I'm not just an action star

Chapter 244 Admit it

Colleagues came to the clinic to help pay the bill.When he and Fang Hang left, he heard the doctor behind him say to them:

"You, go burn incense and pray to Buddha. You entered the wrong password on your bank card and got swallowed, stepped on dog shit, your phone is broken, and you still entered the wrong password when you come to my place. You must be in bad luck, bad luck!"

Fang Hang was startled, his hind feet hit the ground, and he fell forward.

The colleague stretched out his hand to grab him, but stopped half way out, and let Fang Hang fall to the ground.


When Fang Hang's face touched the ground, he lowered his head subconsciously and hit the ground with his forehead.

The mouth can no longer be broken!

When he got up, his forehead was pierced and bleeding.

The colleague looked at Fang Hang with panic.

Fang Hang walked towards the clinic, wanting to go to the clinic for treatment.


The clinic doctor yelled.

"We are closed, you go to the pharmacy to buy medicine and deal with it!"

"Close the door for me!" The clinic doctor yelled at the nurse.

Not at all clever.

Fang Hang felt really pitiful, his eyes were sore.He looked at his colleague, who averted his eyes.

In the end, the two went to the pharmacy.

The pharmacy clerk cleaned his wound with hydrogen peroxide, and then wiped and bandaged him with medicine.The colleague continued to help pay the money, and ten thousand heads *mud* flew in my heart.

The two returned to the company in silence.

Seeing Fang Hang enter the boss's office, the others immediately surrounded the colleague.

"How about it?"

"What happened? I don't think he's in the right shape."

"That's right. I just broke my tooth here, didn't I hurt my head?"

The colleague wiped his forehead and face with a tissue, and told what he heard from the doctor in the clinic while wiping. He also said that Fang Hang fell again in the end.

"Tao, will it implicate the company?"

"Isn't that implicating us?"

"I didn't agree with Hei Wulong at the beginning. I really thought that rumors could be spread to everyone in Hong Kong Island? Are all Hong Kong Islanders stupid?"

"I checked just now, Hong Kong people now worship Wu Long in addition to Guan Gong!"

"What kind of court are you going to? Hurry up and find Wu Long and bow your head to admit your mistake. Wu Long will agree to everything."

"Yeah, now it's just a broken tooth, who knows what will happen in two days."

"I'll tell you, I've watched the Hong Kong Island version of "One Foot High". Those people died really weirdly. Before they died, just like Fang Hang, they were unlucky at first, and then unlucky at the end. They thought they were lucky and escaped. After one calamity, you will be happy and die."

"I've seen it too, and it's really like this. I asked someone about it, and the filming of "One Zhang High" was not smooth. It was fine with Wu Long on the scene, but there were always problems when Wu Long was not there. Long please go to the town hall, so the filming can be finished smoothly."

"Do you know? The President of the Feng Shui Association of Hong Kong Island personally came to ask Wu Long to shoot "The Way Is High"."

"Who doesn't know this?"

"Then do you know that there is a problem with the Feng Shui Association of Hong Kong Island. Wu Long was invited to film "The Way Is High" for superficial reasons. In fact, Wu Long was asked to help suppress the evil spirits in Hong Kong Island and restore the luck of colleagues in the Feng Shui Association of Hong Kong Island."

"No wonder. Xing Zhongfei has always said that he is optimistic about Wu Long's luck. It seems that Xing Zhongfei knows something about it."

"I asked someone to inquire about it just now. Xing Zhongfei fought this lawsuit for Wu Long, and Xing Zhongfei hired the lawyers!"

Fang Hang entered the boss's office.

"Fang Hang, what's wrong with your head? It doesn't seem like you hurt your head before?"

Facing his boss's questioning, Fang Hang suddenly cried.

"Boss, I can't hold on any longer. I want to admit my mistake to Wu Long and ask him to forgive me."

"Why? The initiative is on our side. What are you afraid of? The company supports you! Don't worry, those who are knowledgeable in litigation will eventually settle in private, and you don't need to pay compensation."

"Boss, I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of, Wu Long threatened you? If he dares to threaten, that would be great, big news! You should record it, this is the basic operation. Quickly take out the recording, let me listen, is there any explosive point? "


Fang Hang told his story again.

The boss suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Is what you said true?"

Fang Hang nodded.

"Wait, I'll take you to see the boss."

The two came to the boss's office.

"Fang Hang? You are worried about the lawsuit. Don't worry. It's not your first day in this business. What are you afraid of? It's Wu Long who should be worried. He's stabbed a hornet's nest!"

"No, boss, the situation is very strange."

After listening to Fang Hang's narration, the boss took out a tissue to wipe off his sweat.

"Is what you said true?"

Fang Hang nodded.Looking at my injuries, you know that I don't need to lie.

"Who contacted you back then, do you know?"

Fang Hang shook his head. "Only the phone number."

"I contacted Xing Zhongfei. Only by finding the mastermind behind the scenes can we resolve it."

Wu Long knows the way?

Certainly not.What I'm talking about now is scientific principles, and there are no such things in the world.

It's just that what happened to Fang Hang was too weird to explain for a while.However, such a thing, there is no need to be hard-pressed.

Some things don't need to be tried.Adults talk about interests, not grudges.

Xing Zhongfei told Wu Long about Fang Hang's begging for mercy.

The purpose of the lawsuit is to make Fang Hang and its website publicly apologize and compensate for the damages.If they want to do it, it doesn't matter if they don't sue.

Fang Hang hurriedly took a video to publicly apologize to Wu Long, and released the phone number and recording of contacting him, expressing his willingness to compensate Wu Long for the loss of reputation.

The Huakai apology video came out and immediately caused a sensation on the Internet.

Some people think that it was Wu Long's energy that forced the opponent to bow his head, while others said that it was Xing Zhongfei's energy that did it.

No matter what it is, this incident gave everyone a deeper understanding of Wu Long.

Afterwards, Wu Long said that all those who participated in reprinting, spreading rumors, and malicious slander, whether it is the media, websites, or individuals, will publicly apologize within three days and compensate for the losses, otherwise they will directly sue.

Rumors began to appear on the Internet about what happened to Fang Hang after he received the court summons.The truth about Fang Hang accepting money to interview Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen and intentionally blackmailing Wulong also spread on the Internet.

All of a sudden, various speculations and exaggerations spread rapidly.

On Hong Kong Island, rumors about Wu Long punishing Fang Hang with Taoism spread even more, and various rumors about Wu Long were fabricated.

The number of guests coming to Jinyulou for dinner suddenly increased.Since Wu Long is filming a food scene because of Jinyulou, maybe eating in Jinyulou can be part of Wulong's luck.

In the audio recording exposed in Fang Hang's apology video, the messenger mentioned Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen.This also makes everyone guess that the other party will not appoint these two people for no reason.

Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen quickly contacted Hu Yubo, they only said those things to Hu Yubo, why did the other party appoint to interview them?If only one person was appointed, it might be a coincidence, but now there are two people, it is definitely not a coincidence.

If Hu Yubo doesn't solve it, they will pick themselves out.

Xue Bo was called to Hu Yubo's office again.

"The black Wulong person exposed his collection of money, have you read it?"

Xue Bo felt uneasy.


To be honest, seeing what happened to Fang Hang, he was suddenly scared.If what happened to Fang Hang is true, then when I told the truth at the premiere ceremony, did Wu Long cast a curse?

"Some people are already suspecting that you are instigating people to engage in Wu Long in order to avenge Wu Long. Be careful, don't post comments on the Internet, and don't accept interviews."

"it is good."

Why are you so honest again?Hu Yubo looked at Xue Bo, and found that Xue Bo's gaze was dodging.

"It's not really your order, is it?"

"No, no."

Xue Bo didn't want to admit that maybe what happened to Fang Hang was just a coincidence.He did something bad to scare himself.

"It's not your best. If it's you, stop taking chances."

"It's not really me."

The assistant knocked on the door with an urgent voice.

Immediately after entering, he said:

"Mr. Hu, it's not good. The person who instigated Fang Hang stood up and apologized to Wu Long, and confessed that he was instructed by Xue Bo!"

Hu Yubo stood up with a "chuckle", then stared at Xue Bo.His assistant also stared at Xue Bo.

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