"Sweet Honey" is not about fighting and killing, nor is it about grievances and hatred.It's everyday life, it's the relationship between a man and a woman.

Such a scene is easy to shoot.

There is no need to design actions, no special effects, no grand background, no need for too many actors.

All that's needed is acting.

In terms of acting skills, there is Wu Long's non-phase skills, coupled with the influence of non-phase skills, apart from Wu Long himself, it's like everyone else is on the hook when making literary films.

If it is a martial arts action, you also need the foundation of kung fu.

For acting skills, entering the play and entering the script world is equivalent to revealing the true feelings.

Director Liu Jinqiu said, this film, as a director, I feel lonely.There is no need to say anything at all, just say "action" at the beginning of shooting and "click" at the end, and that's it.

Director, what are you going to do?

Everything is a pass, everything is perfect.According to this shooting progress, the original shooting time can be shortened by at least two-thirds.

"Shocked, Kung Fu King brought the media to court with a lawsuit! "

No lawyer's letter, just a court summons!

Fang Hang looked at the court summons in his hand with a confused face.

Wu Long, is this for real?

Isn't he afraid of offending the media?

"Fang Hang, that's amazing!" A colleague gave him a thumbs up when he saw the court summons in his hand.

"You have to be careful. Wulong Kung Fu is real. You drove him crazy, so be careful when you go out."

"Don't let him come near you!"

"At least five feet away!"

"Pay attention to see if he has chopsticks in his hand!"

"Ha ha!"

Fang Hang couldn't help but panic.

He didn't expect this when he collected the money.

At the beginning, someone found him and told him to give him some black information about Wu Long, and asked him if he dared to expose it.He ignored it, and the other party said that as long as he dared to expose it, he would be given 10 yuan.

He ignored it.

Until the other party raised it to 50, he was moved.After the other party made it clear that he didn't want to find someone else, he took over the matter.

According to the other party, Wu Long has multiple personalities, and his split personality is about to become schizophrenic.Two experts were also made available for his interview.

He contacted Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen, and the two experts were willing to accept the interview only after receiving a reward of 20 yuan.The [-] Fang Hang did not want to pay, but the other party helped to pay.

According to the general rules, Wu Long should contact him in advance, and the two parties will mediate in private.He took down the video and apologized privately.

The company earned traffic, he earned bonuses, and the 50 yuan, nothing happened.

Unexpectedly, Wu Long directly went to court to sue without contacting him privately.

This is simply something that never happened.

By doing this, Wu Long offended not only the company behind him, but also the entire online media industry!

How dare Wu Long do this?

Isn't he afraid of being banned?


Fang Hang twisted his foot while walking, fell directly to the ground, and knocked out two front teeth.


The phone flies out.

"Fang Hang, are you okay?"

"It's just a court summons, you don't have to be so afraid. The company will help you, settle in court, what are you afraid of?"

"Your teeth are broken? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Fang Hang struggled to get up from the ground, looking at the teeth and blood on the ground.

How unlucky!

Just because of Wu Long!

He wanted to tear up the subpoena in his hand.

Picking up the phone, the screen is not broken, thankfully.

Discuss with the boss, the boss said he knows, don't worry, he has the support of the company behind him.Let him go to the hospital first.His teeth bit his mouth, and the blood didn't seem to stop.

He covered his mouth to take a taxi, and none of the passing taxis were empty.

I took out my phone and wanted to hail a car online, but the phone flickered a few times and the screen went black.

Phone is broken!

I must have broken the phone when I fell down just now.

Fang Hang was so angry that he wanted to drop his phone.

Remembering that there is a clinic nearby, this kind of simple wound treatment should be able to handle it.Passing by the bank's ATM, I took out my bank card and wanted to withdraw money in order to pay for the treatment later.

"Incorrect password!"

He thought for a while, it seemed that because of the pain in his mouth, he pressed the number next to him with trembling hands?

Lose again.

"Incorrect password!"

still wrong?

Fang Hang thought about it and decided to lose again.

This time he carefully clicked one by one, it should be right.

"Incorrect password!"

Fang Hang felt anxious.


The card was swallowed!

It's really a leak in the house and it rains all night, it's unlucky to the extreme!

There are only ATMs here, no banks.My phone is broken and I can't call the customer service number of the bank.

He still has other bank cards, so he should go to the clinic for treatment first, and the clinic should be able to swipe his card.

When you come to the clinic to ask, you can swipe your card.

After the clinic doctor finished answering, he frowned and asked him:

"Did you step on shit, it smells so bad?"

Only then did Fang Hang realize that it really smelled like shit.

He hurriedly lifted his foot and saw dog feces that had been crushed on the sole of his shoe.


He has nowhere to vent his anger!

"Go buy a bottle of mineral water and wash the soles before you come back." The doctor could not help but rush Fang Hang out.

Fang Hang didn't want to lose face here, so he hurried to the nearby retail store to buy mineral water to wash the soles of his shoes.

The nurse brought a mop to mop the floor.

"It's not good to drive him out like this? Our clinic has water. If we give him water to wash him, doesn't it show that our clinic provides good service?"

The doctor reprimands the nurse.

"Be smarter in the future. You still keep this kind of person in the clinic, and you want to bring me into trouble?"

"You can see that his mouth is injured and his teeth are broken. He must have broken his teeth and smashed his mouth. If he stepped on dog shit, it means that this person is in bad luck!"

"Drag it clean, and get rid of the mold! Then disinfect it with disinfectant to get rid of the bad luck!"

Fang Hang is glad that he still has some change, so he can buy washed soles.After washing the soles of his shoes and wiping them with paper towels, Fang Hang entered the clinic again.

After treating his wound, the doctor asked him if he wanted to install his front teeth.

"how much is it?"

"The cheapest one costs more than 500..."

"Don't do it now, I will do it after I recover from my injury."

Fang Hang took out another credit card and swiped it.

"wrong password!"

The doctor looked at Fang Hang suspiciously.

Fang Hang thought about it carefully, and lost again.

"wrong password!"

Fang Hang's fingers were trembling.The doctor stared at Fang Hang vigilantly, seriously doubting whether this card belonged to Fang Hang.

"I'll call for someone to come," he said to the doctor.

"You can pay with your phone."

"my phone is broken."

"Then how do you call someone?"

"Borrow your phone?"

Who dares to lend you a cell phone for someone like you?

Fortunately, the clinic has a landline, so Fang Hang can only make calls to the company.My colleague's cell phone number is in the cell phone, and I never thought of remembering the cell phone number.

"Fang Hang?" A colleague received a call from Fang Hang.


Hang up the phone, explain the situation to colleagues and superiors, and ask for leave.

"What happened to Fang Hang?"

"He said that his mobile phone was broken, one bank card was swallowed, and another card machine entered the wrong password twice. He didn't dare to enter again, so he asked me to go over and help him pay the bill."

"No way? So unlucky?"

"It must have provoked Wu Long, and was cursed by Wu Long!"

"Damn it, that's right! That dragon and tiger martial artist on Hong Kong Island just wanted to mess with Wu Long, and ended up breaking his own leg!"

"What a curse, it's superstition! However, it is very possible that Wu Long will be unlucky."

Colleagues were shocked.

"Then if I go to help him, will it hurt me?"

"No, no, you didn't provoke Wu Long. Wu Long knows who you are? Go quickly."

The colleague picked up the bag and rushed to help Fang Hang pay the bill.

After he left, the whole company was talking about it.

"You said, if he goes to help pay the bill, will he also be unlucky?"

"I don't know, anyway, let him go quickly, and we will be safe."

"I think the situation is not good. The video was sent by our company."


A sense of uneasiness quickly spread throughout the company.The rumors about Wu Long knowing spells have been uncovered again.Everyone was not in the mood to work, and they were secretly searching for Wu Long's remarks on Daoism.

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