I'm not just an action star

Chapter 231 Interesting

After the interview, according to the procedure, stand in front of the background board to take pictures of the media reporters, and go to sign on the signature board.

After going through the process, go in and find a seat.The name of the person is posted on the back of the seat, and you can easily find your own seat by looking for the location given in advance.

Everyone sits in rows of seats like watching a movie in a cinema.The nominated crews are all in the first few rows.

Wu Long didn't chat with acquaintances, Zhang Zikang didn't come, he didn't know many people.Looking for a good seat, he sat down obediently.

After sitting there for a long time, Liu Xi came over.

"Brother Long!" Liu Xi is older than Wu Long, yet he calls Wu Long "Brother Long" instead of "Teacher Wu", which is another kind of respect.

He is also a singer himself and also writes songs.If Wu Long is called "Teacher Wu", it is actually treating Wu Long as an equal.

In this case, the title "teacher" is just a respectful title.

Calling Wu Long "Brother Long" means that Liu Xi admits that Wu Long has higher qualifications than him.

The two chatted for a few words, and Liu Xi left.

The awards ceremony started, and during the boring part, Wu Long simply closed his eyes and rested his mind.

The animation unit, documentary unit, overseas unit, etc. have presented awards one by one, and finally ushered in a finalist award for "Legend of the Railway Heroes", and the Outstanding Song Award for TV Series.

This award is newly established in recent years and has been judged twice.

"Guests, friends, and viewers, we are broadcasting the Orchid Award Ceremony of this Shanghai TV Festival to you through Shanghai Satellite TV, Shanghai TV Station, Erxi Erxi video website, and Douyin video website."

"The next step is the awards for excellent songs from TV dramas that everyone is looking forward to."


"..."Water Margin" main song "Hero Song"!"

The music sounded, and the unique prelude of "Song of Heroes" was loud and pleasing to the ears.


Liu Xi's manly voice roared.

"The great river flows eastward!

The stars in the sky refer to the Big Dipper..."

Next came other film and television songs, and finally the theme song of "Legend of the Railway Heroes" appeared.

"..."Legend of the Railway Heroes" main song "Play My Beloved Pipa"!"

The sound of playing the earth pipa sounded, and Wu Long's song full of vicissitudes, sadness, and hope for the future sang:

"The sun in the west is about to set, and it's quiet on Weishan Lake..."

After all the shortlisted TV drama songs were played, the audience burst into applause.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet barraged one after another:

"Good guy, Brother Long is nominated for two songs alone!"

"Unfortunately, if Brother Long hadn't played Ximen Qing, Liu Xi would definitely not have sung "Song of a Hero"!"

"Bet on the award-winning song "Hero Song"!"

"I choose "Playing My Beloved Pipa"!"

""Playing My Beloved Pipa" sounds better, but its popularity is not as strong as "Song of Heroes"!"

"The winner must be one of Wu Long's two songs."

"If it's "Song of Heroes", I can only say that Liu Xi only spent 50 yuan to buy the song, which is a huge profit!"

The award presenters began to open the envelopes to announce the winning songs.

"The TV drama song that won this year's Orchid Award for Outstanding TV Drama Song is..."

"The main song of "Water Margin" is "Song of Heroes"!"



"Congratulations Liu Xi!"

Liu Xi stood up happily and shook hands with the person next to him.He glanced at Wu Long's position and waved to Wu Long from a distance.

The camera was aimed at Wu Long at the right time, and Wu Long was smiling at the moment.


"Sure enough, it's "Song of a Hero"!"

"I feel like Brother Long lost 50 yuan."

"There's nothing wrong with it. The director won't let Ximen Qing sing "Song of Heroes""

Liu Xi stepped onto the stage and bowed to the award presenters.The award presenter gave Liu Xi the trophy and the award certificate.

After the award presenters handed out the awards, they withdrew.

The host came to Liu Xi's side.

"Congratulations Liu Xi."

Liu Xi took the microphone.

"Thank you to the Shanghai TV Festival, and thank you to the judges of the Orchid Awards!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wu Longwu, the songwriter of "Song of Heroes"."

Liu Xi held the trophy and shook it to Wu Long's position.

"Brother Long, thank you!"


"Why do I feel that this thank you is full of strong sarcasm?"

"It's cheap and good-looking!"

"Brother Long heard this thank you, and his heart is bleeding."

"For Liu Xi to have a conscience, he knew that he would be the first to thank Long Ge and wave to Long Ge!"

Liu Xi continued to thank:

"Thank you Lin Jishao, the director of "Water Margin". Thank you, Director Lin!"

After thanking, Liu Xi stepped down.

Excellent TV drama songs are not big prizes, so there is no need to waste too much time.This is not a special music award. It is already very good that there is a song award in TV drama awards.In the past, there was no TV drama song award at all.

This is also to see that the influence of TV drama songs is no longer what it used to be. Now a good song can save a TV drama and bring a TV drama to life.

In the modern era when TV drama songs are becoming more and more influential, it is imperative to set up an award for excellent TV drama songs.

Qian Youli, who was beside Wu Long, was worried that Wu Long was not feeling well, so he comforted Wu Long and said:

"Brother Long, don't worry, we have another nomination, and you have a great chance of winning!"

“How come you see?”

"Because when we were walking on the red carpet just now, the two hosts left us in the interview area. Did you see that the soy sauce crew in front of us didn't have a chance to be interviewed by the host in the interview area."

He deliberately moved his head closer to Wu Long:

"So, I specially asked you to stand in position c."

"Besides, you failed to win the Outstanding TV Drama Song Award, which means that you have a great chance of winning the Best Supporting Actor!"

Qian Youli is saying that the Orchid Awards are balanced, and Wu Long is not allowed to win two awards alone.

Wu Long shook his head.

"Leaving us in the interview area is just because of my high traffic and popularity, and I just use me to increase the traffic of the live broadcast."

Qian Youli shook his head.

"No no no. Originally I thought we couldn't be nominated, but we were able to get nominated. Why? It should be that Shanghai TV wants to make friends with you. You sang in the Spring Festival Gala of Shanghai Satellite TV. They want you to cooperate with each other A little bit deeper, so I think it will get you an award."

"Besides, your acting skills in Sitting Tiger beat everyone. You deserve the award."

The awards ceremony continues, and soon it will be the Best Supporting Actor Award.

Wu Long was not nervous, but leaned on the backrest, closed his eyes as if resting his mind, and only listened with his ears.

He didn't believe Qian Youli's judgment.

The main reason is that he doesn't have a deep relationship, and there is no company behind him to help him operate.I don't know many people, and I don't have a lot of contacts.High-level people, such as those at the supervisory level and those on the jury.

He has none of these connections.

The person he knew who was slightly above the entertainment circle was Xing Zhongfei.

But Xing Zhongfei himself doesn't have a very good reputation.

Crazy Xing is what bigwigs in the film and television industry call Xing Zhongfei.Xing Zhongfei himself had just entered the industry, so even if he had connections, he wouldn't use it on Wu Long.

"Legend of Railway Heroes" was not invested by Xing Zhongfei, how could he be so stupid as to help.

The shortlist is being announced.

"...Xue Bo..."


Xue Bo is also shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor?

Wu Long frowned when he heard this name.

The shortlist has been announced long ago, but Wu Long didn't read it and didn't know.Wu Long only knew that Qian Youli said that he was shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor, but Qian Youli did not mention other shortlists.


"Haha, Xue Bo and Brother Long are going to compete!"

"Is this a follow-up to Xue Bo's turmoil at the premiere ceremony last time?"

"Last time, Xue Bo said that Brother Long's acting skills are not as good as him. If Brother Long wins the award this time, will it count as a slap in the face of Xue Bo?"

"Haha, there is a sense of picture!"

Xue Bo's fans appeared and started a barrage battle with Wu Long's fans and other netizens.

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