I'm not just an action star

Chapter 242 Make them all jump out

The video was produced before the Golden Phoenix Award.The release of the Golden Phoenix Awards just after the end obviously has ulterior motives.

The navy followed suit.Saying that the Golden Phoenix Award is not awarded to Wu Long for the best actor award is to see that Wu Long is not good at acting at all, but that Wu Long is mentally ill.

He also said that Wu Long was crazy when he was filming "Shaolin Bodyguard", forcing the crew to put his name on the title of director, photographer and so on.

The Golden Phoenix Award quickly refuted the rumors.

The crew of "Shaolin Bodyguard" also quickly refuted the rumors.Liu Jinqiu stated again that he had already said on the red carpet that it was the request of the abbot of Shaolin Temple, not Wu Long.

During the filming process, he was impressed by Wu Long's strength and recognized Wu Long's talent and status.

Feng refuted the rumors in his heart, saying that his speech was maliciously edited and distorted.He never said that Wu Long suffered from mental illness, nor did he say that Wu Long had dual or multiple personalities.

Feng Renzhen refuted the rumors, saying that his speech was maliciously edited and distorted.He never said that Wu Long had a mental breakdown, nor did he say that Wu Long was on the verge of schizophrenia.

"Do you want to sue them?" Xing Zhongfei asked Wu Long after understanding.

Wu Long looked at his rapidly rising reputation and thought about how to maximize his own interests.Things have already happened, and it is only important to talk about interests.

For him, the biggest benefit is reputation.

"Collect evidence first, let these people jump out, let them jump higher, the higher the better. All published, reproduced, rumored, and malicious slander, whether it is the media or individuals, will not be let go. "

"The Internet is not a place outside the law."

"You can list the cost to me when the time comes." Wu Long entrusted this matter to Xing Zhongfei for help, to see if Xing Zhongfei really believed in the theory he made up.

If you believe it, then you will help protect Wu Long, the god of luck.If it's just opportunistic...

"Don't worry, the legal advisor I hired is not a vegetarian." Xing Zhongfei was scheming. "According to my opinion, it is very likely that Xue Bo did it."

On the surface, Xue Bo was alone in the conflict with Wu Long.Anyone who engages in Wu Long, even if it is not Xue Bo, everyone will immediately think of Xue Bo.

As for Luo Tiandiao on Hong Kong Island, he is eating in prison.He is just a two-flowered male stick, and he can play a little bit of prestige on the road.On the stage, he is not good enough.

The Shengwang Company he works for will not trouble Wu Long for him personally.The manager of Shengwang Company was afraid that Wu Long would make trouble for him, so how could he have the guts to make trouble for Wu Long.

Wu Long is not an ordinary person. Chopsticks, playing cards, small things that can be seen everywhere, and small objects that are readily available may become murderous weapons in his hands.

There is no need to get close to him at all, just a flick of your hand can kill him.

Mess with Wu Long?

Whoever provokes Wu Long is mentally ill.

Even if Shengwang Company wants to trouble Wu Long, their energy will have some effect on Hong Kong Island, and their hands cannot reach the mainland.

Star Bay Film and Television, Hu Yubo's face was livid in the office.

"Call me Xue Bo!"

It was such a coincidence.

Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen only said those words here, how could the reporter find them to interview?

During the process of Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen's arrival, there is a special car to pick them up, and a special elevator to come up. Except for him, his driver, his assistant, Xue Bo, and Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen himself, no one knows that they have been here See a doctor for Xue Bo.

And Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen only said those words to him, not to Xue Bo.He was the one who told Xue Bo what the two said to make Xue Bo feel at ease.

Now, the gossip media ignored other psychologists and other psychiatrists, but they found Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen.No matter how he concealed it, Hu Yubo could tell that Xue Bo secretly instigated it.

What's more, Xue Bo was stimulated by the Golden Wing Award last time.With the nomination this time, for the sake of An Xuebo's heart, he told Xue Bo based on his experience that it was impossible for Wu Long to win the Best Actor Award, nor could he win the Best Director Award.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" is a commercial film, and it was filmed on Hong Kong Island.Wu Long is too young to have the qualifications.

Best Supporting Actor is even more unlikely to win. Although "Drunk Catch" is a dark horse, the supporting role played by Wu Long is forced.And there are not many opportunities for Wu Long to perform in it. The actors of other films have spent so long in the film industry, and it is impossible to give Wu Long a new debut Internet celebrity.

Xing Zhongfei's energy could not allow Wu Long to win the award.

Xue Bo must have believed his words, deliberately asked someone to make this video, and released it after the Golden Phoenix Awards to mess with Wu Long.

The assistant brought Xue Bo to him, knocked on the door to let Xue Bo come in, and she kept guard outside.

"Do you know why I called you here?" Hu Yubo stared at Xue Bo, wondering why Xue Bo became like this.

Suddenly, he was shocked.

Mental patients are very vengeful!

This is what Feng Renzhen said.

Could it be that Xue Bo has not been cured and has risen to mental illness?

"Boss Hu, I'm not sure."

"Okay, the wings are hard, play this trick with me. You have the guts!"

"Mr. Hu, I really don't know!"

Are the wings hard?

I have so many fans, so much traffic, can the wings not be hard?

Xue Bo had the idea of ​​opening a studio, and some people urged him to do so.It's just that his contract has not yet expired and he cannot leave Xingwan Film and Television.

"Xue Bo." Hu Yubo shook his head. "Your acting skills are too bad, and your lies are so fake."

This is one of the reasons why the bosses don't care too much when they see that these traffic stars are not good at acting.

Their acting skills are not good, and they are easy to be spotted by old foxes like them when they lie.

If the acting skills are good, it is not easy to be seen when lying, which is not good for the bosses.

Xue Bo was a little angry when Hu Yubo said that his acting skills were not good.

He is indeed bad at acting, but he doesn't like to be told.

Now he can't be too strong, he just needs to make his own voice properly, and he doesn't want to be too manipulated by others.

"You have to tell me everything, so that I can find out what's missing and make up for it. Otherwise, no one will be able to help you then."

Anyway, it's a cash cow, Hu Yubo doesn't want this tree to be ruined.

Xue Bo sneered in his heart, trick me?

I am no longer the me who just debuted.

"Mr. Hu, I really don't know what you want to say."

"Do you know about Wu Long's schizophrenia on the Internet?"

"just got it."

"Dr. Feng and Professor Feng said what Wu Long said. I only told you. I didn't say it. It's not me. Who else besides you?"

"It's not me. Maybe it's the media contacted by the two experts who want to be famous?"

Hu Yubo looked at Xue Bo with a little disappointment.Maybe it's really not Xue Bo?He just saw an opportunity after this incident happened, and bought a navy army privately to spread rumors about Wu Long?

Faced with this matter, Wu Long's family called.Wu Long comforted his family, saying that there are many people who are famous and jealous, and he is fine.

Wu Tian and Wu Xia called him to comfort him.

Qiu Yu also called to support him.

Cui Yang, Chu Jian, and actors like Meng Lu, Li Peizhu, and Zhang Zikang also called him.

"Thanks to my friends and fans who care about me, I am fine. Some people say that I am marketing myself maliciously to promote the new film. People who say this are either stupid or bad. I need to use such means to promote the new film? Let me say hello , Just the response of the fans, one mouthful of saliva can drown people like you.

"The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" has been completed and is in the post-production stage.I still want to stay on Hong Kong Island to film the new film "Sweet Honey".Also, "The Great Power of Fa Hai Tianlong" is scheduled to be released on January 1 next year, don't miss it if you pass by. "

Wu Long sent a Weibo message saying that he was fine, and by the way advertised his video.

The new year is about to begin, and "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long" is not far away from the screening.While filming, Wu Long also had to prepare for his premiere.

Xing Zhongfei arranged for people to collect evidence to preserve justice.

Wu Longfei went to Hong Kong Island to film.

The play "Sweet Honey" is not complicated.Wu Long plays Li Xiaojun, Zhang Zhulin plays Li Qiao, and Chen Shibei plays Fang Xiaoting.Seeing that Lin Shangxiong looked a bit like a gangster, he simply let Lin Shangxiong play Brother Leopard.

Lin Shangxiong didn't expect that he could get a role in Wu Long's film, so he agreed.

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