I'm not just an action star

Chapter 249 The Best Action Movie in History

The audience who watched the premiere came out of the movie theater, and the audience who waited outside to watch the second movie, no matter whether they recognized it or not, the people who saw it came out and asked:

"Dude, does it look good?"

"Brother, how is the film going?"

"How is it better than "Shaolin Bodyguard"?"

The answer is praise.


"Hits to the brim!"

"Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing also played well!"

"Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing's moves, you can tell they have practiced before."

"No vase!"

"No substitute!"

"Many actions are thrilling!"

Most of the people who came out immediately took out their mobile phones to speak online.

"Just finished watching "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long", five-star recommendation!"

Post a photo of yourself coming out of the movie theater and write:

"After watching the premiere of "The Mighty Dragon of Fahai", it is definitely very good!"

"After watching "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long", everyone including the group performers, the acting skills are online, and the fights are wonderful!"

After watching the premiere of "Shadows and Sounds", I was so excited that I hurried home to write a film review.

"Long commentary on "The Great Power of Tianlong in Fahai".

"If in "Shaolin Bodyguard", Long Ge only participated in the action design and direction, then in "Fahai Zhiwei Tianlong", Long Ge has the final say.

According to Guo Hao himself, he is Brother Long's "tool man", faithfully executing Brother Long's director's instructions.

Although it is stated that the directors are Long Ge and Guo Hao, Guo Hao emphasized that he is only an assistant and Long Ge is the director.All he did was to implement Brother Long's intentions and ideas.

From the style point of view, "Fa Hai Zhi Dawei Tianlong" is indeed different from "Drunk Catch" and "Shaolin Bodyguard".

For example, when Fa Hai chatted with the spider spirit in a joking tone behind the spider spirit, if it was directed by other directors and spoke in such a tone, there would definitely be a smile on his face.

When chatting, you should have the expression of chatting.

Then, when he said the true face of the spider spirit, his face changed instantly.

But Brother Long didn't perform or interpret according to such a routine.His expression was always serious.In the solemnity of the treasure, there is also a bit of chill.With the expression of not being soft-hearted in eliminating demons, he joked while chatting.

Just ask, if it wasn't directed by Brother Long, if Guo Hao hadn't obeyed Brother Long and replaced him with other directors, such a shot would definitely not pass.

Why did Brother Long behave like this?

Does he have no acting skills?

Of course it's not without acting skills.

Without acting skills, the expression will be stiff or facial.

Brother Long's performance is the kind of contrastive performance where we are good friends, but I'm going to kill you now.

It's as if you're talking nice things to your friend, but you're secretly stabbing your friend with a knife.

When the audience sees such a contrasting performance, they will subconsciously be afraid of such a Fahai.

It seems to be implied that Fahai is the villain and the spider spirit is the good demon.

It is precisely this kind of performance that explains that Fa Hai is too persistent and will encounter demonic obstacles in his practice.How could Fahai like this show a smiling face to monsters?

The spider spirit didn't notice that Fa Hai behind him had malicious intentions, because he didn't see Fa Hai's expression.When he didn't see Fa Hai, he believed in Fa Hai only by his voice and words, and chatted with him heart-to-heart.

If someone watches it a second time, I suggest that you close your eyes and not look at the screen during this scene, or turn your head away, not to see Fahai's expression.

You will find that Fahai's voice is very kind, like an old friend.Even if you can't see Fahai, you won't be wary of Fahai.

This is not only Brother Long's acting strength, but also Brother Long's strong line skills.

Let's talk about the fight scene between Fa Hai and the spider spirit, a monk and a demon running on the top of the tree.

Blue sky, white clouds, warm yellow sun, green ocean, the picture is beautiful.

But in such beautiful scenery, Fa Hai hides his murderous intentions!

There is no shooting record for the footage of the tree top, but I can still confirm that it is a real scene shooting.Everyone knows the special effects in China.

No matter what special effects it is, without spending a lot of money to hire those famous special effects companies, the audience can easily tell whether it is special effects or cg.

Someone said maybe it was a green screen shot, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a green screen shot.

In terms of acting skills, there is no need to say much.

From the plot of Ximen Qing in "Water Margin", we can see the power of Brother Long to bring people into the play.

Even if there are no lines, the image of the character makes people feel real.The ensemble actors were brought into the play by Brother Long, each of them was like an old drama.

The same is true in "Shaolin Bodyguard".

As Long Ge's first directed and starring role, "The Great Power of Fa Hai Tianlong" should not be shoddy, and all actors' acting skills are guaranteed to be online.

Watching Brother Long's movies, acting skills are the guarantee, and there is no need to pay attention to acting skills.Instead, we should pay attention to its action design, whether it can present a real and wonderful action performance to the audience.

Not long after the film started, Long Ge told everyone with a move of Buddhist beads that the martial arts in this film lived up to everyone's expectations.

Even Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er, who played Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, performed their movements in a precise manner, giving people the illusion that they had practiced martial arts.

It can be said that their martial arts moves rank first and second among domestic actresses.

The moves of the two of them can feel like a snake, and they can also play cleanly and powerfully.

Compared with the two of them, some martial arts are not as good as them.


The long film review of "Shadow Passing Voice" is full of praise.I also guess that the big green snake and big centipede in the movie should be physical models, not cg or 3d modeling.

In order to keep suspense, Wu Long kept the crew and relevant people secret, so that no one would know that it was a 1:1 physical model.

"Shadows and Voices" scored nine points for "Fa Hai Zhi Dawei Tianlong".The reason why he didn't get a full score of [-] is because he felt that no movie could make him score [-].

Very represents perfection, no matter whether it is a domestic or foreign film, it is impossible to have a perfect film.So, ten should never be given.

That is to say, nine points is the highest score he scored, and it is also the highest evaluation of "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long".

In addition to the comments of "Shadows and Voices", there are more comments from netizens.

"I like the final confrontation between Fahai and Centipede!"

"I feel that Fahai does one hand gesture, one palm, another different hand gesture, one more hand gesture, another hand gesture, and feet. This kind of continuous attack seems to be an Arhat or King Kong attacking. It is very Buddhist. I have never seen such a boxing style before, and it is enjoyable to watch!"

"The centipede sword looks good with the centipede knife. Only Brother Long can design such a strange and cool knife and knife technique!"

"The final duel between Fa Hai and the giant centipede was the most violent!"

"Fahai hits a big centipede, and the long shot takes a long shot to the end. The collision between the flesh and the shell feels like human flesh vs. a heavy truck, hitting flesh!"

"The most iron-blooded duel, Fahai vs. Big Centipede, one-shot to the end long-shot, unique in the world, only Brother Long can shoot it!"

"The ultimate duel against a big centipede, even the best special effects can't make such long-shot special effects of fighting!"

"Why do I think Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are the best looking to fight Fahai together? The girl is beautiful, the boy is handsome, and the fight is wonderful. It feels like fighting in the air, and it is also a long shot, which cannot be overwhelmed." Ya. I can’t do the same special effects if I’m so good.”

"There are so many fights in long shots, I can't figure out how Brother Long shot them."

"There are still a lot of shots in the film that haven't been revealed. Brother Long is too hateful. He must save it and release it after the popularity cools down, so as to make it more popular!"

Coupled with the scene in the movie where there is no need to worry about spoilers, it only takes one night to occupy the entire network.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, are you still here?

They didn't pay attention to me at all!

Ready to hunt monsters!

Dawei Tianlong!

Da Luofa mantra!

World Honored Earth Store!

Prajna Buddhas!

Jinshan Fa Temple!

Forbidden place for evildoers!

Prajna is coaxing!



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