I'm not just an action star

Chapter 241 Someone is in trouble

The next day, Xing Zhongfei came to drink morning tea with Wu Long.

"Wu Long, when will your "Legend of the Condor Heroes" be filmed?"

"You want to shoot?"

Xing Zhongfei nodded.

"Jiang Yunpeng, the boss of Hongyun Entertainment, approached me and wanted to participate in "Legend of the Condor Heroes."

"Hu Yubo, the boss of Xingwan Film and Television, also said that he wants to participate in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes."

"I didn't even answer, saying that everything is up to you."

Wu Long was eating egg tarts.

"Star Bay Film and Television? Isn't Xue Bo's company?"

Xing Zhongfei nodded.

"It's them."

"It's impossible for them. Hongyun Entertainment is Pandona's company, right? I remember sending Weibo to support me?" Wu Long chewed on the egg tart and recalled. "Xue Bo and the others are impossible, and you decide the rest. I'll play Guo Jing, Huang Rong will see if Zhang Zhulin can do it, and then change. Dongxie, I think Zhang Zikang seems good, I wonder if he is willing."

After the filming of "The God of Cookery: Gold and Jade Mantang", "Sweet Honey" will be filmed. After the filming of "Sweet Honey" to celebrate the New Year, the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" should start around the next year or around March.

After talking about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Xing Zhongfei asked Wu Long if he wanted to sell the CD.After Wu Long's first CD album was recorded, it was only given away for free in the form of lottery among fans, and it has not yet started to be sold to the outside world.

According to Qiuya, let fans own it for a period of time before releasing it to the public.

It is estimated that it will go on sale on January 1 next year.This was Qiuya's plan, Xing Zhongfei didn't know about it.He thought Wu Long didn't plan to sell it.

"The selling price of my CD will not be too high, and there is no profit."

Xing Zhongfei expressed his understanding.

"I understand. Now many people download from the Internet and listen to it on their mobile phones. Not many people buy CDs anymore. I don't come here to sell them to make money. What I want to make is popularity, to rub your luck."

"Okay. You arrange someone to connect with Qiuya."

After Wu Long finished speaking, Qiu Ya called.

"Brother Long, it's not good, there are videos and public opinions that are not good for you on the Internet." Qiu Ya's tone was very anxious. "I'll send you the URL, take a look."

At the same time, Xing Zhongfei also received a call from the company.

Wu Long was checking the video given by Qiu Ya, when he heard Xing Zhongfei who hung up the phone ask him:

"Someone is going to fuck you, have you received any news?"

"Well, I'm watching."

Xing Zhongfei's mobile phone heard a notification that a new message had been received, and he clicked to check it.

In Xing Zhongfei's view, Wu Long was his luck, and specially arranged for the company's people to pay attention to the news and news about Wu Long on the Internet and public opinion.

The people arranged by Xing Zhongfei also noticed what Qiu Ya said, and immediately reported it to Xing Zhongfei.

The first person to release the news was a gossip online media, after reposting, it has now become a hot topic on Weibo.

"Wu Long's condition is very serious, on the verge of collapse".

I'm sick?

I don't know, others know first?

Wu Long watched this interview video in detail.

Net media reporters first praised Wu Long, and then took the video of Wu Long changing his face in seconds as an example.

"Wu Long, who has been very popular recently, was nominated for the Golden Phoenix Award as a newcomer. "Drunken" was nominated for Best Supporting Actor and Best Cinematography. "Shaolin Bodyguard" was nominated for Best Actor , Best Director, and Best Cinematography."

"A newcomer can achieve such achievements, which makes many people curious about him. Looking at "Shaolin Bodyguard", the director and cinematography all have his name, which also makes people doubt him."

"Wu Long's personal experience is very legendary. He was unknown until last year. He suddenly emerged as a Kung Fu king, and quickly became an Internet celebrity, singer, and film star. Less than a year after he became famous, he co-directed movies, joint shoot."

"Is he really so talented, is he really a great genius?"

"Someone started asking questions."

"We don't care about those doubts, we acquiesce that Wu Long is such a genius. This world is very big, and geniuses are allowed to appear."

"However, many people praised Wu Long for his great acting skills and for being able to bring people into the play. Watching the video of Wu Long changing his face in seconds, some professionals raised doubts."

"Looking at domestic and foreign film and television actors, no one has been able to achieve the level of Wu Long."

"Substitute into a role, play in an instant, and enter another role in an instant. This has a great impact on a person's mental state and psychology."

"We specifically checked the experienced actors. Some experienced actors failed to act immediately after the play. They regarded reality as the world in the play. They had psychological problems and their mental state was also worrying."

"So, out of goodwill for Wu Long's health, we decided to consult an expert in this field. The expert is Feng Zaixin, a well-known doctor of psychological medicine in the imperial capital."

The image presented on the screen is very good. At first glance, it looks like a good doctor and a doctor with knowledge.

"Hi everyone, my name is Feng Zaixin, and I am a doctor of psychology."

Feng Zaixin greeted the screen.

"Hello, Dr. Feng. You watched Wu Long's performance just now. He can take on different roles in an instant, which makes people sigh, but also makes people worry. Can the experience school really do this? Why do I often hear people say , It’s easy to get into a play, but hard to get out?”

Feng kept smiling in his heart.

"Theoretically yes. As an actor, I don't know if anyone can do it, but I know who can do it."

"Who can do it?"

"People with dual personalities or multiple values. They can change into another person instantly, and many people don't know afterwards that they were just replaced by another personality."

"Huh? Dr. Feng, this sounds a little scary."

"Ordinary people do feel scared when they encounter such a thing. Especially after too many personality changes, even they start to doubt themselves. If it is not treated in time, it will seriously develop into schizophrenia."

"Schizophrenia? Is that psychosis?"

Feng nodded heartily.

"Yes, that's what we usually call a lunatic."

"Ah! Could it be that Wu Long's acting skills are so good that he will eventually become a lunatic?"

"I don't know about it. You can consult an expert in psychiatry."

"Dr. Feng, do you know any experts in this field?"

"Yes, Professor Feng is an expert in psychiatry, and he is also the director of the mental hospital."

When the screen turned, Feng Renzhen appeared in front of the camera.

As usual, let Feng Renzhen watch the video of Wu Long's face changing, and then ask Feng Renzhen to analyze it.

"Wu Long is indeed a genius." Feng Renzhen said. "However, the fact that he can step into a role so quickly, come out of it so quickly and step into another role so quickly, is actually very dangerous."

"The reason why people are human is that they have self-awareness. For example, who am I, what is my memory and history, and what kind of person am I?"

"What about roles? If a role is established, then this role will be another person."

"In this world, there will not be exactly the same people. Even if they are identical twins, there will be differences in personality, memory, or hobbies."

"Even if science develops in the future, human clones will appear. The cloned people will not be exactly the same as the original people. Because their memories and experiences are different."

"When an actor takes on a role, it can be said that he becomes another person. The more similar and successful he is, the deeper the role he plays."

"The faster you get into the role, the faster you get out of the role. At first glance, it looks good, but it is not necessarily a good thing. Especially when you switch frequently and take on different roles, it is easy for your subconscious to have an illusion."

"Many experiential actors who are good at acting don't take on roles frequently. Because changing from one role to another requires a psychological adjustment."

What Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen said did not directly say that Wu Long had a mental problem, nor did he say that Wu Long was mentally ill.But coupled with the guidance of the media's words, this video gives people the feeling that Wu Long has a psychological problem. He is about to collapse and is hovering on the verge of schizophrenia.

This is really big news, it can be called a big melon!

With Wu Long's current popularity and traffic, such news will definitely attract a lot of traffic.Various media, forums, and websites on the Internet, regardless of whether it is true or false, or whether it is good or bad, forwarded it one after another.Everyone wants to grab a wave of traffic, first come first served.

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