In the movie, the excitement begins to appear.

"Long Li Long, Long Li Long!"

"On a sunny day, the scenery is beautiful. The red flowers are green grass. I am happy to run forward. I am not old when I walk all over the green mountains!"

Fahai appeared behind the spider spirit.Fahai looked solemn, with a heart of destroying demons.What he said was a joke.

"Old abbot, the wind is refreshing!"

The spider spirit didn't look back, not knowing that behind him was Fa Hai who was about to exterminate the demon with a solemn expression on his face.The spider spirit replied happily:

"That's right, young man, morning exercise is very good for practicing inner alchemy!"

In this scene, the two contrasts came out instantly, forming the ultimate dramatic conflict, which successfully aroused the audience's curiosity.

Fahai Mieyao's cold expression was in contrast to his completely uncool jokes.Judging from the tone of voice and the content of his words, he couldn't feel Fa Hai's murderous intent.With a ruthless and cold expression, say things that are not cruel or cold at all.

This kind of extreme dramatic conflict that can be performed by one person makes the audience feel the horror of Fahai and shudders.

Spider Jing's happy expression was in contrast to Fa Hai's cold expression. He didn't know that he was going to suffer, but he happily answered Fa Hai's words.Another contrast, people can't help but sympathize with and worry about the spider spirit.

Fa Hai said:

"It's not as good as the abbot, you can steal the day and change the day, and pretend to be a fish!"

"I can see at a glance that you are not human!"

What Fa Hai said finally matched his expression.At this moment, the majesty broke out, and it cooperated with the "ah" expression of the spider spirit after hearing Fa Hai's words, so that the audience could see it and be frightened by Fa Hai's words and expression.

Some people are in a trance for a while, and subconsciously ask themselves in their hearts, am I human?

I'm human, so I don't have to worry about being afraid.

"Bold monster, I want you to reveal your true self!"

After Fa Hai finished speaking, he jumped forward and soared into the air.

At this time, there happened to be a particularly tall tree branch protruding horizontally in front of it.Fahai's feet stepped on the branches one after another, and then he did a somersault and then turned around in the air, and landed facing the spider spirit.

The audience was shocked.

I couldn't figure out how to shoot it for a while.

This is a long shot. Wu Long's action not only proves that there is no Diao Weiya, but also that the real scene is not a special effect.

The action of stepping on the branches is too real.If it is special effects, it will definitely cost a lot of money.

It was also thought that a green screen might be used.But the green screen can't match the branches, and the leaves on the branches are also green, so it's not easy to cut out in the later stage.


When the smoke rose, the spider spirit fled.

In the woods, Wu Long reappears wonderful shots.

In order to find the spider spirit who had escaped, Fahai took off the beads and held them above his head.

"Prajna Pa Ma Hum! Prajna Pa Ma Hum! Prajna Pa Ma Hum!"

On the screen, Fa Hai's palm suddenly became blurred, and his fingers popped out quickly, like flower petals blooming.

The Buddha beads radiate light and scatter around, like a beautiful picture.Some of the beads hit the tree, and some flew past the tree.

The audience was amazed, Wu Long's hidden weapon kung fu is unparalleled in the world!

In the second half of the film, the exciting fight begins.

The shot of Fahai fighting with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the air with a Zen stick shot by the green screen made the audience feel that they were really fighting in the air.

This makes this movie different from all such movies in China.

The aerial combat in other movies can be seen at a glance as hanging in the air or standing on a green screen, doing a few simple movements, and then adding five cents special effects.

In many cases, there are not many shots used in aerial combat in other movies.Shots either stand still or are edited.

As for Wu Long's Fa Hai fighting with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the air, the camera will change.There are both upward and downward shots.

The fight between the three is also high and low, not like fighting against a green screen background on a flat ground.

Wu Long is good at kung fu, no one is surprised.

To the audience's surprise, Bai Suzhen played by Li Siyi and Xiaoqing played by Jiang Shuang'er also performed clean and neat martial arts.After people saw it, they mistakenly thought that the two had practiced kung fu since they were young, and they had kung fu.

The swordsmanship is also weird and beautiful, and the shadow of the snake can be seen.

When the water flooded the golden mountain, Fahai released the red cloth, and the audience immediately understood that this was not a special effect.

Because Wu Long performed this action at the premiere just now!

Xiaoqing showed her original shape, a big green snake.

The audience feels that this is not a snake drawn by special effects computer, because Bai Suzhen is standing on the snake's head.

Fa Hai looked down at the green snake carrying Bai Suzhen to fly out of the cassock, and he galloped in the air.

This scene reminds people of Wu Long's performance at the premiere just now.That is to say, there is no need to use special effects at all for this shot, that is, Wu Long is really flying in the air!

When Fahai ran to the front of the big cassock red cloth, he jumped up and stood on the red cloth.The audience was shocked, how did it come out?Can Wu Long really fly?

The big green snake is not a special effect, because seeing the cassock catching up, the big green snake raised its head and looked back to bite Fahai!

While opening its mouth to bite, it releases an attack.This attack is a special effect, but Bai Suzhen on the snake head is a real person, which means that the green snake head is not a special effect.

Bai Suzhen jumped out of the green snake head and hit Fa Hai with both palms.After facing palms, Bai Suzhen was hit back somersault and landed on the head of the green snake.

Fahai also kicked the green snake head back.

With this series of long shots, the audience could see that Li Siyi and Wu Long had no way to hang on to Wia.



It makes people wonder how it was shot.

Although it doesn't seem to use special effects CG, the audience can't figure out how to shoot such a wonderful shot.According to the understanding of the audience, only CG can make such a shot.

But even if it is a blockbuster with special effects, it is difficult to produce such interactive special effects.

Fa Hai is standing on the red cloth, and Bai Suzhen is standing on the green snake head.Fa Hai interacted with the Green Snake Head, and also interacted with Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen jumped off the Green Snake Head, faced Fa Hai, and was beaten back on the Green Snake Head.

How much special effects does it cost to burn such a lens?

After fighting the two snake spirits, another centipede spirit appeared.

After a long shot, the audience couldn't figure it out again.How did the strange weapon in the centipede's hand appear?

It can be seen that Qimen weapons are not virtual weapons made by CG, but real weapons.

There has been no cut shot, is the weapon transformed?

But the centipede throws out the weapon to kill Bai Suzhen and the others, Fa Hai throws out the Zen stick to destroy the centipede's weapon.

This shot is also in the long shot.When Centipede Jing throws the weapon, the camera zooms out to include Centipede Jing, Fa Hai, the weapon, and Bai Suzhen in the distance.

Because it is a long shot, Fahai's Zen stick can catch up to the centipede's weapon and hit it, which seems very real.

Wu Long's flying knife skills were amazing, and the audience also heard that Wu Long really threw out his Zen stick and shot down the weapon of the centipede that flew out first.

When the centipede grabbed a piece of soil from the ground and threw it at Fahai with the demon method, the audience exclaimed.

They couldn't tell if it was a special effect or if it could actually grab a dirt wall.

If it is special effects, it can only be said that this movie spends too much money on special effects.

Faced with Centipede Jing, Fa Hai calmly responds to the attack with sorcery, forcing Centipede Jing to think that he cannot beat Fa Hai and flees.

In the end, the centipede essence also showed its original shape, which was a big centipede.

The big centipede rarely used black magic to deal with Fa Hai, but directly hit and directly reckless, giving people a feeling of punching to the flesh during the fight.


At the end of the film, the audience applauded.

In the trailer at the end of the credits, there are some video materials during shooting.Let everyone suddenly realize that the wonderful action scenes in the movie were shot in this way.

For some scenes, the trailers were not aired.The appetite of the audience was successfully lifted, and they really wanted to know how it was shot.

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