I'm not just an action star

Chapter 250 The protagonist's task is completed

new record!

"The Great Power of Fa Hai Tianlong" set the highest domestic box office on the first day!

"The Great Power of Fa Hai Tianlong" hit the domestic single-day highest box office!

The highest box office on the first day of Hong Kong Island!

The highest single-day box office on Hong Kong Island!

The Imperial Capital set a record for pre-sale tickets within a week, and all pre-sale tickets were sold out within a week!

The handsome photo of Wu Long revealing the golden dragon has become the mobile phone screen saver of many beauties, girls and women.

His figure is a figure that looks thin and fleshy when he takes off his clothes.The back muscles are very thick, and it can be described as a tiger's back and a wolf's waist.

With a golden dragon on his back, he is really a handsome guy, a macho guy who is so fierce!

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of [Advance to the protagonist's goal], and get a chance to draw a lottery."

I haven't heard the sound of the system for a long time, and I didn't expect that the task of "Advancing towards the protagonist's goal" was actually completed by the film "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long".

The goal of this mission is to become a significant protagonist.

Wu Long didn't know what a worthy protagonist was, and the system didn't give a standard for judging.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" was not completed, nor was "One Zhang High".Even after the filming of "The Mighty Dragon of Fa Hai" was completed, the system did not prompt that it was completed.

The task of the supporting role before was completed after the filming of "Drunken" before it was released.So much so that there was no reminder after the filming of "Fahai: The Great Mighty Dragon", Wu Long thought that "Fahai: The Mighty Tianlong" would not be able to complete this task.

Now it seems that the completion of the box office will be completed after the screening of "Fahai: The Mighty Tianlong".

Perhaps it is because "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long" set the domestic first-day and single-day highest box office records, so it meets the system requirements.

Although "Shaolin Bodyguard" also has acting skills, the behavior and experience of the protagonist are too single.It's a bodyguard, it's to protect the heroine, it's to play cool.

"One Zhang High" must meet the director's requirements, which limits Wu Long's performance.

Only "The Mighty Dragon of Fahai", Wu Long directed it himself, and made his own decisions, so he can play whatever he wants.

There is no director's interference, and there is no need to shoot according to the director's intention. This is the only male lead in the true sense!

Extraordinary protagonist.

For Fa Hai, who is a "Great Heavenly Dragon" when he disagrees with him, he is indeed an extraordinary protagonist.

Netizens joked that when Fa Hai met Tathagata, he would definitely say: "I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

Because Fa Hai encountered a demonic obstacle in his practice, he missed the Spider Jing Dao practice, and his psychological process changed.Admit your mistake and give your Buddha power to the spider spirit.

When meeting Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing again, she no longer insists on getting rid of demons whenever she sees them.But still obsessed with the fact that humans and demons cannot coexist.

In the end, in order for Fahai to get rid of the centipede spirit, the spider spirit would rather return the Buddha's power to Fahai, so that Fahai can truly realize that good and evil are not divided according to human beings and demons.

People are divided into good and bad, good and evil, and demons are also divided into good and bad.

Only when you understand persistence will you encounter demonic obstacles.

These changes in Fa Hai have allowed Wu Long's acting skills to be brought into full play, which is in line with the system prompt of revealing the actor's talent.

Also perform a leading role that surprises and impresses the audience.

"Does the host draw a lottery?"

No need to think about it, Wu Long chose to draw a lottery.

Countless balls of light danced, and the last one stopped in front of him.

The sphere of light opens.

"Reward: Nine-tone Scripture (incomplete) (master)."

On the property panel, there is another column.

[Martial arts: Nine-tone Scripture (incomplete) (master)]

The "Nine Sounds Manual" was created by the Tianyin Tianmo tribe in the Tianma Realm. After learning it, it can simulate all the sounds in the world.

The incomplete version obtained by Wu Long can produce female voices, child voices, and old voices, can simulate various voices, and can perform various ventriloquisms.

Wu Long's singing skills can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

It is used in his lines to enrich his line skills, more in line with the character design, and more attractive, surpassing the best voice actors in the world today.

With releases in Asia and around the world, "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long" is booming at the box office.In Asia, the box office set an Asian movie box office record.

The global release relies on the line set up by Shaolin Temple Chanwu Culture Communication Company.Because "Shaolin Bodyguard" had a good box office when it was released worldwide, "Fa Hai Zhiwei Tianlong" also sold at a good price.

The Shaolin Temple Chanwu Culture Communication Company's line cannot be used frequently, because of "Shaolin Bodyguard", they gave Wu Long face and helped Wu Long's contacts to sell "Fahai Zhiwei Tianlong".

But this kind of favor is only done once or twice.After opening up the situation, Wu Long can only rely on himself in the end.

A week after the release, Wu Long began to reveal the performance at the premiere in his live broadcast room.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wu Long!"

"It's been a long time since I started a live broadcast. Many fans asked me how I did the performance at the premiere. I will start a live broadcast tonight to tell everyone where the secret is."

Many barrage speculations use a similar method of stepping on a tightrope.

"Looking at everyone's guesses, many people guessed right, it is the thin steel wire rope of the hanging wire. Many thin steel wire ropes of the hanging wire were pulled on the spot, and these thin steel wire ropes formed steps, so that I could step on these thin steel wire ropes. Go up to the height of three feet."

Some people questioned that Wu Long was facing them sideways when he ascended the height.After climbing to a height of three feet, facing the audience like them, is there a thin steel wire rope lying three feet high in front of them?

"No. When I'm facing you, I'm actually standing on a thin wire rope with one foot. It's just that I'm skilled, and standing on one foot can still make you look like you're standing on two feet."

Wu Long's answer drew bursts of praise.

Standing on one foot, let alone a thin wire rope, even if the soles of the feet can be firmly stepped on, it is still necessary to shift the center of gravity of the body and fall on the supporting foot.

Such a posture will definitely make people see something strange.

But Wu Long was able to prevent people from seeing his flaws. He said that he was very skilled, and no one could refute him.


"Brother Long can lean without falling over. Standing on one foot is like standing on two feet. It shouldn't be difficult."

"Actions like leaning without falling over are more technical and harder to do than standing on one foot like standing on two feet."

"In a word, Brother Long is awesome."

Seeing that someone asked him why he jumped from a height of three feet, and he didn't have any injuries, Wu Long explained that it was because of his other hand.

With his other hand, he grabbed the corner of the folded red cloth, and the red cloth was hung on the thin wire rope.

The side of the red cloth was ten meters long, and when folded in half it was only five meters, but it was enough for him to land safely.Everyone only paid attention to him, and ignored the red cloth.

There were flaws, because it was too short, and everyone's attention was focused on Wu Long, so they didn't notice the piece of red cloth hanging on the thin wire rope.


As the popularity of "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long" dropped, some shooting and recording videos began to be released one after another.

After these documentaries were released, everyone watched it to understand how Wu Long made the scenes in this film.

Once again set off the heat of "Fa Hai Zhi Dawei Tianlong".

The filming of Fa Hai subduing the spider spirit's running on the treetops and shooting down the demons, really didn't use the wire, and didn't use the green screen, but used a ladder car to raise the special platform, and Wu Long and Tian Feng pretended to run on the platform.

Putting on the cassock, when Xiaoqing showed her original shape, there were two wire ropes going up and down, and Wu Long performed on the wire ropes like a tightrope walker.

The big green snake raised its head and turned to bite Wu Long, but it didn't hang on to Wia, it wasn't cg.

And then to fight the body of the big centipede in the back, and let everyone see the real scene during shooting.

The documentary was shot and played, and everyone knows that Wu Long spent a lot of money to make two 1:1 prototypes of the green snake and the centipede in order to be realistic.

Mock-ups emerged, and there were large parks seeing business opportunities.Call Qiu Ya and ask if the big green snake and big centipede are for sale.

Qiuya replied in a unified manner that there is no sale plan for the time being.It is also used for filming the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake".After the TV series is finished, it will be sold.

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