I'm not just an action star

Chapter 246 The Premiere of Dawei Tianlong

"Haha, I snatched the premiere of "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long"!"

"Brother, I will sell it to me at three times the price!"

"Stingy, I pay four times!"

"I pay five times!"

"You guys are really fake! The premiere of "Fahai Zhiwei Tianlong" locks the identity, it cannot be transferred but can only be refunded."

"It's really rare to see that there are still regulations against scalpers. It is said that scalpers resold movie tickets, which happened decades ago."

As the new year draws closer, more and more people are discussing "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long" online.

From the promotional video, it is thrilling, exciting, and very good-looking.

Fahai is handsome, and the snake is exquisite.

Watching Wu Long's movies, the most important thing is to watch the premiere live.This is the difference between Wu Long's films and other films.

Other people's movie premieres, chatting, nothing interesting except for fans chasing stars.

Wu Long's movie premiere, even if you are not a fan, you still want to watch it.

Everyone is looking forward to Wu Long's performance at the premiere, which is much higher than the expectations for the film.

Finally, December 12st came.

The last day of the year, tomorrow morning is the new year.

As night falls, people don't come home from get off work and start heading to premieres.Go to eat near the movie theater first, and take a good seat directly after eating.

At seven o'clock in the evening, someone was already filming by the side of the premiere venue.

"Hi everyone! Hello everyone, I have come outside the premiere of Brother Long ahead of time!"

"You may not imagine that there are still a few hours before the premiere, and many people have already come here in advance!"

These direct anchors scanned the camera around, and there were indeed many people.

Judging from the live broadcasts filmed by various anchors, more and more people came from all directions.

"Good guy, Brother Long's premiere is like a concert!"

"In China, Brother Long is the only one with such influence, right?"

Obviously, the management of the square did not expect so many people to arrive early, so they quickly sent more people to manage it.

"Look, everyone, the scene is divided into several areas. Those with premiere tickets are the closest, and the viewing effect is the best. Tickets for other shows are arranged in the back row."

"However, there is one thing that is very strange. Tonight's premiere did not see the stage, but there is a lot of space."

"Also, have you seen that the performance area looks like a road. It's really strange and a bit confusing."

"There are still a lot of waste tires at both ends, I don't know what to do with them."

At the scene, many people arrived an hour before the premiere.As a result, it was blocked outside and it was difficult to squeeze in.

Can only complain online.

"It's an exaggeration. I thought it was too early to come an hour early. But, what the hell, you guys are so early, aren't you tired?"

"Brother Long's appeal is too terrifying, even to see his performance is so exciting!"

It's premiere time!

Wu Long appeared in the cassock in the play and waved to everyone:

"Good evening everyone! I'm Wu Long, we meet again!"

"Looking at my appearance, everyone will know that this is the Fa Hai I played in the film."

"We invite the main actors of our crew!"

"White Snake Spirit, Bai Suzhen!"

Li Siyi came out wearing Bai Suzhen's costume and waved to everyone:

"Good evening everyone, I'm Li Siyi who plays Bai Suzhen!"

"Welcome everyone to join us!"

"I invite my sister in the film, the Green Snake, to appear."

Jiang Shuang'er came out wearing a green snake costume and greeted the audience.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Shuang'er, and I play the green snake in the play."

"Thank you for supporting our "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long"!"

Tian Feng who played the centipede spirit, Luo Chang who played the villain, director Guo Hao, martial arts instructor Sun Jian and others came out to meet everyone.

As usual, it was to introduce interesting stories about the shooting, and everyone praised Wu Long without thinking.

Although everyone said they were listening, they were obviously waiting to see Wu Long's performance and had no interest in it.

Finally, everyone else retreated, leaving Wu Long standing alone.


Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

There was a roar of motorcycle engines, and everyone turned their heads to look at the end of the open space shaped like a road.

I saw a motorcycle come in and stop at one end of the open space.

Wu Long looked over and made a pose with Guanshiyin.

"Bold monster, I can see at a glance that you are not human!"

The rider stepped up the accelerator, and the motorcycle rushed towards Wu Long like an arrow off the string.

"How dare such a petty trick make such a fool!"

"Dawei Tianlong!"

"The Great Law of Law!"

The motorcycle accelerated and crashed into Wu Long.

The people at the scene and those watching the live broadcast were all stunned!

This is not a movie!

This is reality!

This is going to be a car accident!

Is Wu Long going to show the invulnerability of King Kong?

"Prajna Pa Ma Hum!"

Wu Long jumped up vigorously.


The motorcycle passed under Wu Long like lightning.

Wu Long flipped over the motorcycle.


The motorcycle roared and passed by, slowing down at the end.A flicking U-turn, the rear tire rubbed and smoked.

The rider glanced at Wu Long and started to leave on the motorcycle.


There was thunderous applause from the audience.


"Dude, I almost thought I was going to hit it!"

"Almost the scene of a car accident!"

"Brother Long's performance made my palms sweat!"

"This somersault is perfect!"

"If it's a car, I wonder if Brother Long can do such a flip?"

"The car is not the problem, the problem is the speed. The distance here is short, and the speed is not fast enough. If the speed is fast enough, Brother Long will be hit before he can jump up."

"Damn it! You talk about the car, look, the car is coming!"

He saw a car coming in, turned around, adjusted the front of the car, and pointed the front of the car at Wu Long.

"Haha, Brother Long's expression has changed!"


The car ramped up the accelerator.

Boom boom boom boom!

The car rushed out like a shell and accelerated towards Wu Long.

Wu Long quickly tapped his feet to the ground, and he stepped back.

"Haha, the car is here, Brother Long has to leave too!"

"A car is not a motorcycle after all."

"If you get hit, Brother Long will definitely be injured!"

"This scene seems a little familiar!"

"In a similar scene in Shaolin Bodyguard, Brother Long drags the heroine to escape in the alley, and the car is chasing after them!"

"This is not an alley, it's an open space. Where did Brother Long get the wall to use?"

"Still doing somersaults to avoid it, just the action just now."


Seeing that the car was about to crash into Wu Long, Wu Long jumped vigorously while backing up, jumped high and flipped in the air again.

The car slammed on the brakes and slammed the steering wheel.


The car made a 180-degree turn at the end, and the wheels rubbed and smoked.

After Wu Long somersaulted, he landed firmly on the roof of the car.

The car suddenly accelerated forward.

Standing on the roof of the car, Wu Long jumped up high.

The car continued to drive forward.

Wu Long didn't land on the ground like just now, but stood upright in the air more than three meters above.Everyone saw that there seemed to be nothing under Wu Long's feet, as if floating in the air.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

With a roar, Wu Long jumped forward with big strides and continued to move forward.

There seems to be nothing under his feet, which makes people feel that he really has magical powers, and can jump forward in the air.

It was as if there were invisible steps in the sky.With every step Wu Long took, he rose one and a half meters.


With such a performance, the audience was not calm at all!

How is this going?

Does Wu Long have magical powers?

If not, how could he be able to stride in the air, like flying into the sky!



"Good guy!"

"Brother Long, what kind of supernatural power is this!"

"Brother Long really knows the way!"

"Is it Diaowia?"

"No Wia!"

"There is no crane, and there is no Lavia, how could it be Diavia!"

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