strength you can fight."

The male host explained: "What she meant was that someone questioned your ability to attack. For example, if you are in the ring, it is useless to jump high, you will still be beaten. Do you have the simplest method, Prove that you can take down those hunks in the ring?"

"Right here?" Wu Long asked, "Now?"

The male host nodded: "If possible, this is an opportunity, isn't it?"

"It's your first time here, and you want to let more people know about you. It's hard to impress people just by talking about your introduction without showing your strength," said the hostess. "Of course, it's an impromptu idea. If you're not ready today, show it later."

Wu Long smiled and said, "Okay, I'll try."

The two hosts showed excited expressions on their faces, giving people a look of success.

"How are you going to show it, throw a few punches here?"

"Our time is limited, you can't play for too long."

Wu Long pointed to the microphone in the male host's hand.

"No need to punch. For example, if I want the microphone in your hand, there are two ways. One is that you give it to me yourself, and the other is that I grab it."

The male host hurriedly put the microphone in his hand to his chest, and stretched out his left hand to block the front of the microphone.

"I can't give you the microphone."

Wu Long made a sudden move. Instead of touching the male host's microphone with his left hand, he quickly tapped the acupuncture point on the male host's right shoulder with his sword finger.When he retracted his hand, he took advantage of the opportunity to flick the acupoint on the host's right elbow.

The host stared closely at Wu Long to prevent Wu Long from grabbing the microphone.Unexpectedly, Wu Long didn't grab the microphone directly, but attacked his shoulder.

Wu Long's shot was too fast, the male host didn't react at all, Wu Long had already stopped.

The male host only felt a sudden numbness in his right arm and immediately lost consciousness.Then his right hand stretched out uncontrollably, and the palm opened by itself.

Wu Long stretched out his hand to pick up the microphone in the palm of the host, and said with a smile, "Thank you!"

The male host regained consciousness in his right arm.He looked at Wu Long with a frightened expression as if he had seen a supernatural event.

The hostess beside him watched all this in shock and exclaimed:


"This is impossible!"

"Why is this happening!"

"what happened?"

She asked the male host, wondering why the other party gave Wu Long the microphone.It all happened so weirdly that she couldn't believe what she saw.

"Why, why did you give him the microphone?"

The host looked at his right hand and shook his head in frustration.

"I do not know."

"God, I have no idea what's going on."

"I saw his hand move and then my whole right arm went numb and I lost feeling."

"My hand seemed to be controlled by him, and I handed him the microphone without my permission."

The female host looked at Wu Long, and then at the male host.Just now, Wu Long shot too quickly. Like the male host, she subconsciously paid attention to the microphone in the male host's hand, and didn't see clearly that Wu Long hit the male host's right arm and shoulder.

"Is this magic?" the hostess asked.

Wu Long shook his head with a smile, and handed the microphone to the host.The male host didn't dare to answer the microphone, as if there was something wrong with the microphone and it was cast by magic.

The female host asked the male host.

"Are you with Wu Long? You secretly colluded to act in front of me?"

"No, no, no, I didn't collude with him beforehand, and I didn't act with him. Instead, I discussed it with you and wanted to see him demonstrate his so-called kung fu." The male host defended.

Seeing Wu Long handing over the microphone, the hostess first helped the male host take over the microphone.When she handed the microphone to the male host again, the male host recovered and took the microphone.

"Wu Long, to be honest, you really surprised me. Can you explain what happened just now?"

"It's very simple." Wu Long said with a smile.

Hearing Wu Long say it was very simple, the two hosts showed expressions of I believe you.

"Know the knee jerk reflex?"

The two hosts shook their heads.

"That is, when you are sitting, tap your knee, and your calf will automatically spring up." The two hosts showed understanding, and I understand.

"Oh, that's it, I understand."

"I understand what you said. I know the reaction."

The male host immediately understood. "So it's kind of a knee-jerk reflex for me to reach out by myself, isn't it?"

"Should it be called elbow jerk reflex?" the hostess corrected.

"Yes, elbow jerk reflex." The male host was still puzzled. "But why is my arm numb?"

"Because everyone has acupuncture points on their body. Different parts have different acupuncture points, and different acupuncture points have different functions and effects. I just hit the acupuncture point on your right arm shoulder, paralyzing your right arm and temporarily losing consciousness. "

The male host showed a look of disbelief.

"Did you attack me just now?"

"Why didn't we see it?" The hostess also had doubts.

Wu Long explained:

"You thought that I would directly grab the microphone in my hand and focus on the area of ​​the microphone. I shot faster and avoided the area that your eyes focused on, so you couldn't see my movement clearly."

The male host reacted again.

"Wait, so you not only hit the acupuncture point on my shoulder just now, but also tapped my elbow when I lost feeling on my right arm, which caused me to have an elbow jerk reflex, it looked like I stretched out my own hand. To you."

The hostess shook her head:

"No, your palm is still open. What's the matter?"

The two looked at Wu Long, as if you must explain clearly.

"Because I didn't tap your elbow, but tapped the acupuncture point on your elbow. This acupuncture point not only makes your arm pop out to me, but also relaxes the nerves in your palm."

"Your palm is gripping the mic, and when you relax it looks like an open palm."

The two hosts suddenly realized.

The two clapped with microphones, and the onlookers applauded together.

"Wu Long, you are really amazing!"

"Is this the Eastern kung fu? It's amazing. It's as amazing as sticking a needle into the body to cure a disease."

They still have a lot of questions to ask Wu Long, chat with Wu Long.It's a pity that the time for their interview with Wu Long was overdue, so they could only end the interview with Wu Long.

No one expected Wu Long to play so high-end.They thought Wu Long would fight like a Shaolin monk.As a result, Wu Long shocked everyone.

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