At the premiere of "The Mighty Dragon of Fahai", Wu Long seemed to be suspended at a height of three feet, and his cassock was automatic without wind.

He holds the seal with both hands, and the treasure looks solemn.

Like Buddha, like Arhat.

Looking down at all living beings below.

The majesty exuded, which made the audience feel a kind of worship.

The place was silent.

No one dared to make a sound.

He was worried that if Fa Hai above him hit him with a thunderbolt, he would die on the spot.

The barrage also cut off instantly, and all the netizens watching online were shocked by Wu Long's performance.


Fahai's left hand changes the handprints on the chest, the fearless seal, the Qike seal, and the wish seal.With his right hand quietly stretched behind him, he took out the super large piece of red cloth that had been hidden on his back and raised it above his head.

The audience below is far away from Wu Long, and their attention is focused on Wu Long's left hand, which is constantly changing handprints, just like watching a magician's performance, no one noticed Wu Long's right hand at that moment.

His technique was skillful and neat, as if an extra red thing appeared out of thin air.

When Wu Long raised his right hand, he shook the folded super large red cloth with a concealed weapon technique.He also turned the red cloth with a hidden weapon, just like turning a handkerchief in an opera, turning the oversized red cloth away.

This action has been shown while he was filming.Showing it at this time is to let everyone know that what he used in filming was not special effects, but kung fu!

The red cloth with a side length of ten meters was unfolded by Wu Long with one hand, and the audience below were shocked!

This big red cloth, like a red cloud, swirls above Wu Long's head.

The hearts of all the audience at the scene were either "wow" or "wow", and there were a lot of "fuck", just like the barrage that crowded the screen in the live broadcast room.

Everyone has seen handkerchiefs in Errenzhuan, and some people have turned a handkerchief the size of a square table.

However, no one has seen this kind of red cloth with a side length of ten meters turned around!

The red cloth in Wu Long's hand was different from the handkerchief Errenzhuan Lizhuan, which was actually specially made.The red cloth in his hand is ordinary cloth, which is very thin because it needs to be folded and hidden behind his back.

Such a thin cloth, even for those who have practiced turning handkerchiefs, it is difficult to turn it.

Ten meters on a side, equivalent to the height of a three-story building.A standard basketball court is 15 meters wide, and Wu Longwu's piece of red cloth has a side length equivalent to two-thirds of the width of the basketball court.

As if hearing a "hoo", Wu Long threw the red cloth out of his hand.

The entire piece of red cloth flew out due to Wu Long's strength and Xiao Li Feidao's hidden weapon technique, with the front end facing down and the back end rising.

It was like a red wall erected in front of Wu Long, covering Wu Long.

Wu Long is in the air, and the audience below is looking up.Because of the angle, people who are close can still see Wu Long's lower body, and people who are far away can only see Wu Long's feet.

They saw the red cloth falling in front of Wu Long like a curtain, more on one side and less on the other.

Seeing that the red cloth fell down to block their sight.He saw Wu Long jumping down suddenly, grabbing the corner of the red cloth on the young side with one hand.

Wu Long's whole body fell downwards.The arm holding the red cloth shakes vigorously, shaking the adjacent corner of the red cloth so that it bounces upright, so that it is not recognized that one side of the red cloth is actually hanging on the wire rope under the foot.

He reached out with his other hand and grasped the edge of the red cloth on the other side.At this time, one side of the red cloth is actually folded and hung on the wire rope.

It's just that after he jumped down just now, he shook the red cloth vigorously, so that the part that was not hung by the red cloth stood upright, so that the audience could not see the secret of the red cloth hanging on the wire rope.

The red cloth is ten meters long on one side and five meters long when folded.

Thirty feet, almost ten meters, Wu Long stopped his fall after falling five meters, because the red cloth caught the wire rope.

Just to stop, Wu Long immediately let go of one hand and continued to fall.

No one is aware of this little secret.

Jumping from a height of five meters is not difficult for Wu Long.In addition, although the remaining red cloth is not being pulled, it can also give Wu Long a little resistance as a buffer when hanging and sliding, so that Wu Long does not need to roll to unload the force when he lands.

Before Wu Long's feet landed on the ground, the hand that was still holding the red cloth shook, and the end of the red cloth that was still hanging on the thin wire rope of Wia was shaken up into the sky by him with a hidden weapon.

The audience's attention was focused on the falling Wu Long, and no one noticed the red cloth above, so no one noticed the small flaw in the red cloth hanging on the wire rope.

Now Wu Long shook up the red cloth, eliminating this small loophole even more.


At this time, Wu Long seemed to come from the sky from the Buddha, and the red cloth was like his cape.Unfolding behind him, as if the end of the red cloak was blown to the sky by the wind, it was quite spectacular.

Wu Long raised the arm holding the red cloth and shook it again. One end of the red cloth was shaken, and Wu Long grabbed it with the other hand.

When the hands are interlaced, the red cloth in one hand has been handed over to the other, which is equivalent to folding the red cloth.

The hand that handed over the red cloth pulled away, and the folded red cloth was arched in the middle.The end corner formed by folding fell down first, and was caught by Wu Long's empty hand.

Shake your hands again.

Behind the folded red cloth swept like a wave.The audience saw that there seemed to be a huge red wave surging behind Wu Long.

A huge red wave falls.The middle is arched, and the corners on both sides fall first, which happens to be the top of Wu Long's head, and Wu Long grabs it with both hands.

That's how the red cloth didn't hit the ground, and was folded in the air by Wu Long.

This method was repeatedly used by Wu Long, and the folds became smaller.

In the end, Wu Long tied the red cloth obliquely on his body like a cloak.

Then use the strength of the surging muscles to make the cassock on the body automatic without wind.The red cloth was also like a cloak, bounced off by layers of powerful blows.It was as if the wind was blowing the cloak, flying behind Wu Long. <Rings, electronic sound.

Wu Long's voice like shouting wheat matches the rhythm of electronic music.

"Dawei Tianlong!

Da Luofa mantra!

World Honored Earth Store!

Prajna Buddhas!

Jinshan Fa Temple!

Forbidden place for evildoers!

Prajna Pa Ma Hum!



Wu Long scanned the audience with Fa Hai's eyes like a demon, and some people with guilty conscience were scared back a step.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of "fuck".

At the end of the performance, Wu Long waved to everyone and left.

After Wu Long left, the audience was still discussing how Wu Long did it.How did it fly into the air, how could it fall from a height of three feet without even rolling to relieve force.


"It must have hung Wia!"

"Fucking Diao Weiya, how does Diao Weiya turn into a red cloth?"

"Blindly guessing that there is a thin wire rope like Wia under Wu Long's feet. Wu Long actually stepped on the wire rope, just like walking on a tightrope."

"Impossible! Wu Long jumped up from the ground with strides. The steel wire rope is slanted. How can he stand facing us? And the red cloth will definitely touch the steel wire rope when it turns."

"Brother Long went up to the sky on his side, and faced us head-on. If there were steel wire ropes, there should be two. One is diagonally upward, and the other is horizontal."

"The red cloth will still touch the wire rope when it turns!"

There are various speculations on the Internet about how Wu Long got to the high place, and how he jumped from a height of three feet, as if nothing happened.

The audience at the premiere, those who bought the premiere, began to enter to watch "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long".

At the beginning of the movie, Fahai travels down the mountain, looking for the evil monster, and finds the running spider spirit.

When the audience in the movie theater saw the scene of the sea of ​​green leaves on the top of the tree, they lamented the beauty of the picture.

Doubts welled up in everyone's mind.

"Is this a special effect?"

"Such special effects are considered a big production, right?"

"Reports say that there are not so many special effects fees. If this is a special effect, I am afraid that it cannot be done without an investment of hundreds of millions."

"This is definitely not a special effect, the green leaves are too delicate!"

In fact, this kind of real scene is the most difficult to do with special effects.If the money is not enough, the more realistic the scene is, the easier it is to see that it is special effects production.

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