I'm not just an action star

Chapter 254 Let More People Know

Wu Long's performance was so perfect and shocking that everyone at the scene felt admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

Those extreme sports are also thrilling and exciting.But these thrilling extreme sports are different from Wu Long's.

Wingsuit flying, high-rise parkour, unprotected rock climbing on the edge of a cliff, handstand on the edge of a building, etc. These life-threatening and adventurous sports and challenges are also exciting.

It’s just that most people will not do or approach such environments and situations as rock climbing, rooftops, and wingsuits, knowing that they are dangerous.

Wu Long's challenge was that a car hit him, and he jumped up to avoid it.Such a situation is often encountered by ordinary people.

There are cars coming and going on the street, and an unknown number of people around the world are killed by speeding cars every year.

It can be said that the scenarios Wu Long challenges are happening all the time around us.

As long as you walk on the street, there will be cars driving by.

The sense of substitution is very strong!

It is because of the strong sense of substitution that everyone is more easily convinced by Wu Long's challenging performance.

It's like watching a hero in a movie or TV, everyone wants to be that hero.

Ordinary people will never try or encounter those extreme sports.

There is a considerable chance of seeing or encountering being hit by an oncoming car.It would be a wonderful thing if everyone could jump up and escape like Wu Long, and at the same time enjoy the exclamation and admiration of worried people around.

It is this kind of mentality that makes most people on the scene worship Wu Long and become Wu Long's fans.

After the challenge performance, Wu began to take photos with the enthusiastic audience.Almost everyone present had to take a photo with Wu Long before leaving.

Even the staff have to take photos with Wu Long.

The doctors and nurses who followed the ambulance asked Wu Long to take a photo with them in front of the ambulance.The female nurse looks average and a little fat.When the four of them took a group photo with the doctor and the driver, the female nurse put Wu Long's hand on her shoulders.

When the three of them took pictures with Wu Long respectively, the female nurse asked Wu Long to hold her waist.

After taking a group photo, he quietly scratched Wu Long's palm.Through contact with Wu Long, she felt the muscles on Wu Long's body, which were firm and hard.

Coupled with Wu Long's handsome and sunny face, if it weren't for being in a public place, maybe the female nurse would boldly...

After performing in the morning, his challenge video was uploaded to Fei Si's social networking site at noon, where it spread wildly and hit a lot of hits.

Wu Long also uploaded the video to his Douyin account in China and his newly registered Feisi account.

Seeing Wu Long's strength, Tom not only suggested that Wu Long register a Feisi account, but also suggested that Wu Long should not rush back after the Golden Hill Awards, and should stay in Los Angeles for a longer time.You can even go around other cities in Merrican Country to gain popularity.

"Wu Long, even if you don't win the award this time, with your strength, you can still win the award in the future. But if you work harder, let the judges who come here know you and know you. Let more people in the industry, If the people of Merikan know about it, the time for you to win the prize will be greatly shortened."

"Your "Tao Gao Yi Zhang", "Drunk Catch", "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long", "The God of Cookery: Jin Yu Man Tang" and "Sweet Honey", our company can distribute them in Merican. You expand your popularity, It’s going to make these movies more popular.”

"You're right." Wu Long agreed with what Tom said. "It's just these expenses, I hope your company can bear them."

After some bargaining between the two parties, Tom finally agreed to bear Wu Long's publicity expenses and all expenses in Merikan.

Wu Long also promised that all the films produced now will be distributed by Weiner Films.

Tom proposed a sharing method, but Wu Long did not agree and chose to guarantee the bottom line.


In the land of Merican, Weiner Pictures can turn profits into losses in minutes.Wu Long definitely won't get a penny for signing the share.

Next, is to wait.

During this period, the video of Wu Long jumping somersault to avoid the speeding sports car has caused a lot of heated discussions around the world.

Some people think it's fake and it's just a TV magic trick.Because human reflexes can't do that.

They used scientific formulas and physical knowledge to try to prove that Wu Long's challenge performance was fake and just a publicity show.

These people ignore the proof of the Gigis world record.People who think that the Gyrgis World Records took money to help Wu Long deceive the whole world.

Some people think that Wu Long's performance is not light work, but parkour.

Someone also posted the same video, jumping up to avoid the speeding sports car, and gained a lot of clicks and fans.

Even if someone proves through technical means that all similar videos except Wu Long's are fake, some people still believe in those forged fake videos.

There are even people who really did what Wu Long did, but they were hit and seriously injured on the spot, and they were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, but they couldn't be saved and died.

This challenge is not to be attempted lightly.It is impossible to start at a slow speed and increase the speed as you practice.

Because after a person jumps up, he cannot levitate or stay in the air, and will fall down.

The speed of the car is too slow, even if it jumps higher than the roof, the car will not completely pass when it falls, causing the situation of hitting the roof or the rear of the car.

The speed is fast enough, but you have to worry about timing.

The jump was too early, and the car fell down before it had fully passed.There will be situations where the speed of the car is slow, and it will hit the roof or the rear of the car when it falls.

He took off late and was hit by a car directly.

It was also suggested that the practice is not to be in the same straight line as the oncoming car, so that you don't have to worry about being hit.

Then check and correct with the video shot from the side.

This is indeed a method.

The body height of a sports car is generally around 1.2 meters.Some people with strong jumping ability can jump up and do a backflip, and the height from the ground can exceed 1.2 meters.So it is possible to try this challenge.

After someone practiced in this way, he was confident enough to do it.

But when facing a speeding sports car, the situation is different.

On the same straight line as the sports car, and not on the same straight line, there is a deviation in the angle, which will lead to errors in judging the timing.

When you are not on the same straight line as the sports car, you will not have a strong sense of pressure and crisis, and your self-survival awareness will not be brought into full play.Because I knew in my consciousness that the sports car would definitely not hit me, I relaxed my mind.

It can face the sports car, when it is on the same straight line as the sports car.Looking at the fast oncoming sports car, the situation is different.

The sense of crisis is not the same as facing pressure, and it will also affect judgment.

For extreme parkour on the roof, the building is fixed, so it is easier to judge.

The sports car is moving, and it is coming head-on. It is very difficult to judge the distance between each other in a very short time.

Even if some people have practiced with the above methods, they still choose to give up and hide aside when they make a real attempt.Some people think that they have practiced before, but they are afraid of losing face and refuse to give up, so they are injured and killed.

After these failed videos were uploaded, many people really realized how difficult it is for Wu Long to perform this challenge.

A few days after Liu Jinqiu, Zhang Zhulin and other crew members came to Los Angeles, the Golden Hill Awards ceremony began.

The red carpet of the Golden Hill Awards is not like the domestic red carpet. There are not many people on the red carpet, and one group after another.

The red carpet here is more like a party where celebrities gather.

There are also staff members with work badges.There are also host interviews, but the interview area and format are different.

In the domestic red carpet interview area, the background is the background, and there is only one group of interviews.

The red carpet of the Golden Hill Awards has three interview areas, which are located in different areas of the red carpet.Some interview areas are transparent, and passing guests or stars can be seen in the background.

After the stars got out of the car, they greeted fans and said hello to friends.Those who have not been interviewed can get together in twos and threes to chat.

Outsiders like Wu Long and the others are not familiar with the film and television industry in Merikan Country, and only the film crew can talk among themselves.Tom did say hello to his friends, but he wanted to take Wu Long and the others, and stay with Wu Long.

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