I'm not just an action star

Chapter 232 My acting skills, this is the proof!

"The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" is not within the entry period of this year's Orchid Awards, and "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" did not sign up.Xue Bo's shortlisted TV series is not "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian", but another urban love drama he participated in.

In the play, he still puts on the same handsome face like a little fresh meat, with no acting skills at all.

This kind of drama can be shortlisted for nominations, it can be seen that Xingwan Film and Television wants to praise Xue Bo to the sky.

The nominations for Best Supporting Actor continued, and at this time a TV segment of "The Legend of the Railway Heroes" was played.

Sitting Tiger on the screen, with a sharp, ruthless, and fierce look in his eyes when he appeared on the stage, made people frightened.

Looking at Si Shanhu, the captain of the railway hero team on the opposite mountain, his eyes were confused.

Sitting on the bandit's top chair, Zuo Shanhu looked out of the lobby gradually, his expression gradually changing.

"The Sitting Tiger in "Legend of the Railway Heroes", Wu Long!"


"Brother Long's performance is absolutely amazing!"

"A gangster's transformation!"

"This is the meaning of the red light!"

"Best Supporting Actor, Brother Long, who else is I!"

After the nomination list for Best Supporting Actor was displayed, the award presenters began to open the envelopes to announce.

Qian Youli was even more nervous than Wu Long on the side, clenched his hands hard, and his palms were sweaty.He whispered Wu Long's name in his throat.

The male guest read:

"The winner of the Orchid Award for Best Supporting Actor at the Shanghai TV Festival this year is..."

He handed the envelope to the female award presenter, who read:

"Legend of the Railway Heroes, Wu Long!"



Qian Youli clenched his fists and punched his body a few times.


"Scatter the flowers!"


"Slap in the face!"

"Clap clap clap!"

"How dare you say that you have good acting skills and can bring people into the play?"

"Correct answer, dare! Yes!"

"It's funny to say, everyone's touted acting skills exploded, and Wu Long brought people into the play. He really won an award!"

In the barrage, many people made fun of what Xue Bo said at the premiere ceremony of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".

Xue Bo's fans were sour and angry, and began to question the fairness of the awards.

Hearing his name, Wu Long opened his eyes.

When the camera was announcing the winner, it had locked on him.Everyone saw in the camera that Wu Long was sitting quietly in his seat like an old monk with his eyes closed and meditating in Zen.It seemed that everything around him had nothing to do with him.

It gives people a detached momentum that neither delights in things nor sorrows in oneself.

After reading his name, he slowly opened his eyes.As if knowing that the camera was looking at him, he looked at the camera and smiled.

This smile is not the smile of a winner.

Instead, he smiled lightly.

As if to tell everyone, I know.

It's that simple.

It also gives people a detached mentality of "If you have it, I will take it. If you can't, it doesn't matter".

Wu Long stood up, shook hands with Qian Youli and the crew to celebrate, and expressed his gratitude.Then he went to the stage to accept the award, along the way there were people who extended their hands to congratulate him, and he shook hands with them to thank him.

The male host's voice sounded on the stage.

"The jury's comment is that it is carefully crafted and performed delicately. The details are wonderful everywhere, and the logic of the character performance changes is clear. The design of a character who originally went astray and finally ran to the light is vividly expressed. Congratulations to Wu Long!"

The hostess watched Wu Long walk onto the stage happily.

"Congratulations Wu Long, please accept the trophy."

Wu Long expressed his gratitude to the award presenters and took over the trophy and certificate.

The host came to him and congratulated him again.He also thanked the moderator.

"Wu Long, this should be the first time you participated in our Shanghai TV Festival and our Orchid Award. It is rare to win something for the first time. This also shows that Wu Long's acting skills have won It was unanimously affirmed by the judges and everyone.”

"At this moment, I think you must have a lot to say to everyone."

Wu Long showed gratitude on his face.

"First of all, I would like to thank Director Guo Hao for telling me about this opportunity and helping me win it."

"I would also like to thank Director Qian Youli. Director Qian chose roles based on his acting skills, not just his appearance. He gave me the opportunity to prove myself."

Someone laughed, and the barrage also laughed, saying that Wu Long meant something.

"I would also like to thank the Shanghai TV Festival and the Orchid Awards. You let me prove to everyone that I am not only handsome, but also have acting skills."

"Next time if someone says that I have no acting skills, I can slap this trophy on his face. And then slap this certificate on his eyes to prove that he is really uneducated and can't understand the words on this certificate."

Many people in the audience laughed.

There is a barrage of bullets.

"Sure enough, he is practicing martial arts."

"This is really a public slap in the face!"

"When Brother Long said he was uneducated, he immediately knew who it was."

"I'm uneducated so I can't recite lines, I can only count to 1234567."

"Haha, I can't do it, my stomach hurts from laughing."

When Wu Long said this, he deliberately held the trophy as a slap in the face, and then waved the certificate in his hand as a gesture.He didn't know where Xue Bo was sitting, so he purposely looked around the shortlisted seats.

As a result, someone who knew where Xue Bo was sitting looked at Xue Bo, wanting to see if Xue Bo's expression at this moment was very exciting.

In this way, Wu Long followed the gazes of many people, and finally saw Xue Bo who was sitting there in embarrassment.

He looked at Xue Bo with contempt that anyone could understand.


"This expression!"

"Screenshot taken!"

"This emoticon pack is perfect!"

"At this moment, I really want to see Xue Bo's expression, if he wants to find a crack in the ground to sneak in."

"Unfortunately, the cameraman was very considerate of Xue Bo and didn't give Xue Bo a shot."

"After all, we can't offend the capital behind Xue Bo."

Xue Bo was really angry.His embarrassment has been lost, and he just wants to run away.If not for the counseling and treatment by two experts some time ago, he felt that he would definitely not be able to control himself.

Wu Long was so hateful that he slapped him in the face in public.

Everyone is in the same industry, why do actors make it difficult for actors.

Hu Yubo sat in the boss seat, worried that Xue Bo would make a bad move.He regretted letting Xue Bo come, but he had to let Xue Bo come.

Traffic stars need exposure.Without exposure and unable to appear in front of the public from time to time, traffic stars will change from four characters to two characters.

He didn't expect "Railway Heroes" to be nominated.He had inquired about it, but he hadn't originally planned to select "Legend of the Railway Heroes" as a finalist.

Later, for some reason, when the shortlist was finally announced, "Legend of Railway Heroes" was added to it.

He didn't expect that Wu Long would tell this in public during his acceptance speech.How could Wu Long do this!

Is this to offend Xue Bo, Xingwan Film and Television and him to the death?

We have already taken a step back, why did Wu Long push forward?

Shouldn't I respect you one foot, and you respect me one foot?

Wu Long, revenge is too strong!

Reminiscent of what experts said, Wu Long was on the verge of schizophrenia, and it seems reasonable for such a mental patient to have a strong desire for revenge.


The hostess was worried about what Wu Long would say again, and wanted to ask Wu Long to step down.Wu Long had already walked down the side of the stage by himself.

The two hosts breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Wu Long stepping down, Hu Yubo didn't say anything to stimulate Xue Bo, and his heart was relieved.

I hope Xue Bo can control himself well.Otherwise, if it happens on the spot now, the cash cow will be in danger.

It is the follow-up development...

It seems that the two experts will be invited again...

It's too expensive, just ask a doctor of psychology...

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